Armored Fatal Blows. Every single time.
I'm dyyyyinnngggg. So if someone doesn't use his FB that means he's a good player? I guess you are one of those players that jump at their opponent when they have their FB ready to be activated only for you not to know that almost EVERY FB can antiair you and f you upYou didn't seem to understand the point of my last post, so I'll break it down a little bit more so you can. When I first started out, yes, I got hit be them often. At an "intermediate" level, I still got hit with them. Nowadays, I usually get hit with them from players who are about the same level as me, because I show them too much respect. For example, if I'm having a good match with somebody, and he isn't using his, I'll assume he won't at all since he's a good player. It isn't until the very end when I'm winning that he decides to perform a fatal blow like a punk.
So much for adding so and so and asking for a rematch sometime. I'm aware they won't truly be removed. Like Scorpion, you have to give below average players an incentive to keep playing and a chance to win. Hence I mentioned ranked only.
It's not black and white like you're making it out to be and you know it. Sometimes there are instances where you have to pause in fear of wakeup rolls or wakeup attacks; two more mechanics added for the casual playerbase. Everybody gets second and third chances in this game. Even braindead Kang has to let up to a point.
More assumptions. But to answer your question, bad players tend to poke mash, spam projectiles and D2s, and use fatal blows way more than good players. The higher your rank the less of that you'll see. One Scorpion attempted a fatal blow against me the entire time I was at demi god, but that was it. If those are things you're relying on to win then you need to get better.I'm dyyyyinnngggg. So if someone doesn't use his FB that means he's a good player? I guess you are one of those players that jump at their opponent when they have their FB ready to be activated only for you not to know that almost EVERY FB can antiair you and f you up. And that happens to my opponents very often.
Also what about MkX's and Mk9's x-rays? Were they a "scrubby" comeback factor as well?
If only.When are fatal blows getting removed?
Objectively false. Any good player is 100% gunna cash out on that FB damage when it's available because that's unbrekable damage. The only difference is that good players will generally be more tactical about it than not as good players. No good player is going to intentionally cripple their gameplay by choosing not to utilize a game mechanic.More assumptions. But to answer your question, bad players tend to poke mash, spam projectiles and D2s, and use fatal blows way more than good players. The higher your rank the less of that you'll see. One Scorpion attempted a fatal blow against me the entire time I was at demi god, but that was it. If those are things you're relying on to win then you need to get better.
In both MK9 and MKX, xrays meant burning your whole meter which was a bad decision at a high level. Breakers and ex moves were more important. Fatal blows are free in this game, and you still have it after a failed attempt.
I've experienced 1 fatal blow attempt at demi god. When the season first starts is when you have to watch out. Everybody is looking for that cheap damage. I promise you though, once you're better at the game you guys won't have to depend on it. Something else in your gameplan is currently lacking in order to open somebody up. Plus they're just boring to sit through. Even on tournament videos they skip the animation because of how long they are.Objectively false. Any good player is 100% gunna cash out on that FB damage when it's available because that's unbrekable damage. The only difference is that good players will generally be more tactical about it than not as good players. No good player is going to intentionally cripple their gameplay by choosing not to utilize a game mechanic.
Whatever inner anger you're sourcing this HARDCORE projection from, you should look into taking care of it. Shit's unhealthy.
Guess you look exactly the same like in your profile pic when you get hit by a FB xDI
I've experienced 1 fatal blow attempt at demi god. When the season first starts is when you have to watch out. Everybody is looking for that cheap damage. I promise you though, once you're better at the game you guys won't have to depend on it. Something else in your gameplan is currently lacking in order to open somebody up. Plus they're just boring to sit through. Even on tournament videos they skip the animation because of how long they are.
I see where you're coming from though. That could definitely explain why pro players abuse Geras, Sonya, Liu Kang, etc. You have to get those wins by any means necessary. Tryhardism stems from lack of confidence which is a dangerous road to go down as it can ruin your experience and fun factor with any game.
Because fuck rush down characters? I still have PTSD from Yun.Let's evaluate:
-I'm winning the round
-My opponent can't stop my pressure
-I continue doing what I'm doing, because it's working
-My opponent presses two buttons and hits me with an armored move that deals 300 damage.
-If the fatal blow doesn't take me out immediately, it kills any momentum I had before.
The only alternative is to stop attacking when my opponent is at 30%, because he can't take the heat. Why should any of us stop what we're doing when we're winning? Why do I have to get punished for doing everything I'm supposed to?
You talk like demigod rank means something lolololI
I've experienced 1 fatal blow attempt at demi god. When the season first starts is when you have to watch out. Everybody is looking for that cheap damage. I promise you though, once you're better at the game you guys won't have to depend on it. Something else in your gameplan is currently lacking in order to open somebody up. Plus they're just boring to sit through. Even on tournament videos they skip the animation because of how long they are.
I see where you're coming from though. That could definitely explain why pro players abuse Geras, Sonya, Liu Kang, etc. You have to get those wins by any means necessary. Tryhardism stems from lack of confidence which is a dangerous road to go down as it can ruin your experience and fun factor with any game.
It does. Most people don’t make it to God or Elder God rank. I’ve made it to God in both seasons but ran out of time before I could get to Elder. Not everyone has the time, dedication or skill to win consistently enough to get up there.You talk like demigod rank means something lololol
S1?Lost to a guy doing nothing but jump kicks and either throw or special. Literally can't anti air jks even when I'm waiting for them.
Dropped the game until they fix d2s.
Priority is too low, the jk will win at most distances.
Worse.Guess you look exactly the same like in your profile pic when you get hit by a FB xD
It does. Try making that far without an overhead or crushing blows. My wins are legitimate.You talk like demigod rank means something lololol
Jumps always jailed your string when they shouldn't. That's why they're annoying. They should be a last resort when dodging projectiles, and very unsafe on block.Lost to a guy doing nothing but jump kicks and either throw or special. Literally can't anti air jks even when I'm waiting for them.
Dropped the game until they fix d2s.
t. Scrub Zero player.Lmfao the scrub is out and proud
Back in my days scrubs would scrub quietly and be ashamed of their ways
jean claude van dammmmn!And what's with all these Nightwolf players grabbing all match? This character has overheads and lows out the ass yet you're all grabbing non stop. You'd think the crazy amount normals some characters have would deter people from playing like that but it doesn't. Why do you all play like such cunts, Nightwolves? If I had crazy mixups I'd never hit LB again.
I guess because it works. Since you get hit by it all the time.And what's with all these Nightwolf players grabbing all match? This character has overheads and lows out the ass yet you're all grabbing non stop. You'd think the crazy amount normals some characters have would deter people from playing like that but it doesn't. Why do you all play like such cunts, Nightwolves? If I had crazy mixups I'd never hit LB again.
I trash everybody with Cage. On that front you guys really aren't a problem. It's when I use Kano that these problems occur. Not having a mid means getting up close and mashing D1 like a schmuck. Have you seen his B1? It's pathetic.I guess because it works. Since you get hit by it all the time.
try flawless blocking jumpins. tbh that seems like the most surefire way to deal with them, since u have till the last second to do it.Lost to a guy doing nothing but jump kicks and either throw or special. Literally can't anti air jks even when I'm waiting for them.
Dropped the game until they fix d2s.