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"You're Fired!" -- Joker General Discussion Thread


This mean you don't like me?
Crowbar hit fraudst

Fraudst unable to slide

Aw, unable to win a match without OTGs and unblockables? Poor Qwarky Warky...

In all seriousness, there are Ranked match online warrior Jokers who DO find success with the OTG but not consistently. It works online, but it's finicky when we're in two different continents. Not to mention all around inconsistencies: MBF3 going through your b1 sometimes, and sometimes no. Slide caused your mb f3 to whiff at least once even when teeth were on the ground, no? Even I don't know why that happened. etc. etc. and crowbar randomly whiffing another time...


I write too much.
Quick notes about the Raven MU:

-Be careful with gunshot when she's in demon stance. Yes, it can stop pillar frame traps, but if she does an Event Horizon that trade is HEAVILY in Raven's favor since it allows her to combo off of it without burning meter.

-Her walkspeed is really good and there are some traps she can actually get out of just by walking away from them. Her walkspeed is also really good for baiting whiffs, especially j3s, or keeping j2 from crossing up in some cases.

-Abuse the fuck out of wakeup traps. She has no frame 1 invincible wakeups other than her demon stance teleport from what I've been told.

-D2 beats B23 if done early enough. Also don't get hit by B23 because it sets her up for a free trait.

-Ricky is right, D2 will stop air teleport regardless of which side she chooses to teleport to.

-If she does the MB anti-projectile thing, the correct answer is to wait a second and jump forward. In demon stance (Or within SC range), she can full combo off of that move.

-Her only overhead is her F3 and is quite reactable. You can fairly safely crouch block against her.

-Don't let her take you to Ferris. Good god if that stage shows up make sure to change it ASAP, because playing against Raven on that stage SUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS! Hall of Justice is also pretty bad.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Sweet. Thanks guys. Also, does anyone know anyone else in that pool? I heard Maxter is playing Lobo, which I'm relatively comfortable with, and I recognize RTD and Insaynne, but I'm not sure who they play and dunno about anyone else in there either. Any scouting reports would be most appreciated. If I can get a Joker out of pools I would be so pumped lol.


I write too much.
Sweet. Thanks guys. Also, does anyone know anyone else in that pool? I heard Maxter is playing Lobo, which I'm relatively comfortable with, and I recognize RTD and Insaynne, but I'm not sure who they play and dunno about anyone else in there either. Any scouting reports would be most appreciated. If I can get a Joker out of pools I would be so pumped lol.
Based on what I found by putting their names in google, RTD seems to be a Sinestro player and Insaynne seems to be an Aquaman.


I write too much.
Huh, guess I may have exaggerated, but that doesn't change my point:

Don't throw away a set on a matchup you don't think you can win with Joker.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I'm a fraud lol. Played really good last night but went 1-2 in my pool :-( got beat by mater as lobo and a Catwoman, who I've never fought lol.
I'll try to get some matches on stream at some point for you guys.


I'm a fraud lol. Played really good last night but went 1-2 in my pool :-( got beat by mater as lobo and a Catwoman, who I've never fought lol.
I'll try to get some matches on stream at some point for you guys.
You mean maxter... yeah please try to find some games because I think there was a problem with the stream and I only saw winner/loser final from your pool.


I write too much.
I'm a fraud lol. Played really good last night but went 1-2 in my pool :-( got beat by mater as lobo and a Catwoman, who I've never fought lol.
I'll try to get some matches on stream at some point for you guys.
Heh I know that feeling. It happened to me at my local as well. I have to find something to stop myself from continuously choking in tournament :(

That said, Maxter's Lobo was crazy! Fighting that without knowing the MU had to suck.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I know the matchup decently well, but I was sucking at my execution. Catwoman was the matchup I didn't know. Came down to final match and something kinda stupid happened... no excuses though. Still gotta level up.


Joker waiting room
I'm lucky and have an offline scene full of sf/tekken veterans and they play at least 10 chars, I'm so blessed when it comes to having a good scene in almost any game.

You guys should play more online, I have a pretty good and diverse friend list full of different character matchups.

The PantyChrist

Rest in Pantiez
Any of you guys going to Frosty Faustings? And or maybe willing to do some online training mode and maybe trade some tech or test out some viability on shit? I feel like I wanna get back to the basics if I'm gonna start moving forward with this character


Joker waiting room
I'd be interested in coming to a US tournament but the flight prices always rival those for EVO and it's big enough that I'd rather save for EVO.

The PantyChrist

Rest in Pantiez
For sure. Perhaps some online training or something? Also I'm at work right now but if anyone gets a chance to check out my GGA battles and throw me some pointers I'd appreciate it. FF is less than a month away. And after finals next week I wanna do work with Joker