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Your top 10 favorite films of all time


Stay Puft
I guess because for movies that have no point and where shit blows up there's much worse choices, I'll take John Cusack and numerous cool looking natural disasters over Shia Lebeouf and racist transformers punching each other while Megan fox runs in slow motion for 3 hours.
Cool looking natural disasters? Give it a second watch.
Oh yes, great list. What about the original Dracula film from 1931? That's a great one. :)
Yeah, I've been meaning to go and rewatch a lot of the classic horror flicks like Creature from the Black Lagoon, Phantom of the Opera, and so on, especially since Clash of the Monsters was announced.

One of my favorite classic "horror" movies is Black Cat. Boris Karloff AND Bela Lugosi together on screen. I love the scene with the chess game.


Stay Puft
Yeah, I've been meaning to go and rewatch a lot of the classic horror flicks like Creature from the Black Lagoon, Phantom of the Opera, and so on, especially since Clash of the Monsters was announced.

One of my favorite classic "horror" movies is Black Cat. Boris Karloff AND Bela Lugosi together on screen. I love the scene with the chess game.
I love those old Universal horror films. Definitely give Dracula a re-watch. If you can get a hold of the Spanish version of it (1931) watch that too, arguably even better than the English one.
I love those old Universal horror films. Definitely give Dracula a re-watch. If you can get a hold of the Spanish version of it (1931) watch that too, arguably even better than the English one.

Care to elaborate? Actually, it sounds kind of amusing.... Imagining Dracula appearing and instead of the classic, "Good Evening," we hear, "Buenos Noches."


bad player
1. RoboCop
2. Batman 89
3. Jaws
4. Aliens
5. The Crow
6. Frank Herbert's Dune
7. A Clockwork Orange
8. Transformers 1986
9. Starship Troopers
10. The Fly
fixing K7L33THA's list

further amazing movies: Memento, Battle Royale, Anchorman, Hackers, Escape From Newy York, Masters of The Universe, Police Story, The Protector, The Raid: Redemption, The Man From Nowhere


Stay Puft

Care to elaborate? Actually, it sounds kind of amusing.... Imagining Dracula appearing and instead of the classic, "Good Evening," we hear, "Buenos Noches."
When they we're filming the original 1931 Universal Studios Dracula they filmed a spanish version at the same time, same set, different actors and some shots were filmed differently. The spanish guy who plays Dracula is fantastic. I did some Googling and found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dracula_(Spanish-language_version)


  1. Jurassic Park
  2. Home Alone
  3. The Matrix
  4. The Island
  5. Harry Potter
  6. Man Of Steel
  7. Deep Rising
  8. Tremors
  9. Evil Dead
  10. Swordfish
  11. Hocus Pocus
  12. The Green Mile
  13. Animatrix
  14. Goodfellas
  15. Casino
  16. Deep Blue Sea
  17. Thir13en Ghosts
  18. Sinister
  19. The Fourth Kind
  20. Boogeyman
  21. The Shawshank Redemption
  22. Lethal Weapon
  23. Die Hard
  24. Alien Trilogy
  25. The Thing
  26. Sphere
  27. Hook
  28. The Goonies
  29. Stephen Kings IT
  30. Twister
  31. Awakeners
  32. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  33. House on Haunted Hill (1999)
  34. AI: Artificial Intelligence
  35. Pinocchio
  36. Austin Powers
  37. The Godfather
  38. Battleship (2012)
  39. Indiana Jones
  40. Django Unchained
Sorry I got carried away :p


1. Shelter
2. Cradle 2 The Grave
3. Freedom Writers
4. Memoirs of a Geisha
5. Double Jeopardy
6. Street Kings
7. The Music Man
8. Eagle Eye
9. S.W.A.T.
10. A Touch of Pink
When they we're filming the original 1931 Universal Studios Dracula they filmed a spanish version at the same time, same set, different actors and some shots were filmed differently. The spanish guy who plays Dracula is fantastic. I did some Googling and found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dracula_(Spanish-language_version)
You have piqued my interest, Sir, I will have to get around to checking this out sometime.

btw, if you like classic horror, there is a 2005 movie version of HP Lovecraft's "Call of Cthulhu" done in the style of old B&W silent movies. It is only about 45 minutes, but it is actually a pretty accurate version of the original short story. Worth catching.


Stay Puft
You have piqued my interest, Sir, I will have to get around to checking this out sometime.

btw, if you like classic horror, there is a 2005 movie version of HP Lovecraft's "Call of Cthulhu" done in the style of old B&W silent movies. It is only about 45 minutes, but it is actually a pretty accurate version of the original short story. Worth catching.
Added that to my watchlist, thank you. :)


Grapple > Footsies
fixing K7L33THA's list

further amazing movies: Memento, Battle Royale, Anchorman, Hackers, Masters of The Universe, Police Story, The Protector, The Raid: Redemption, The Man From Nowhere
I love all those movies except Dune. That movie was boring as shit.


I only work in black,sometimes in very dark grey.
The order is essentially meaningless.

1. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
2. Brazil
3. Videodrome
4. Reds
5. The Prestige
6. Tess
7. The Fountain
8. The Virgin Spring
9. Phantasm
10. Primer

You have an interesting taste, I'm surprised someone put on his top 10 movie list things like "A Funny Thing...", "Primer" or "Brazil". Impressive.

Here's mine, order is also meaningless.

Versus - Ryuhei Kitamura
Unbreakable - M.Night Shyamalan
Once Upon a Time in the West - Sergio Leone
The Propostition - John Hillcoat
25th Hour - Spike Lee
Adaptation - Spike Jonze
Reservoir Dogs - Quentin Tarantino
Hero - Zhang Yimou
Cinema Paradiso - Giuseppe Tornatore
Seven Samurai - Akira Kurosawa