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Where is the moral outrage over Xbox One`s DRM?


You would have a point if the data wasn't hashed AND encrypted.
You can't Hash and encrypt something it would be pointless. Encryption can be undone so if you need the original data that's what you use. Hashing something is one way you can never get the original data back.

AK Walker

Han shot first

Well one thing ill tell you thats happening nationwide now is "pay to play"

Yes, Pay to Play.

Around the time last year i stopped doing 70-80 shows a year this was quickly becoming the new fad if you will.

Nashville, Atlanta, etc were charging local bands $300-500 for them to play there for 1-2 hours.

WTF? What venues here did that? So if I ever end up doing a cover band for fun and some extra dough, I can stay away from


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
What a good portion of you all are failing to see, is that this is not about what features the system has, it has nothing to do with the ability to play fantasy football, watching TV, or even gaming.

It is about the blatant disregard for the consumer completely, this system is about restrictions and plenty of them. You buy this thing your not buying it, you have only purchased a license to use the system. It's about telling you what you will do with it, rather then you using it when you want. They are telling you what you will do and how you will do it. They want to track you and everything you do on it. They decided you no longer have a right. I understand where some will say "Well gaming is only for those that can afford it." Plenty of people who can afford it cannot use this system, there are many who have to travel constantly to work, they typically take there system wherever they go, I guess they should just enjoy reading more instead of there favorite hobby. Go ahead tell me how our country's service members don't deserve to play games while deployed or having to relocate often, not every service member that gets deployed is sent to a warzone. I spent 2 full years serving on a US Navy destroyer, I have done 6 and 3 month deployments on that ship and you know what folks did to unwind on board together, play there 360 or PS3, hell I remember seeing tourneys run on the mess decks on a weekly basis. I guess those that sacrifice their lives don't deserve to play games. On a Navy vessel your lucky if you even have internet to send a simple e-mail to your loved ones. You think the ITs running the network are gonna let you hook your Xbox 1 up to the network, considering there are even times underway where all net access is switched off due to whatever mission is underway. Your all right I suppose gaming isn't a god given right, but neither is food, medical care, nor is clothing. I guess its only reserved for the privledged and well off.

The even more sad part is all of you who think this is all ok, are perfectly fine with allowing a camera that's always collecting data to sit in your living room and invading your privacy, an ability the government doesn't even have the authority to have. Hey this system is big a issue for me, I work in a field that requires me to be cautious of security and my well-being, I work in security where I have to be extra mindful of devices of this nature in and outside of work. Hell I have even signed off on what I can a cannot say on social networks.

Its not about the features its about your rights as a consumer and too many uninformed are too willing to easily give that up for the sake of the next Assassin's Creed, CoD, or even the next MK game. Sure can it be said I am overthinking this, especially the security aspect, well again I work in security and I have a degree in Criminal Justice, so yeah I can se outside the X-Box 1 and how bad this thing is for not just an industry, but an economy and a society as well. People you all need to think outside the box for a few minutes and try to view this from multiple angles.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
One final thought here too, its just been let known that government has been receiving data from multiple companies, including MS, what is to say they aren't selling that data to anyone else, what is to say a hacker can't get ahold of it too. How about this if a hacker is able to find out who's who in XBL, what is to say they wouldn't take and sell data on certain important people to others that want harm them. Sorry if this sounds like a conspiracy theorist working overtime, but keep in mind this based in a reality we are headed towards. Think about it exactly how anon are on the web, having been a former analyst I can easily figure out who a person is and even where they live little effort.


Master of Quanculations
Under_The_Mayo brother, we in Angola live in the same exact situation, just to remind that i think i did a similar post when Ed Book was speaking on how Internet and Online game will be the future of gaming.

Xbox one is a discarded console in my country, games costs 110 USDs as well, and sometimes we have to borrow from friends who can buy some, with this individualization shit, as the 24h/7 internet connection, no one will be able to do this.

Re-selling games business will also drop down if they stick with that (1 disc ,1 console ) system, some games are so trash and disposable to even put them into a console again after you finish. So what are we supposed to do with this games? put them in the trash can?, because before we could trade with another friend, but now, 1 disc is console exclusive and this is retarded.

Well, Xbox one will not be used in Angola, we already have shown our middle finger to miscrosoft, because they fucked us in the Ass already, so the life conditions doesn't allow to have an Xbox one, not even if the prices go down.
Thank you for this post Eddy. Some people can't see beyond their own bubble suburban society. They don't see how badly this affects other parts of the world either.


Get over here!
You have one hour to play and then the system is bricked and you can only watch DVDs and TV, no games at all
For how long? I mean I don't get that at all. So if I don't feel like playing a game on Friday and I don't log in... what happens? Like does it brick permanently???

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Thank you for this post Eddy. Some people can't see beyond their own bubble suburban society. They don't see how badly this affects other parts of the world either.
not to be blantalty mean

but MS only cares about their US markets first and foremost, especially when it comes to the xbox. Our nation is "entitled" and simply doesn't care about "low end" countries. No money there... no catering there.

