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General/Other - Smoke Where there is ROBOT SMOKE, There is Fire! - PRE-RELEASE Thread

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Does Triborg get little Ice Cream cone floaty drones like Cyrax?
His drone seems to act as an attack enhancer instead of as an air mine, in the brief gameplay you can see the drone is consumed when he does the ice beam and then the opponent takes damage over time while frozen.


Bum Kitana Main
So did they give us anything in the way of when/how they'll release (Quad)Triborg, or are we still pretty convinced all of them drop 3.1?


It's too soon to get cocky.
i literally could not breathe earlier. so much fuckin' hype! these robots are gonna be awesome. i'm gonna lab so hard the first day and learn as much as possible. the zoning is strong with sektor, mixups with cyrax, smoke and his invisibility, and cyber sub!! my mind can't take this...


PS4/EU Ermac main
Smokes got 2 "projectiles" that he can full combo off
what seems like a 9 frame advancing mid
an overhead and several low starters
a spear restand
can cancel strings into vanish
a sideways teleport and an overhead from above

I cant wait for this character, this sounds pretty strong but I hope he's not going to be braindead, guess we'll find out when we know the frame data. Props whoever came up with a gameplay clone of MK9 Smoke with UMK3 Smoke aesthetics 10/10

Darth Rambo

GT:DarthxXxRambo PSN:Darth__Rambo
Smokes got 2 "projectiles" that he can full combo off
what seems like a 9 frame advancing mid
an overhead and several low starters
a spear restand
can cancel strings into vanish
a sideways teleport and an overhead from above

I cant wait for this character, this sounds pretty strong but I hope he's not going to be braindead, guess we'll find out when we know the frame data. Props whoever came up with a gameplay clone of MK9 Smoke with UMK3 Smoke aesthetics 10/10
I doubt he will be braindead given all of his options but we wont really know until we see frame data like you said. Idk either way im more hyped for him than i think i was for the game in general.


Triborg Enthusiast
I really hope EX teleport lets you continue combos from one side to the other like Displacer Raiden's.
Is the teleport that switch size a move or a string? Because I think it's part of a string and so, it will switch size during a combo.

I already training in my mind and think about the smoke string could be used.
If it has a good amount of + frames on hit, you can use EX invisibility to go out from the smoke cloud and be completely invisible to start some crazy mixup.
However, I don't know if it has 50/50. The only overhead I see is the B2 from Cyrax variation and the Smoke port from above and you can't follow up without spending meter.


Plus on block.
Is the teleport that switch size a move or a string? Because I think it's part of a string and so, it will switch size during a combo.

I already training in my mind and think about the smoke string could be used.
If it has a good amount of + frames on hit, you can use EX invisibility to go out from the smoke cloud and be completely invisible to start some crazy mixup.
However, I don't know if it has 50/50. The only overhead I see is the B2 from Cyrax variation and the Smoke port from above and you can't follow up without spending meter.
It's a move.
He has a smoke bomb string though.


Designer for BxA
I can't wait to test out fun stuff with Smoke. Smoke and Cyrax will likely be the variations I gravitate towards.
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