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What else are you playing? Recommend a Game!

Final Fantasy 13
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Metroid: Other M
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Mortal Kombat: 9
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Candystand Multiplayer Billiards
Queen Savior IV (my FF game i made in GameMaker)
Batman: Arkham City
God of War HD Collection
God of War 3
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Final Fantasy 13 x2
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair


honestly ff13 isn't as bad as some of the "purist" say it is. The problem with 13 is a pro for some. Its just very linear when you compare it to the rest of the series. But for what it was worth, it isn't a bad game.

I still say FFT is still hands down the one of the best rpg games ever. It is such an overlooked game.
I didn't mind the linearity in XIII. The ambience was good and there was enough stuff to do besides following the storylines.

Tactics is awesome indeed. And so is Tactics Ogre. That game is hella fucking hard though.


i played inFAMOUS Festival of Blood. it was cool. really short. more like infamous 2 than the first one. not very many trophies but all easy to get. i was annoyed because i had like $13.59 and there seemed to be no good games/movies for under $20.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
At the moment I'm also playing:

The Metal Slug collection
River City Ransom
Fallout 2
3SOE (when I have some spare dough)


Definetly Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, both brilliant games with tons of play time and good stories.
This. I think I have like 500 hours in FO3, including the DLC. This winter I'm gonna get all the DLC for NV at once and go through that. Such immersive worlds, its fun just running around and seeing the world. Like the Sat. stations... you see them way in the distance and you just gotta find out what might have happened there.

River City Ransom
Ha I loved that game on the NES.

So you guys that played Metal Gear Solid, how does it play? I mean, I was a huge fan of Metal Gear and Snakes Revenge on the NES. Does it keep the same vibe?
As of late I have been playing or recently beat. Sucks my xbox broke after I pay for classes hopefully I can grab a new one for a good price.
Metal Gear Solid 4 (I feel like I really accomplished something beating this game)
Sonic the hedgehog 2, 3, Knuckles, CD
Resident Evil 2,3, Veronica HD, 4 HD, I kinda wanna play 5 again
Super Stardust HD (addictive)
Gears of War 3
Street Fighter 3rd strike online (parry system makes this game amazing)
Devil May Cry 4

Games I want in the near future
Sonic Generations
Batman Arkam City
MW3 (multiplayer never gets old)
Metal Gear HD collection
Ultimate Marvel 3
Final Fantasy 8
Street Fighter x tekken
Tekken Tag 2


I'm a HUGE Metal Gear fan.

To keep it straight, every single Metal Gear Solid is good, each one keeps fresh gameplay and an immense story. MGS4 is a tad bit disappointing, because there was one answer for every event that occurred.

You should buy the Metal Gear Solid HD collection that just came out today, contains Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

I would recommend playing them in order though, you should buy Metal Gear Solid, which is only for $10 in the Playstation Network.


[MENTION=7479]Verstande[/MENTION], thanks for the heads up, I'll certainly check these out. Odd that MGS1 isn't in the HD collection though. I wish more games (especially new titles) were available on PSN.


[MENTION=7479]Verstande[/MENTION], thanks for the heads up, I'll certainly check these out. Odd that MGS1 isn't in the HD collection though. I wish more games (especially new titles) were available on PSN.
That's because MGS1 technically already has an HD title on the gamecube, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, is pretty much MGS1 from the PSX except it's in HD.


Head Cage
Final Fantasy 13
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Final Fantasy 13 x2
these are the only games i will have to disagree with u check. LOS was the worst castlevania game ever to be created and ff13 is rlly fucking shitty.

I can see why people may like los so thts w/e but I cant comprehend why half the ff community likes ff13. I don't think the all mighty creator of this world can comprehend why people like ff13 XD


A prop on the stage of life.
By series:

Final Fantasy: 6, 7, & 13

Resident Evil: Any but 3. 2 is a must play though

Metal Gear Solid: Any but MGS 2...that game plays itself..plus you don't get to be snake.

Devil May Cry: 1,3, 4

Zelda: Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, Twilight Princess(notice the game is reversed on gc/wii versions..)

Any COD game is good for some mindless fun.

Metroid: Super Metroid.

Others would include the new Batman game, Uncharted 3, and MW3. Oldies you can go with the Legend of Dragoon and Perfect Dark(I think the game is better than goldeneye).
these are the only games i will have to disagree with u check. LOS was the worst castlevania game ever to be created and ff13 is rlly fucking shitty.

I can see why people may like los so thts w/e but I cant comprehend why half the ff community likes ff13. I don't think the all mighty creator of this world can comprehend why people like ff13 XD
Do you really hate the game that much?


A prop on the stage of life.
....u hate re3 but like re5

I should of worded that a little better. IMO 3 is a low point. If you love it more power to you. The only reason I left 5 on the table is because its the newest one and the ending to the story. I think it could of been done a little better but when you look at other games that came out at the time(halo and gears for example) they did the same shit as their predecessors and got praised while RE5 gets knocked for "not being innovative"? Sounds like a crap shoot to me. I love the RE series, and have played the hell out of it, but 3 just hasn't rubbed off on me yet I guess, you dig, dog?


Head Cage
I should of worded that a little better. IMO 3 is a low point. If you love it more power to you. The only reason I left 5 on the table is because its the newest one and the ending to the story. I think it could of been done a little better but when you look at other games that came out at the time(halo and gears for example) they did the same shit as their predecessors and got praised while RE5 gets knocked for "not being innovative"? Sounds like a crap shoot to me. I love the RE series, and have played the hell out of it, but 3 just hasn't rubbed off on me yet I guess, you dig, dog?
personally i <3 re3. That was re high point. a survival horror where the controls were not stiff at all (game has not aged except for graphics) not pressing button to go up stairs, great voice overs, the fact if u didn't beat nemesis in certain fights he would follow u in random areas of the game. Which was frightening as a hell!

re5 was just an action game with no lust at all. The creator of lost planet made the game and it was so boring. Kill a zombie obtain 30 handgun bullets, a new pair of slippers, a snorkel, and a gift card to toys r us....rinse and repeat.

i mean this is my opinion of course and ur entitled to urs


That's because MGS1 technically already has an HD title on the gamecube, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, is pretty much MGS1 from the PSX except it's in HD.
Oh damnit. So I should have bought MGS: TS to get MSG1? No big deal if I do I didn't get anywhere yet, lol. I also couldn't the HD collection for the other ones. Is that on PSN? Is it under wierd name?


R.I.P. Dj Screw
Game I been on latley:

Call Of Duty MW3
Saints Row The Third (Beat It not long ago.....Fun Game)
Dead Island
WWE '12 (Just bought it 2day as a early xmas present 12/2/2011)
Skyrim baby. Screw all the people who say the patch broke the game. I have ZERO issues.
Dark Souls still. What can I say, it's enjoyable.

Ohh yeah... Online Bingo too.


EX Ovi should launch
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars.

I shit you not this game has kept me up til 5am 3 nights in a row because i just cant put it down, its too fun for its own good!