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What are your other hobbies?


hobby musician and producer, so when i'm not playing fighting games im writing and practicing and making music. i play bass, write and tour with japanese death metal band pukelization. i like to make dance music in many forms and also hip hop. i run a hobby label with friends.

when im not injustice or music, im neglecting the responsibility of employment by posting inane shit all over TYM and facebook.


The King
I have sex. Argue....then have more sex.
you are smoking weed when you are NOT gaming?? if am to smoke weed i will make sure that am going to play games. hell, weed makes even injustice look great.
When you smoke weed you have to do everything that everyone said they do as a hobby in this thread.
I read comics and do math. Currently, I'm seven years ahead of students who are my age.
I'm also grammar police. I prefer not to use Nazi in my name, so I call myself... THE GRAMMAR SLAMMER!
I watch a bit of T.V.
Lots of work put toward education, though. SO. MUCH. LEARNING.
It totally pays off, though.
I would like you to correct some of my grammar in past posts. Also what the hell kind of a conversation lead to your signature?
What I like to do:

Read stories.
Read articles on interesting things, like Astronomy.
Make my own stories.
Have contemplative mind trips to come up with said stories.
Listen to dark, techno-ish music.
Gaze upon art drawn by Brony artists.
Be physically active.
Maybe I like volleyball?
Watch a new TV show every year.
Touch myself.


The King
What I like to do:

Read stories.
Read articles on interesting things, like Astronomy.
Make my own stories.
Have contemplative mind trips to come up with said stories.
Listen to dark, techno-ish music.
Gaze upon art drawn by Brony artists.
Be physically active.
Maybe I like volleyball?
Watch a new TV show every year.
Touch myself.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
you are smoking weed when you are NOT gaming?? if am to smoke weed i will make sure that am going to play games. hell, weed makes even injustice look great.
well i have, but i played casual games high, like Saints row 3, or borderlands, not injustice you know? also sex while high.........Kreygasm. in my town, its a joke around town where people literally say all there is to do in this town, is smoke and fuck, that why i see so many pregnant women in my town.......


Stay Puft

Now that I have my camera repaired, I plan to start shooting a lot more.
A link to my work: http://www.flickr.com/photos/impactthemasses
Cool, what camera do you own?
What I like to do:

Read stories.
Read articles on interesting things, like Astronomy.
Make my own stories.
Have contemplative mind trips to come up with said stories.
Listen to dark, techno-ish music.
Gaze upon art drawn by Brony artists.
Be physically active.
Maybe I like volleyball?
Watch a new TV show every year.
Touch myself.
I'd love to read some of your stories if you're willing to share. I'm currently having writer's block trying to write a script for a short.


PSN: Skkra
Seriously tho, I paint miniatures for more table top gaming.
I miss the days gone by when I had a Games Workshop scene. I've long since old off all of my Warhammer, 40K, Epic, and Necromunda collections. =(

What I do that isn't gaming:
- Surf during summers
- Write and record music as a one-man band
- Cook
- Buy random websites when I get drunk (currently own ~20 .com's for no reason)
- Exercise


25th place Tempest Lao
when im not playing injustice i am

watching anime
watching really long tv show series (prison break, lost, etc.)
hanging with friends
going to school
thinking about writing down this book idea that i've had for about a month.....maybe one day ill start on it


Grapple > Footsies
Mainly music. I play drums, some guitar, and do recording.

I watch tons of movies (especially horror).

Watch pro wrestling.

Listen to podcasts.

Read digital comics.

Occasionally draw.

Alexandru Pascu

Guitar jam sessions with friends while enjoying tasty beverages.
Participating in a local club where we get together and sample tasty beverages.
Getting together with friends to homebrew tasty beverages.
Jogging with my beagle.
Working out. Currently big on cross-fit, but my gym partner prefers straight weight training.

You must be very young, yet your grammar is better than 90% of adults. It is a sad world we live in.
I like how 75% of your hobbies include tasty beverages in any way or form. That's just tops. That's absolutely tits!

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Is smoking weed really considered a hobby?

Skate,jiu jitsu. I'm currently teaching my son how to box, he loves it. I'm a big fan of sleeping too
Corporate job, hang out with GF, hangout with friends and drink beers and bourbon (Sometimes playing Injustice: Drunks Among Us), wakeboard, snowboard, used to skateboard a lot when I lived in CA but now in SC nobody skates and it's hot as fuck.

I also really enjoy Premium Television like Game of Thrones and Spartacus

I also play Competitive Counter-Strike

EDIT: FAMILY is big to me even though i failed to mention them in my original post


I play guitar, mostly acoustic
I like trading card games (Kaijudo, Yugioh with my friend but I hate Yugioh now)
Basketball when I'm at school (cuz of dat rec center yo) but I suck at it
Hang with friends (at school, at home I barely have any friends ;_; )
I'd say movies but everyone watches movies lol same with television
I do random stuff on the computer like download stuff, make videos, browse forums, etc.