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Your top 10 favorite films of all time


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
The Shining and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest would probably be in my top ten as well.


Shazzy's Senpai
People dislike Pulp Fiction?

Have you guys not seen the Jack Rabbit Slims scene? That's got to be one of the best scenes in film history.


Come On Die Young

S. Darko does not even deserve a mention!
I don't know whether to include Donnie Darko. It used to be in my top 5, then after the 50th time watching it I stopped caring for it... but maybe that's just me watching it too many times

I also forgot to add Crash to my list. Idgaf what you think about it being too preachy anti-racist or whatever, but it's the only movie that can make me cry every time ;_;


Too old for this Shit
People dislike Pulp Fiction?

Have you guys not seen the Jack Rabbit Slims scene? That's got to be one of the best scenes in film history.
Can good and memorable scenes make a movie though? To me its so much more.. And Pulp Fiction just lacks..


Too old for this Shit
Have also not seen many if any mentions for Braveheart....
Let it slip off my list but its up there


1 2 3 drink
Two actors that people are afraid to say they like that are in some damn good movies and go from a pretty boy face to legit actors:

-Brad Pitt
-Leonardo DiCaprio
I already confessed in this thread that im a huge fan of leonardo. :p
And i dont think he went from pretty boy face to legit actor. Like i said basketball diaries and whats eating gilbert grape are 2 of his early movies and those impressed me the most together with the departed.


Stay Puft
Can good and memorable scenes make a movie though? To me its so much more.. And Pulp Fiction just lacks..
The whole movie is good and memorable to me. All the scenes always have something new and fresh going. Again, it might just not be for everyon. The story is so well and cleverly written and the performances are great, it's almost a perfect film to me.
Top 10 worst movies of all time.

- Dead Poets Society (Literally considered suicide after watching this movie)

- The Handmaid's Tale (I would rather go to the Dentist than watch this movie again)

- The Piano (This movie is so bad Slips probably likes it)

- Clerks 2 (I really liked the first Clerks)

- Constantine (I actually walked out of the theater during the movie and walked in to watch Hitch instead. It was that bad)

- Wild Wild West (Walked out of the theater)

- Eragon (I was dragged to see this in the theater and while I was watching the move it was the first time in my life I wondered what would happen if I put two guns to my head and pulled both triggers at the same time.)

- South Beach Academy ( A "comedy" that does not have 1 laugh in the entire movie. Wafflez stand up routine would be funnier than this movie. Here would be an excerpt from Wafflez stand up that would be better than anything in this movie. "So I was playing MK the other day with 16bit and the game froze. So I told him just reset it."

- Van Helsing (I walked into the theater saying to myself "I hope the director won't overuse vampires hissing." Needless to say after the 40th hiss in the movie I walked out.)

- The Happening (I guarantee that the dumbest poster on all of TYM would be a better actor than Mark Wahlberg in this piece of crap of a movie.)


Too old for this Shit
The whole movie is good and memorable to me. All the scenes always have something new and fresh going. Again, it might just not be for everyon. The story is so well and cleverly written and the performances are great, it's almost a perfect film to me.
The more I get to thinking... I guess I really don't like QT.. I mean True Romance is my favorite movie of all time.. And while he "wrote" it.. He had nothing to do with the film cause he sold the story...


Shazzy's Senpai
The story is so well and cleverly written and the performances are great, it's almost a perfect film to me.
Same. The only part I absolutely dislike is the scene when Butch is in the taxi car with Esmeralda.

Everything magically slows down to a snail's pace.


Off the top of my head:

1- The Lord of the Rings trilogy (Yes, I consider all 3 one giant ass movie).
2- The Godfather
3- Inception
4- Seven
5- Once Upon a Time in the West
6- The Dark Knight trilogy (yes, I'm cheating)
7- The Prestige
8- Gladiator
9- Pulp Fiction
10- The Shawshank Redemption

Honorable mentions: Schindler's List, City of God, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (original Swedish version), Saving Private Ryan, The Lion King (greatest animated movie of all time), The Usual Suspects...


Stay Puft
Same. The only part I absolutely dislike is the scene when Butch is in the taxi car with Esmeralda.

