ilovepoop said:
Mr Wiggl3s said:
maybe you should let shock be in charge of this
why do you act like i know nothing about MK i was the one who started this whole tournament without help from shock you act like i can't do it and need shock don't get me wrong shock is tons of help but i could do this on my own as well
Im saying that because your just making up the shit as you go and if you dont do this right theres going to be 64 people pissed at you and at this site
Right now i know of 10 people on that list who don't have mics. What if the person has a mic but speaks broken english?
what are you going to do about laggers? is there going to be a neutral host, or is it just who makes the game gets it?
how are the games going to be reported?
thats more or less why i say shock should help you out