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Your top 10 favorite films of all time


Online Punching Bag
Nicholas Cage ruined Ghost Rider for me I couldn't take it seriously lol
He does that a lot to movies, however one of my picks Next with him in it is actually really good, there was another more recent one, shit wish I remembered the name of it, where they predicted the end of the world. It was pretty decent.


Stay Puft
If you guys havent seen Donnie Darko and Moon you should give them a watch. Love those two. Donnie Darko used to be on my top 10 for a long time.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
i would say in no particular order
alien (the series)
star wars return of the jedi shoutouts to Lumpymoomilk
oldboy (mindfuck)
battle royal
lord of the rings
black dynamite (comedy gold)
the life aquatic with steve zizzou
fear and loathing in las vegas
all the godzilla movies
anything with fucked up 80s puppets
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is really good , i had it for ages but never watched it.. great film


Put down the controller and run!
1.Hitch 2. Hancock 3.Transformers(1,2 and 3), 4.Guess who 5. The source code 6. 300 , 7.Ted, 8. Armageddon , 9.Titanic ,10. Shutter iland. There are many more, but those comes to my mind right now.


Online Punching Bag
i would say in no particular order
alien (the series)
star wars return of the jedi shoutouts to Lumpymoomilk
oldboy (mindfuck)
battle royal
lord of the rings
black dynamite (comedy gold)
the life aquatic with steve zizzou
fear and loathing in las vegas
all the godzilla movies
anything with fucked up 80s puppets
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is really good , i had it for ages but never watched it.. great film
totally forgot about Black Dynamite lol that was so cheesy it was awesome.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
There's absolutely no fucking way I could even attempt to list a top 10 favorite movies of all time. And even if I could it would take me a long time to list them. I'll leave it at that.

The Dark Knight would definitely be in my top ten though. That movie is pure fucking gold and Two-face's role flies under the radar imo. Pure cinematic brilliance.


Goro Lives 
In no order:

1. Kill Bill Vol. 1
2. Kill Bill Vol. 2
3. Training Day
4. Shawshank Redemption
5. The Blues Brothers
6. The Green Mile
7. 300
8. Sin City
9.A Beautiful Mind


1 2 3 drink
If you guys havent seen Donnie Darko and Moon you should give them a watch. Love those two. Donnie Darko used to be on my top 10 for a long time.
Yeah donnie darko is fantastic. A legendary cultmovie. Btw another good tip if you havent seen it, one flew over the coocoocsnest is also a masterpiece especially the acting.

Oh and The Basketball Diaries and Whats Eating Gilbert Grape made me a huge fan of Leonardo Dicaprio. Check those out too!


Stay Puft
Yeah donnie darko is fantastic. A legendary cultmovie. Btw another good tip if you havent seen it, one flew over the coocoocsnest is also a masterpiece especially the acting.
I've seen it man. Should have called this thread "Your top 50 favorite films of all time" instead of just 10. I'm forced to leave out so many good films.
I'm sure there's plenty threads like this around but I didn't see one that was posted recently.
So basically, what are your top 10 favorite films of all time? Your top 10 doesn't have to be in order, I know I wont be able to specify the order of mine.

My Top 10:

1. Ghostbusters
2. The Dark Knight
3. Pulp Fiction
4. Back to the Future
5. Apocalypse Now
6. Alien
7. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
8. Kill Bill: Vol. 1
9. Fight Club
10. Clerks II

Weird 2 of these are in my top 10 and 1 of them is in my top 10 worst movies of all time.


Too old for this Shit
10) Heathers
9) We Were Soldiers
8) Donnie Brasco
7) Young Frankenstein
6) End of Days
5) Blow
4) Pump Up The Volume
3) Pirates of the Caribbean
2) Platoon
1) True Romance