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Why did NRS think ranking down your progress for 48 hours of inactivity was a good Idea?


Administrator and Community Engineer
Terrible idea, in my case the effect is the complete opposite: I get discouraged for losing points and don't wanna play ranked no more. NRS has always been great taking the best things from other titles, no idea why they came up with this dumb shit. There is a reason successful games don't apply this: it doesn't work.
They do apply these same methods — it’s just a longer waiting period and a softer decline. But this is in some of the most successful online competitive games ever made.

It’s just tuned really harshly in this case, which can have the effect of discouraging/frustrating people instead of encouraging them to play.


You think somebody taking a week off is going to be behind and clearly worse than what they were just 7 days ago?
Depends. Did they consistently play prior to the last time they played? If so, absolutely. I bet most of the top tier players would openly admit that taking a week off has an effect on their level of play. I invest most of my time playing dota 2 so I can speak to that genre better and when I haven't played for a week or two I've definitely got a little rust to shake off.

I think more importantly than the semantics of whether or not you lose your abilities over a period of time and how long that time is, people need to consider that this is a competition. If people are grinding harder than you they deserve to rank higher than you simple as that.

Again my gut says 2 days is a bit short. But the concept of some sort of rank decay makes sense to me.


You have to look at season length too though in relation to the decay and in comparison to other games. Season of Blood was less than a month long. If you want slower decay you'd need a longer season with longer time invested to rank up.
It took me 28 days to get to God rank, it took two days to get demoted to Demi god ....
Not a good ratio
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The crying in these threads is unreal. It’s a game it means nothing. If you guys played as much as you come here to complain you might hold you ranks
I was playing while complaining And theres videographic proof of that