Everything magically slows down to a snail's pace.
Yeah it's a bit awkward and her accent is a bit dumb. Still a pretty stylish scene though, but not the strongest.
Only thing I absolutely dislike is Quentin Tarantino's acting skills lol


Online Punching Bag
My top 10 worst movies I can think of would be

1-The passengers (2 and a half hours of people talking about their feelings about a plane crash, holy fuck boring)
2-Skyline, wow what a piece of crap that was, hey guys check out these special effect...um what's a storyline.
3-Battle for L.A. They were like the alien invasion squad who's technology was barely better than humans.
4-Garbage Pail Kids the movie, I remembered it so fondly as a kid but realized how crappy it was rewatching it a couple of years back.
5-Batman and Robin, it took me 4 separate watching's to get through the whole thing. George Clooney is a great actor but a terrible Batman.
6-Spider-man 3. the first 2 were really good, then add in the probable worst choice of an actor for Venom, add in singing and dancing scenes. Peter Parker becomes an emo cheating wife beater WTF.
7-House Of the Dead, a zombie movie based on a video game where they actually show clips of the game which look more interesting than the movie you are watching.
8-Street Fighter, if you've seen it, you know why.
9-Any movie where Eddie Murphy plays most of the cast.
10-The Happening, M Night Shamalamadingdong has made some bad movies but this is the worst and NO ONE is convincing me that Mark Wahlberg is smart enough to be a science teacher.
My Top 10 "Classic" (pre-1970s) in no order

1. Alfred Hitchcock movies: Rear Window, Rebecca, Vertigo, Rope, etc.
2. Stanley Kubrick movies: The Killing, 2001, Spartacus, Paths of Glory, etc.
3. John Ford movies (particularly with John Wayne): Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Searchers, Stagecoach
4. Orson Welles movies: Citizen Kane, Touch of Evil, etc.
5. David Lean movies: Lawrence of Arabia, Bridge Over River Kwai, etc.
6. Akira Kurosawa movies: Sanjuro, Seven Samurai, etc.
7. Jean Renoir movies: Grand Illusion, Rules of the Game, etc.
8. Sergio Leone movies: For a Few Dollars More; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; etc.
9. Movies with Bogart in them: Maltese Falcon, Key Largo, Casablanca, etc.
10. Film Noir movies: Murder My Sweet, Kiss Me Deadly, Double Indemnity, etc.

Honorable Mention: King Kong, Wizard of Oz, March of the Wooden Soldiers, High Noon, Manchurian Candidate, The Longest Day (everyone is in this movie)


Stay Puft
How is nobody mentioning "2012" in their top 10 worst movies lists. That film is a disgrace to cinema lol. There's "good bad" films like The Room, Birdemic and then there's films that are "bad bad" aka "absolute pure fucking trash" like 2012. There was a big advertising campaign for it here in Finland and my dad bought it on DVD. That would be 1# on my top 10 least favorite films list.


Stay Puft
My Top 10 "Classic" (pre-1970s) in no order

1. Alfred Hitchcock movies: Rear Window, Rebecca, Vertigo, Rope, etc.
2. Stanley Kubrick movies: The Killing, 2001, Spartacus, Paths of Glory, etc.
3. John Ford movies (particularly with John Wayne): Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Searchers, Stagecoach
4. Orson Welles movies: Citizen Kane, Touch of Evil, etc.
5. David Lean movies: Lawrence of Arabia, Bridge Over River Kwai, etc.
6. Akira Kurosawa movies: Sanjuro, Seven Samurai, etc.
7. Jean Renoir movies: Grand Illusion, Rules of the Game, etc.
8. Sergio Leone movies: For a Few Dollars More; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; etc.
9. Movies with Bogart in them: Maltese Falcon, Key Largo, Casablanca, etc.
10. Film Noir movies: Murder My Sweet, Kiss Me Deadly, Double Indemnity, etc.

Honorable Mention: King Kong, Wizard of Oz, March of the Wooden Soldiers, High Noon, Manchurian Candidate, The Longest Day (everyone is in this movie)
Oh yes, great list. What about the original Dracula film from 1931? That's a great one. :)


In no particular order

1. There Will Be Blood
2. Network (1976)
3. Bloodsport
4. Goodfellas
5. Pan's Labyrinth
6. Akira
7. The Shining
8. Inglorious Bastards
9. Heavenly Creatures
10. Big Trouble In Little China



Not new but whatevs...
1.Goodfellas (best movie ever made)
3.Dark Knight
4.Eurotrip (dont ask me)
7.The Sandlot (yo dat nostalgia)
8.Godfather 1
10.Dark Knight Rises


Online Punching Bag
How is nobody mentioning "2012" in their top 10 worst movies lists. That film is a disgrace to cinema lol. There's "good bad" films like The Room, Birdemic and then there's films that are "bad bad" aka "absolute pure fucking trash" like 2012. There was a big advertising campaign for it here in Finland and my dad bought it on DVD. That would be 1# on my top 10 least favorite films list.
I guess because for movies that have no point and where shit blows up there's much worse choices. I'll take John Cusack and numerous cool looking natural disasters over Shia Lebeouf and racist transformers punching each other while Megan fox runs in slow motion for 3 hours.