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Where is the moral outrage over Xbox One`s DRM?

i only support microsoft because of gears and fable. if these two franchises move to ps4, I'm done with microsoft. this is some bullshit.


We should all be offended as gamers and consumers in general.
Microsoft doesn't care about you being offended. They care about your money and that is their job. I planned on getting the new XBOX but after the reveal it was clear to me that there is not even a snowballs chance in hell for that to happen. I will get a PS4 and that is the only "being offended" Microsoft cares about. I detest the idea of the mandatory Kinect, the attitude of Microsoft towards indie games and the focus on TV stuff that won't even be available here in my country.

My decision is already final and that's why I see no benefit in investing my time and energy in being angry at Microsoft or trying to be part of an outrage in order to maybe change their decisions. American customers have been molded and bent to the will of the big companies through years and years of permanent ubiquitous marketing and steadily declining customer rights, privacy rights and thorough surveillance. I'm not surprised they don't care anymore. We have the most strict privacy law in the world here in my country and the mandatory Kinect will probably be deemed illegal anyway and I'm quite sure that the same could be true for the EU. Germany has already started an informal investigation and a representative told a newspaper that they will be vigil.
I honestly haven't been paying a ton of attention to the new consoles because I just got done spending close to a grand on my PC.

As far as I can tell (which isn't very far because Microsoft has been terrible at getting the story out), the used games policies are going to be left up to the publishers, all of which aren't saying anything right now because they are waiting for EA to go first.


Mid Tier Whore. 1 combo and a dream.
The anti-poverty policies of Microsoft are simply astounding. I only Sony doesn`t follow suit.

I live in Mexico. And I`d like to speak for every gamer living in a country that isn`t as widely developed as the US, Japan, and most European nations.

There are plenty of places where gaming is very popular, retail and used, where internet service is completely unreliable. I`ve had periods (living in one of the biggest cities in the world) where I`ve lost my connection for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. Now game console makers want to punish me for not living in the right country?

It`s easy for people to look around at their modern societies and think, "Well it`s 2013. If you don`t have a broadband connection, get with the times bro!" Excuse me, but the world is not that simple. Every country has internet that functions differently, run by different companies. Some residential areas in this country are STILL waiting for internet service to even become available, signing petitions to get the companies out there because it isn`t seen as economically viable to provide it out there.

The majority of people I know don`t even own credit cards. Many of them don`t have bank accounts. But they`re still members of a modern society. This country has large tech plaza`s full of gaming areas where people play console games. And there is NO internet connection in these places. I guess we can just tell all my friends who work downtown to look for a new job.

How about those families all over the world that go through tough financial times? Life is unpredictable. When console prices come down in a few years, and a minimum wage family can buy an Xbox One for their kid for Christmas to make him happy, are we to punish that family and child because they have a bad month and can`t pay the internet bill? If the cat knocks the modem off the wall and it breaks, are gamers forced to not play while they wait for repair service?

And how will this affect the rental system? If publishers are allowed to lock their games from being lent, or requiring charges to be paid just to play a game that`s been installed already, we are only punishing the poorest gamers who can`t afford to pay over $100 for a new game. Yes, in Mexico, retail games sell for $90 to $110 US dollars. While living costs such as rent and utilities are much lower. It`s already hard enough to be a gamer in many countries. Now we`re just gonna make it harder.

We should all be offended as gamers and consumers in general.
I know it is easy to throw MS under the bus right now. Truth is, all of this DRM stuff are publishers ideas. At some point discs will not be available...at all. Developers want this to protect them. I feel for your situation in general, the less developed parts of the world are going to suffer through the DRM shenanigans.

I believe it is laughable to think that publishers will DRM MS, but not PS4. If it turns out that way, I will be extremely shocked.

I know the FGC is predominately PS users, but IMO XBL destroys PSN in every way possible. Yes I have a PS3. As a consumer, always online effects me in a positive way. The azure cloud network has me super excited as it will only improve online play exponentially... i hope. I'm a big time shooter fan and if you think input delay sucks, you should get shot 3 feet after turning a corner 0n BS P2P games.

I'll be an early XB1 adopter, and I was really impressed with the PS4 reveal. I'm interested in seeing what e3 has to showcase.

As for the people that are scared of the kinect for personal security reasons, quit being a dumb ass and throw your cell phone in the trash. You have being carrying a surveillance device around for years.


Saikyo Student
I've been discussing Xbox One and PS4 with a friend, and I've realized this:

Considering how far Microsoft has lowered the bar, Sony can afford to do some scummy things and still come out with the better console. Even if they charge $99 a month for PSN, at least you can play games offline and loan games to friends. Without Microsoft to push them to perform better, I wouldn't be surprised if Sony pulls out some scummy tactics - they can afford to at this point.

AK Walker

Han shot first
Microsoft has been making horrible choices as of late. Windows 8 and now the Xbox One. MS has dug themselves a VERY deep hole to climb out of. Their conference on Monday at E3 will be very interesting indeed. Sony seems to have their head on straight after the reality check of this previous console war in which they lost to the 360 and Nintendo.

