Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Tbh, though, the problem with Raven is moreso that GL outside of lift range will struggle hard vs Raven. Yes, GL can play footsies, and yes, patience gets you in, but the issue is that GL cannot properly contest things such as her trait, and does not have a dash that can actually zip past pillars done in the same spot after blocking one. Yeah, you can get in, but not before you let Raven build a ton of meter to pushblock you back out or do chunks of damage and set up trait again. That matchup actually is hard for GL.The fact that he says a fast walkspeed is useless in this game pretty much shows why he thinks the character is so bad.
A fast walkspeed is one of the BEST things you can have in this game, it allows you to actually play footsies and whiff punish. This is why so many GLs think raven is unwinnable, they just try and dash in.
But as I said, his hard matchups are seriously uncommon. And I'm not sold on MMH being bad still. I want to see that matchup played at a high level for once, and see if my ideas do work.