Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Not having a mid F3 is one of the most arbitrary complaints I've ever seen on this forum. Some characters don't even have a F3 hahaYea, a character without crushing blows, an overhead, and projectiles that whiff against half the roster is top tier. Name a character other than Johnny that can get poked out of his re-stand (nutpunch). Everybody else gets a mid F3 except us. None of you seem to be concerned with Jacqui canceling normals indefinitely, Sub Zero's 50/50s, or Liu Kang's end all tell all F4 string. All the cheap shit that happens in this game gets overlooked when Johnny gets brought up. It's hypocritical. Fixing hitboxes isn't a downplay whatsoever. It shouldn't be a problem in the first place. In fact it's still a problem in MKX. Downplaying would be calling him a bad character; he isn't. He's B tier in the right hands. I suck against D'Vorah and Kotal Khan. That doesn't make them any less shit.
Complaints about Kitana are legitimate as well. What does she have anyway? One string that actually works? I don't think I ever lost to a Kitana player since the first month this game came out.
That's another vote for Johnny folks!