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Your top 10 favorite films of all time

Reptile Orion

A Fire Will Rise.
Completely off the top of my head (in no particular order)...

Raging Bull
The Godfather
The Dark Knight
Silence of the Lambs
Apocalypse Now
The Exorcist
The Avengers
The Prestige

Any time these films are on I will stop what I'm doing and watch them.


Come On Die Young
NPO (except #1):

1. Waking Life
2. Trainspotting
3. Gangs of New York
4. A Clockwork Orange
5. Requiem for a Dream
6. Synecdoche, New York
7. Antichrist
8. Cloud Atlas
9. American Beauty
10. American Psycho

Top 6 movies I truly hate that everyone loves for some reason:
1. Pulp Fiction
2. There Will Be Blood
3. The Departed
4. Being John Malkovich
5. every Star Wars movie
6. Kill Bill 1 and 2


Stay Puft
NPO (except #1):

1. Waking Life
2. Trainspotting
3. Gangs of New York
4. A Clockwork Orange
5. Requiem for a Dream
6. Synecdoche, New York
7. Antichrist
8. Cloud Atlas
9. American Beauty
10. American Psycho

Top 6 movies I truly hate that everyone loves for some reason:
1. Pulp Fiction
2. There Will Be Blood
3. The Departed
4. Being John Malkovich
5. every Star Wars movie
6. Kill Bill 1 and 2
Great top 10 man, love 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10.


Stay Puft
Two actors that people are afraid to say they like that are in some damn good movies and go from a pretty boy face to legit actors:

-Brad Pitt
-Leonardo DiCaprio
If I remember correctly neither of them have ever won an Oscar. Both of them have had some really amazing roles.


Too old for this Shit
NPO (except #1):

1. Waking Life
2. Trainspotting
3. Gangs of New York
4. A Clockwork Orange
5. Requiem for a Dream
6. Synecdoche, New York
7. Antichrist
8. Cloud Atlas
9. American Beauty
10. American Psycho

Top 6 movies I truly hate that everyone loves for some reason:
1. Pulp Fiction
2. There Will Be Blood
3. The Departed
4. Being John Malkovich
5. every Star Wars movie
6. Kill Bill 1 and 2
The only problem I have with your 6 hated:
- The Departed: solid overall movie- great cast- and the whole double mole plot.. I enjoyed it and can see the hype..
- Star Wars: original trilogy was awesome Sci-fi.. The new 3- meh- CGI crap


Come On Die Young
Two actors that people are afraid to say they like that are in some damn good movies and go from a pretty boy face to legit actors:

-Brad Pitt
-Leonardo DiCaprio
I actually HATE Leonardo DiCaprio. I hate his face and his voice and his acting style and his general demeanor. He just happens to be cast in good movies. I never actually liked him in a movie, except for Django. Even though it's in a morally wrong role, he should've got an oscar for that.


Come On Die Young
- Star Wars: original trilogy was awesome Sci-fi.. The new 3- meh- CGI crap
I hate both of them. My dad made me watch the old ones as a kid and I watched the first 2 new ones. I just hate the whole Star Wars universe. I think it's stupid.


Too old for this Shit
I actually HATE Leonardo DiCaprio. I hate his face and his voice and his acting style and his general demeanor. He just happens to be cast in good movies. I never actually liked him in a movie, except for Django. Even though it's in a morally wrong role, he should've got an oscar for that.
Hey man.. It happens... Interestingly enough.. Would your opinion of The Departed change d it weren't for DiCaprio?


Online Punching Bag
NPO (except #1):

1. Waking Life
2. Trainspotting
3. Gangs of New York
4. A Clockwork Orange
5. Requiem for a Dream
6. Synecdoche, New York
7. Antichrist
8. Cloud Atlas
9. American Beauty
10. American Psycho

Top 6 movies I truly hate that everyone loves for some reason:
1. Pulp Fiction
2. There Will Be Blood
3. The Departed
4. Being John Malkovich
5. every Star Wars movie
6. Kill Bill 1 and 2
I have Cloud Atlas but keep putting off watching it, this may have changed my mind.


Too old for this Shit
I hate both of them. My dad made me watch the old ones as a kid and I watched the first 2 new ones. I just hate the whole Star Wars universe. I think it's stupid.
Star Wars and Star Trek are in the same boat.. People love them or hate them...Kind of like Westerns..
I prefer Star Wars to Star Trek


Too old for this Shit
Me too, I also hate Pulp Fiction. It was boring as fuck imo
Was having the Pulp Fiction conversation the other day...Memorable scenes but overall the movie was meh... As far as a Terrintino film goes I will take Desperado (even though a remake) and From Dusk Til Dawn over Pulp Fiction any day of the week


Stay Puft
Me too, I also hate Pulp Fiction. It was boring as fuck imo
You just really got to pay attention while you watch it. It's the brilliant small things that make it amazing, like the dialogue, it's so weird to see that kind of dialogue written for a film and yet it works so well. But I guess it's not for everyone.


Stay Puft
Was having the Pulp Fiction conversation the other day...Memorable scenes but overall the movie was meh... As far as a Terrintino film goes I will take Desperado (even though a remake) and From Dusk Til Dawn over Pulp Fiction any day of the week
Tarantino didn't direct those though, Robert Rodriguez did lol.


Come On Die Young
Hey man.. It happens... Interestingly enough.. Would your opinion of The Departed change d it weren't for DiCaprio?
Maybe a little bit. But Gangs of New York is in my top 10 and he has the leading role in that. But that's offset by Daniel Day Lewis's godlike acting ability.

I have Cloud Atlas but keep putting off watching it, this may have changed my mind.
Yes do it. If I made a top 5 it would probably be in there, maybe top 3. You'll either hate it or love it though.
1) Gladiator (my all time favorite film)
2) Toy Story
3) Goodfellas
4) Kill Bill Vol 2 (yeah liked it more than 1)
5) The Prestige
6) Inglorious Basterds
7) Django Unchained
8) The Godfather
9) The Lord of The Rings The Return of The King
10) Se7en


Too old for this Shit
Tarantino didn't direct those though, Robert Rodriguez did lol.
QT wrote From Dusk til Dawn.. And for some reason I thought he had something to do with Desperado (was mistaken).. They have the similar over the top style.. Although I prefer RR to QT

Eh SnOwY

1. Rocky Movies

2. LOTR movies

3. North (one of the first movies i've watched, its quite good )

4. Slumdog millionare

5. Bond movies (Goldfinger & Skyfall my favs)

6. Transformers (2007)

7. Inception

8. King arthur

9. Brothers

10.The Polar Express ( really heartwarming xmas movie With nice effects :D )

Honorable mentions - Drillbit Taylor, Night at the museum, Gran torino, Starsky and hutch, DBZ Movies.

I like alot of comedies and dislike horror movies :joker:


Stay Puft

S. Darko does not even deserve a mention!
Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?

QT wrote From Dusk til Dawn.. And for some reason I thought he had something to do with Desperado (was mistaken).. They have the similar over the top style.. Although I prefer RR to QT
Yeah I know he wrote it but he didn't direct it. ;) Yeah they definitely have a similar style although Robert makes more action oriented films where as Tarantino has amazing and clever dialogue. I love their films.
Gah, this is hard. No particular order

The Matrix
The Dark Knight
V for Vendetta
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Fight Club
Back To The Future Trilogy
Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
Pirates of the Caribbean
Sin City
Shawshank Redemption

Honorable shoutouts toooo:
Terminator 2
Star Wars
Return of the Living Dead
Deja Vu
Jurassic Park