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Your favorite character could not be in MKX


Waiting for Havik
i just hope we get skarlet back. she was the best "new" character in a while. sadly i like a lot of less popular characters which probably wont return.
To be honest I think Skarlet is a lot better (in a creative sense) than Kitana & Mileena, but they are most popular because tradition and nostalgia.


With the way MKX is looking now (as far a what we've seen so far). I would love to see Havik in this setting. Sense he's from the Chaos realm, he would easily fit I think...
I always imagined him doing his x-ray on himself since he heals by hurting himself in the 3d MK's
Did anyone mention DLC? they can always add in old characters through DLC. and you know they will just like mk9. im assuming they would do popularity polls too so there's always a chance that popular favorites could make it back.


So far out of the six characters revealed, we have two of the classic characters while the other four are all totally new. And they are like the Ken and Ryu of this game, so they are pretty much a must. With that factor acting in on a 33% ratio, it does not bode well for many members of the cast returning. That being said, while I am sad that many characters that I like will not be back, I do really like Farrah/Torr, Kotal, Cassie, and even D'Vorrah (despite being an obvious Sadira archetype.) Really looking forward to what other ideas they come up with. Also, I heard that Raiden is confirmed, so any Raiden fans can rejoice on that, lol.