Sad but true. and I am sorry about it :(

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
One final thought here too, its just been let known that government has been receiving data from multiple companies, including MS, what is to say they aren't selling that data to anyone else, what is to say a hacker can't get ahold of it too. How about this if a hacker is able to find out who's who in XBL, what is to say they wouldn't take and sell data on certain important people to others that want harm them. Sorry if this sounds like a conspiracy theorist working overtime, but keep in mind this based in a reality we are headed towards. Think about it exactly how anon are on the web, having been a former analyst I can easily figure out who a person is and even where they live little effort.
This is no different than signing up for cable.... or your internet.

The only difference is that its a gaming console.

The only thing I find dumb is the hour check in stuff. Everything else is basically standard Entertainment stuff.


Too old for this Shit
This is no different than signing up for cable.... or your internet.

The only difference is that its a gaming console.

The only thing I find dumb is the hour check in stuff. Everything else is basically standard Entertainment stuff.
Would have to agree on all counts seeing the route at which leisure entertainment has gone/is going.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Our nation is "entitled" and simply doesn't care about "low end" countries. No money there... no catering there.
This response in not specifically directed at you, but your quote was convenient...

Providing games isn't a public service. It's not a basic human right. It has nothing to do with a sense of entitlement, and has everything to do with profits, and that's not a bad thing, because game development is a business.

Same thing with the outrage over used game licensing and DRM. Used game sales and piracy both hurt developer and publishers (to what degree can be discussed). Requiring semi-consistent internet connectivity has been found to be not overly odious for most paying users, so that's the direction they went. They looked at the alternatives, and this was the best solution they could come up with given market realities and technological limitations. They're not scamming users for no reason, nor are they immoral for trying this approach. This is what they determined will increase profits without causing too much annoyance for most consumers, so that's that.

As for requiring the service, you don't need to pay for XBL, just for the gold membership.


Master of Quanculations
Providing games isn't a public service. It's not a basic human right. It has nothing to do with a sense of entitlement, and has everything to do with profits, and that's not a bad thing, because game development is a business.
Of course gaming isn't a public service. No one is entitled to it. But gaming is not something like food. If you can't afford food one place, you go to another place. Or cook your own. With console gaming, it has always been widely available. Poor kids in whatever area can get a console and share in our amazing world of imagination and interaction. Now that ability is being stripped away and put in the hands of only the most capable.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Of course gaming isn't a public service. No one is entitled to it. But gaming is not something like food. If you can't afford food one place, you go to another place. Or cook your own. With console gaming, it has always been widely available. Poor kids in whatever area can get a console and share in our amazing world of imagination and interaction. Now that ability is being stripped away and put in the hands of only the most capable.
So the question becomes: If a company could make a decision that would reduce the number of people who can use their product BUT the product would return greater profits, should they do it?

I'd say if it doesn't spoil the well, than they most certainly should. MS is in the business of making money and in the business of making associated organizations (developers, publishers) money, so they need to do whatever they can to increase profits. Requiring connectivity means that publishers have less to worry about with piracy and it assists with data collection for analytics, so devs are for it. It also opens up more avenues for user-focused marketing, timed events, social integration, etc., so we're talking about huge potential revenue increases. These revenue increases are far more attractive than marketing to poor people, so that's how it's going to go down. Ain't no morality about it, it's business.
Of course gaming isn't a public service. No one is entitled to it. But gaming is not something like food. If you can't afford food one place, you go to another place. Or cook your own. With console gaming, it has always been widely available. Poor kids in whatever area can get a console and share in our amazing world of imagination and interaction. Now that ability is being stripped away and put in the hands of only the most capable.

Ah and now we see a flaw in your logic. When the xbox was release and the PS3 was released they were 300$+ each if you could get your hands on one. When N64 was released my family rented one because we couldn't afford to go out and buy one (yes this was back when you could rent games/consoles from blockbuster). So maybe for you who can afford to drop 300$ on a console gaming is widely available but there are plenty of people in this world who can't afford that. What about them? So maybe by your logic Microsoft and Sony should drop their prices drastically. Gaming is recreation and entertainment, there are no entitlements for it and nobody has any rights to it. Before consoles arcades were popular, in some areas there were no arcades so the people who lived there could not play video games, and yet they survived.


Master of Quanculations
Ah and now we see a flaw in your logic. When the xbox was release and the PS3 was released they were 300$+ each if you could get your hands on one. When N64 was released my family rented one because we couldn't afford to go out and buy one (yes this was back when you could rent games/consoles from blockbuster). So maybe for you who can afford to drop 300$ on a console gaming is widely available but there are plenty of people in this world who can't afford that. What about them? So maybe by your logic Microsoft and Sony should drop their prices drastically. Gaming is recreation and entertainment, there are no entitlements for it and nobody has any rights to it. Before consoles arcades were popular, in some areas there were no arcades so the people who lived there could not play video games, and yet they survived.

Man this has nothing to do with console price. It has everything to do with creating new limitations and barriers to use that bar people in certain parts of the world from enjoying a medium that they`ve always been able to enjoy. By requiring internet access and restricting their ability to trade games. And this line about "it aint morality, its business, bro" is sick. Yeah, business decisions have no impact morally ever.

In the years to come, we`ll see more and more pockets of people that can`t keep up with gaming because of the lack of internet in their area, or their country charging over $100s for new games while their systems won`t allow them to play used games without fees. And you guys can just shrug it off as good business. Keep dividing our classes. That`s a sure winning forumla.