The FGC will HAVE to play on PS4 now since it will allow for offline play for extended periods of time, unlike the XB1. Also games should run just as good if not better than the XB1 now that Sony has gotten rid of those awful Cell Processors and put in X86 CPUs which are INCREDIBLY easy to program for.


1 2 3 drink
I will say this, its absolutely a disgrase that they pull off shit like this. I will not buy the new xbox, and im gonna tell everybody on my work, friends, family to dothe same after telling them why they shouldn'nt buy it. If sony pulls off the sale shit i will be deeply dissapointed and even more if the new xbox one doesn't go bankrupt by doing this.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Why wait til XBone to boycott? I'm done buying 360 games too. FUCK Microsoft!

MS doesn't give two flying turdlets about any market outside of the U.S. It took them six years to sell 100k consoles in JPN, where the used game market dominates.

Everyone needs to spread the word to casual gamers, most people are currently ill informed and are simply giddy that a new xbox is coming out for Christmas derp derp. I myself converted the most ardent MS fanboy at work to Sony's camp last night. Poor lad looked like he was about to cry after my 45 minute filibuster. :p

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
Good thread as always Mayo. It seems like your country is like my country. Srsly, Micro$hit want to destroy gamer's community? Oh yeah, and Xbox One is a stupid name. It also looks like shit, i'd rather buy a VHS player. Whoever designed it and had those stupid ideas for X1 can go suck my fucking dick.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
The issue with MS is that they don't care about how things were, they care about the future, thus rather we want it or not, they will force that future on us.

A large part of this is MS trying to appeal to more than the gamer and too much time listening to the publishers, let us not confuse with the developer, they are two different things. The publisher is only distributing the product, the dev. actually made it. The publishers want DRM and they are also the ones who will come up with excuses like Used Games are killing their profits. They lose money and find a scapegoat all the time. At one time it was rentals they felt people weren't buying games because they can rent them, then it was piracy, they made excuses and imaginary numbers to attest and prove these things, such as Ubisoft did awhile back by making a bold statement saying that 90% of their customers were pirates, when questioned where they got such statistics, they couldn't even provide proof, they still have yet to even prove the validity of said statement. Now the issue is used games, because of stores like Game Stop. Today if I buy a guitar, Fender gets a cut of that sale, but if I go and pick up a Fender Strat. from a pawn shop Fender gets nothing, this is just not how the entertainment industry views this. They actually believe that if you buy a DVD and your whole family watches it at home, that each person in the room should have to pay full price for the DVD as well, so say the DVD was 20 bucks, well this mean your kids and spouse/lover should also pay too. The music industry views it the same as well, they also believe that every time you and a friend hear a song on the radio you both owe money to the publisher for hearing the song, even though it was on the radio. This is the greed of the entertainment industry, which BTW was behind the SOPA bill.

MS is also doing this to gain more money from an initial sale, they do charge a fee just to use your internet already a system that seemed to prove acceptable by all the millions out there that currently use XBL, even though they bring far less advantage over having a PS+ account, which is optional when wanting to p+lay games online on the PSN. Now this will be a requirement to even use the XB1, so every XB1 is a guaranteed XBL subscription for them, it will be required after all, they are alienating independent retailers by only allowing approved MS retailers to resell the games, which likely won't work either, because every publisher is going capitalize on forcing extra out of the consumer with DRM measures, lest we forget how bad DRM can be, just look at older Ubisoft titles, Diablo 3, and Sim City. If one really wants to understand look at Spore, which only allowed you to install the game 3 times, lastly look at almost any Windows operating system on the market, I have even had MS tell me that I had to RE-BUY a key from them at full price of the Win. 7, because I have installed my OS too many times. You see these companies think that you didn't buy their game, you paid for a license and they are giving you permission to use the game and they can revoke that at any time they feel.

It is these things I have mapped out above and consumers have given in for so long that it won't change, just look at Diablo 3 and how quick it sold and how anti-consumerist that game was, look how everyone has bought on to the DLC band wagon, or how folks have given in to the online pass scams. The only reason these practices aren't even illegal is due the law not catching up to technology.

The XB1 is the direct result of all the past issues that consumers have just been slowly buying into and telling MS and others we are fine by it, well maybe finally they well lose.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Microsoft has been making horrible choices as of late. Windows 8 and now the Xbox One. MS has dug themselves a VERY deep hole to climb out of. Their conference on Monday at E3 will be very interesting indeed. Sony seems to have their head on straight after the reality check of this previous console war in which they lost to the 360 and Nintendo.

The FGC will HAVE to play on PS4 now since it will allow for offline play for extended periods of time, unlike the XB1. Also games should run just as good if not better than the XB1 now that Sony has gotten rid of those awful Cell Processors and put in X86 CPUs which are INCREDIBLY easy to program for.
Windows 8 is an abysmal flaming turd


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Unless PS4 has something fresh that I'm interested in, MadCatz M.O.J.O. is on lock for me.

The only thing I like that is Microsoft is the 360. I even hate Windows (Using it atm saddens me, I'd much rather be on Ubuntu).