I don't get this mentality? Goes back to the entitlement that's been shown since MK11 was announced. "I want it all, i want it now, and i don't give a shit about what plans are in place because it doesn't agree with mine".
"I got to X level and i want to keep it, even though i'm not playing". Like WTF? You get all the bits up to the highest level achieved. The only thing you get outside of that is bragging rights. You won't drop down to grunt unless you don't play for a looooong time, and even then why should you start where you left off?
I can't recall what happens in subsequent seasons, but even it goes off your current level, is it that much of a big deal that you play a few games and work you way back up?
Do people really care that much about their rank even though it's somewhat pointless seeing as the only thing you get is some pretty things?