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Why is Zod top 5 ?


So dumbass,

Let me ask u this. When Kenshi wasn't making top 8s before I picked him up was he at that time not as good ? So when I made top 8 he magically became top 5? *****fucking stupid logic ******

See my point? I told everyone oct 2011, delivered in feb '12

All the smart people listened and all the dumb added were shamed for two straight years of making top 8 at 15 consecutive majors for 2 years

If I were u I'd listen to the guy whose proven not yourself who gets dumber by the post

I love zod and i think hes a great character with top 5 potential, but i wouldn't agree with any of your points simply because of shit posts like this, mr OH MAN IM A PRO UR FKING STUPID! Ok well cool story but now you just sound like an arrogant child, this is just a discussion, Zod hasn't been out for long, not many people are playing him at events, and he hasn't been fully explored, now these "commoners" you are talking down to are merely expressing opinions but because they don't match your "opinion" (which might as well be fact the way you talk) you flame them and talk to them like they're trash.

No one is saying you're right or wrong about Zod, people ARE saying it's too soon to tell with so few people actually playing him, so calm your fucking hormones, chill the fuck out, and stop being a child, it's a damn video game, you want to prove that Zod is top 5, go ahead, that would be fucking awesome, BUT THERES NO NEED TO THROW A MASSIVE TEMPER TANTRUM OVER THE INTERNET!

in the words of Wonder Chef or whatever the fuck that guys name is, "typical TYM member"

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I love zod and i think hes a great character with top 5 potential, but i wouldn't agree with any of your points simply because of shit posts like this, mr OH MAN IM A PRO UR FKING STUPID! Ok well cool story but now you just sound like an arrogant child, this is just a discussion, Zod hasn't been out for long, not many people are playing him at events, and he hasn't been fully explored, now these "commoners" you are talking down to are merely expressing opinions but because they don't match your "opinion" (which might as well be fact the way you talk) you flame them and talk to them like they're trash.

No one is saying you're right or wrong about Zod, people ARE saying it's too soon to tell with so few people actually playing him, so calm your fucking hormones, chill the fuck out, and stop being a child, it's a damn video game, you want to prove that Zod is top 5, go ahead, that would be fucking awesome, BUT THERES NO NEED TO THROW A MASSIVE TEMPER TANTRUM OVER THE INTERNET!

in the words of Wonder Chef or whatever the fuck that guys name is, "typical TYM member"
The argument that "he isn't top 5 bro cause no one has done anything with him" is the dumbest thing next to Miley Cyrus


The argument that "he isn't top 5 bro cause no one has done anything with him" is the dumbest thing next to Miley Cyrus

You're right, that is a dumb argument, the only reason i am hesitant to consider him top 5 (i would like him to be top 5) is simply because there aren't a whole lot of ppl playing him at events right now who show off what he can do, this is also the cause of "hur hur no results"

No results does not mean the character is bad, which i don't think a lot of ppl understand

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
You're right, that is a dumb argument, the only reason i am hesitant to consider him top 5 (i would like him to be top 5) is simply because there aren't a whole lot of ppl playing him at events right now who show off what he can do, this is also the cause of "hur hur no results"

No results does not mean the character is bad, which i don't think a lot of ppl understand
I listed every reason why and people aren't listening

I did same for Kenshi and everyone didn't listen

Ill Go forth w my mid tier


I honesty though don't need anyone to tell me I'm right or wrong, didn't need it w Kenshi...I proclaimed him in oct 2011, proved it dec 2011-2013 July

Btw I'm totally agree with this. I was thinking about the same thing when I heard you saying zod was top 5.


