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"You're Fired!" -- Joker General Discussion Thread


I write too much.
Oh Panty you're GGA? Sheeit, I was going to go to FF but I'm sadly out of the country this month.

I might make it up there sometime, but I'm OH so still a fair drive.

That said, I want to play against all of you guys. Didn't get enough friendlies with the GGA guys at Naptown.

On a side note, I actually have a really diverse offline scene, most of which I can usually beat, but IDK, something always happens when I get into tournament, I start dropping stuff, which in turn frustrates me and I drop more stuff. Eventually I get mad enough to go on auto-pilot, and it never ends well from there. I need to find a way to get around this.

The PantyChrist

Rest in Pantiez
I'm not part of GGA but I go to their tourneys on Thursdays an try to get casuals when I can. I couldn't make it to Naptown clutch but I wanna make it to FF.
With joker I have some punishes an good combos and mind games that I need to commit to muscle memory but my big problem is learning to safely get in


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I'll do a lobo writeup in the matchup thread sometime soon.
Any time you wanna do some training stuff pantychrist, I'm down to help out. I'm also on XBL, same name.

The PantyChrist

Rest in Pantiez
Most def. bout to watch some Netflix with my parrot before work. But I'll add you. Also I think we may learn a lot more if we are all doing in game training and mirror matches, also @Quark28 I tried to ass you the other day, is your friends list full or something?


Joker waiting room
Most def. bout to watch some Netflix with my parrot before work. But I'll add you. Also I think we may learn a lot more if we are all doing in game training and mirror matches, also @Quark28 I tried to ass you the other day, is your friends list full or something?
I'm not used to being assed.


Hey guys, I hit the lab today to break away from all the piled up work I have waiting for me for awhile. I wanted to know how safe or unsafe were Joker's canisters and teeth on block, but I wasn't going for an estimate but concrete frame data. These are all tested from point blank range. So here are my findings:

LG is -8 on block. It will be punished by < -8 reversals like Sinestro's Might but will not be punished by > -9 reversals like Fear Blast.
RLG is -24 on block. It will be punished by < -24 reversals like Minigun but will not be punished by > -25 reversals like Teppup Retsam.
Chattering Teeth is +29 to +31 on block. Follow-up moves with < 31 start-up like RLG will not be interrupt-able but moves with > 31 start-up like Downward Crowbar will be interrupt-able. Joker does not have any 30F or 31F start-up moves to determine the exact frames.

I also tried to find out Chattering Teeth's real start-up, there is no way it's 87 frames lol ...
Chattering Teeth has 36F start-up. After RLG MB (+21) I do Teeth then Block, the dummy is set to reversal. MMH's Psionic Push (14F) hits me, 21 + 14 = 35F. Doomday's Venom (15F) does not hit me, 21 + 15 = 36F.

I assume that 87 frames could be how long it takes for the Teeth come out + time it takes to pop, in which case, 87f - 36f start-up = 51f, that's how long it takes for the teeth to pop.
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I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Hey guys, I hit the lab today to break away from all the piled up work I have waiting for me for awhile. I wanted to know how safe or unsafe were Joker's canisters and teeth on block, but I wasn't going for an estimate but concrete frame data. These are all tested from point blank range. So here are my findings:

LG is -8 on block. It will be punished by < -7 reversals like Sword Flip but will not be punished by > -9 reversals like Fear Blast.
RLG is -25 on block. It will be punished by < -24 reversals like Minigun but will not be punished by > -26 reversals like Heat Vision.
Chattering Teeth is +29 to +31 on block. Follow-up moves with < 31 start-up like RLG will not be interrupt-able but moves with > 31 start-up like Downward Crowbar will interrupt-able. Joker does not have any 30F or 31F start-up moves to determine the exact frames.

I also tried to find out Chattering Teeth's real start-up, there is no way it's 87 frames lol ...
Chattering Teeth has 36F start-up. After RLG MB (+21) I do Teeth then Block, the dummy is set to reversal. MMH's Psionic Push (14F) hits me, 21 + 14 = 35F. Doomday's Venom (15F) does not hit me, 21 + 15 = 36F.

I assume that 87 frames could be how long it takes for the Teeth come out + time it takes to pop, in which case, 87f - 36f start-up = 51f, that's how long it takes for the teeth to pop.
Yup, I was looking at the teeth startup last night as well like we talked about. I had it pegged at somewhere in the mid 30s, so sounds right.


Special Move Meter Gain

On Whiff

  • Chattering Teeth, BANG!, Laughing Gas, Rolling Laughing Gass, Acid Blossom all award 8% of one meter or 2% of full meter. 13 of these will net 1.04 meter.
  • Crowbar: +0%
On Block
  • Acid Blossom > Laughing Gas > BANG! > Rolling Laughing Gas, Chattering Teeth > Crowbar
  • Takes 6 times for all moves on block (except Crowbar) to net 1 meter. Takes 16 times for Crowbar on block to net 1 meter.
If you are wondering how to determine Meter Gain on block, NRS just uses an algorithm that awards meter based on how much chip damage your move does. The higher the chip damage, the higher the Meter Gain for you.

More Info,
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I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Qwark28, is there a good way to know whether or not the b3 is going to connect in the j3, d2 xx MB RLG, b3, j2, d3 combo? I have been straying away from using that and just going for different enders because it seem inconsistent, and I wasn't sure if you had realized a rule of thumb for knowing when it's going to whiff. I get that it's space dependent and I know the d2 tends to whiff if the opponent was ducking when they caught the j3, just looking for a good way to know that I can do into the ambiguous setup rather than some other more dinky ender.


Joker waiting room
Qwark28, is there a good way to know whether or not the b3 is going to connect in the j3, d2 xx MB RLG, b3, j2, d3 combo? I have been straying away from using that and just going for different enders because it seem inconsistent, and I wasn't sure if you had realized a rule of thumb for knowing when it's going to whiff. I get that it's space dependent and I know the d2 tends to whiff if the opponent was ducking when they caught the j3, just looking for a good way to know that I can do into the ambiguous setup rather than some other more dinky ender.
Depends on distance and height needs the D2 not to be max range and not have a lot of gravity, the ambiguous setup is done by hitting the B3 at max or almost max height and then doing the J2 to hit them right in the face, if it doesn't you won't be able to get their wakeups reversed.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Depends on distance and height needs the D2 not to be max range and not have a lot of gravity, the ambiguous setup is done by hitting the B3 at max or almost max height and then doing the J2 to hit them right in the face, if it doesn't you won't be able to get their wakeups reversed.
How consistently have you gotten it to land correctly in matches? In my hands, I've been finding it pretty scarce that the spacing is right.


Joker waiting room
There's a major this weekend here, gonna go full Joker except if I play vs Nivek's wowo. Will be fully streamt and I'll download archives just incase twitch deletes them again, atm polishing a few matchup specific setups.


Joker waiting room
This tournament is the one that determines whether I need BA at all tbh. Only worried about doomsday because even though I know the MU inside out I still do stupid shit, Zod/Supes/Sinestro/Aquaman or anyone else doesn't really bother me

The PantyChrist

Rest in Pantiez
I have trouble with anyone staying back and zoning, Sinestro and zod come to mind, although patience may pay off in those match ups and not jumping too. Aquaman is less scary to me than some of the rest of the cast, his b2 is 25f, f3 is around 30, and f13 is highly interuptible. Most overheads are twice as much start up as his lows and when full screen don't get too greedy with dashes as he will catch you with FTD. Block low an get him to whiff when you can