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Xbox 360 UMK3 Tournament Sign here

DoNkEy x KoNg said:
if i piss u foos off so much....even though i dont do anything 2 you losers..lets handle it in online !.......
Yea you were online today. Red said he played you and you were lagging to hell. I was waiting for you to send me an Invite so we can "settle this" :roll: But I was playing with these things called friends. Seriously, find some.
Donkey's chill. He just needs a better connection. People playing him with lag knew the risks, and the rankings go as such. You guys really don't need to provoke him or anything.


im sorry shock the pm just really pissed me off when i was just luaghing at it then he just desided to say all that shit it pissed me off coz i didnt diserve it
well im back i was out of town for a couple of days and im back but i seen that no1 has played since i left so when you guys play ur match add me and ill be ready and good luck 2 all.


This tournament needs to get finished. There aren't a lot of matches left guys. Not a good sign for the next tournament we have. We will have to put some strict deadlines on it since there will be prizes.


Shock said:
This tournament needs to get finished. There aren't a lot of matches left guys. Not a good sign for the next tournament we have. We will have to put some strict deadlines on it since there will be prizes.
Totally agreed. The tournament's become a running joke among my MK friends because it seemingly will never end.
Mr Wiggl3s said:
ilovepoop said:
Mr Wiggl3s said:
maybe you should let shock be in charge of this
why do you act like i know nothing about MK i was the one who started this whole tournament without help from shock you act like i can't do it and need shock don't get me wrong shock is tons of help but i could do this on my own as well
Im saying that because your just making up the shit as you go and if you dont do this right theres going to be 64 people pissed at you and at this site

Right now i know of 10 people on that list who don't have mics. What if the person has a mic but speaks broken english?

what are you going to do about laggers? is there going to be a neutral host, or is it just who makes the game gets it?

how are the games going to be reported?

thats more or less why i say shock should help you out
Ya, working towards that 64 #


There's no point of making helpful suggestions to ilovepoop. When I did that, he started flaming the fuck out of me and trolling me in every other thread I posted in to the point Shock had to tell him to completely ignore any post I made. Talk about defensive and insecure.

But yeah, I had a feeling this thing was in for disaster when about 50% of the names on the original bracket were either just forum names or misspelled gamertags.

When you've ran as many Halo tournaments as I have, you have an eye for sloppiness and as Mr. Wiggles put it, "making it up as you go along".

I wish Shock would call an audible and just officially unsupport this tournament, so the official UMK.Com tournament can start.


i love how everything is seemingly blamed on me like yeah i started the tournament but its not my fault people didn't post the right gamertag and its not my fault people haven't played there matches i have messeged everyone at least 5 times each about who they have to play, i don't think there is really anything else i can do to make them play there match


I know the woes of making an online tournament. Even an in person tournament has a similar problem. For instance at Breakdown, there plenty of times where players were available for like 10 minutes and then they weren't for a half hour. It happens. With netplay it's a easier for real life to get in the way for much longer periods of time. I thought it would take longer to get started but now we're down to like 10 players and it's getting tough finding times to play against eachother. Whatever the case may be it's beyond time to start DQing people. We've tried to push matches and they just don't happen.

As for the gamertag situation, if people posted the wrong names that's not ILP's fault, I know there were a few but it's also not a gigantic deal, at least the players could be identified and we do have the board to clarify. Jumping on people for it isn't the way to go. This tournament was never an official UMK project, it was a test and now we know what needs to be done when we do. For the next tournament there will be deadlines and email confirmations needs to be made from the players who want to play within the time frame, so say I email two players and get no response from one by the deadline, they are eliminated and the next will move on. I think the fact that there will be a prize will help motivate players.
Haha seriously lay off poop's jock guys. He goes out of his way to do something to benefit the community and all people can do is nit pick/bitch about the way things have turned out in the end of an experimental tourney. Honestly what is he really supposed to do about participants who are slow to get their matches set? Threaten them with e-consequences maybe? Come on now. Give the guy some credit and lay the fuck off the man rather than suggesting that he should somehow just lay down and give all responsibility to shock. The combination of hate and jock riding really should just stop IMO. Despite whatever fighting occured between all members involved at its roots this initial XBL tourney was about getting the community togather as a whole. Its something I fell that worked quite well as I've been able to recognize many participants and they've recognized me along the way. Its resulted in a lot of networking player matches that I might not have been a part of otherwise and for that I', appreciative. So whine or gloat however you might about how YOU or how you feel shock or others might have run the tourney in your deep wisdom of the gaming community but dont forget that ILP simply went out of his way to have us all have a good time with a game we all love. ...end rant.
Ladies ladies settle yourselves

It aint no thang, im sure the shit will end sometime


Most people have just forgotten about it already