I listed every reason why and people aren't listening

I did same for Kenshi and everyone didn't listen

Ill Go forth w my mid tier

The only problem is that it is very easy to talk about a characters positives and make them sound great without talking about their negatives imo

I've seen this far too many times from the LoL community with the "Omg tryndamere so fking broken, he just goes invincible for 5 seconds and tower dives forever nerf plz" without mentioning the fact that while he can in fact do that, he has zero range, a very small gap closer, and very little cc to stop u from running away, simply move backwards while throwing some skills back at him (preferably something that will slow/stun him) and ur fine

My point is that because most players don't run into good Zod's that often its kinda hard for ppl to just believe that the character is amazing when you can pretty much make any character in any game sound amazing when u don't list there flaws

I could be wrong but just how i perceive the situation


Salt Proprietor of TYM
What zods have u played
0, I play the character, and I just don't see what he has matching up with anyone in the top five.

Black Adam, Wonder Woman, MMH, Batman, Superman, GL, Flash, KF, Aquaman, Batgirl. That's my top ten, and honestly I could put Zod over maybe two or three of those. That's about it though, the rest is just more dirt than he can handle. Fix trait and he's definitely in top ten. Not saying he is bad or anything, he's super solid and I think the most balanced character in the game, but I just can't see him being better than like number 7 or 8 on the list.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
0, I play the character, and I just don't see what he has matching up with anyone in the top five.

Black Adam, Wonder Woman, MMH, Batman, Superman, GL, Flash, KF, Aquaman, Batgirl. That's my top ten, and honestly I could put Zod over maybe two or three of those. That's about it though, the rest is just more dirt than he can handle. Fix trait and he's definitely in top ten. Not saying he is bad or anything, he's super solid and I think the most balanced character in the game, but I just can't see him being better than like number 7 or 8 on the list.

Not sure if my opinion means anything over here, but I think that Zod has good match-ups against Superman, Black Adam, Batman, and maybe Wonder Woman. I think that is enough to put him at top 10 at least.


Dojo Trainee
Zod is probably top 10, but he has some issues and people aren't exploiting those issues terribly well yet. Anytime he is forced to wake-up where the opponent can neutral jump his corpse fucks him, hard, it removes all of his safe wake-up options and makes him wake-up like ares (you guess between doing something punishable, or doing nothing).

Zod also has some problems when people start to see, block and punish his shit. Also, compared to the top 5 or so he is relatively unafe.

Until I see people exploiting his holes, punishing his unsafe shit regularly, and learning how to space around zod charge it seems premature to call him top 5.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Not sure if my opinion means anything over here, but I think that Zod has good match-ups against Superman, Black Adam, Batman, and maybe Wonder Woman. I think that is enough to put him at top 10 at least.
This may be true, but MU's alone don't make up a character though. I could put him in top ten, but not any further than the 8 spot tbh. I see the top seven characters as such:

1) WW
2) Black Adam/Superman
3) The other of this duo^
4) Batman
5) GL
6) Batgirl
7) Aquaman

After them I would give zod an honest shot, but I don't think he is better than any of those seven characters.


To put him top 10 we just need to know how many good and bad matchups he has compare to the other top 10 char and that's it.

That's why I don't put flash top 8 because he has actually a lot of bad matchups.

And i also understand people saying "make your prove because saying this or that". It's a legit opinion imo.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
This may be true, but MU's alone don't make up a character though. I could put him in top ten, but not any further than the 7 or 8 spot tbh. I see the top seven characters as such:

1) WW
2) Black Adam/Superman
3) The other of this duo^
4) Batman
5) GL
6) Batgirl
7) Aquaman

After them I would give zod an honest shot, but I don't think he is better than any of those seven characters.

True, but MUs are usually the best representation of a characters placement on a tier list.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
This may be true, but MU's alone don't make up a character though. I could put him in top ten, but not any further than the 8 spot tbh. I see the top seven characters as such:

1) WW
2) Black Adam/Superman
3) The other of this duo^
4) Batman
5) GL
6) Batgirl
7) Aquaman

After them I would give zod an honest shot, but I don't think he is better than any of those seven characters.
Tier lists are based on tools and MUs solely

ZOD doesn't lose to any u listed