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What are your other hobbies?

I smoke a little bud from time to time.
Play music. (I play guitar, bass, drums and horn)
Listen to various forms of metal, I am not a 'metal elitist'. If its heavy, I will most likely dig it. @joker8147
Studying Networking, PHP, Linux, BSD and other various forms of nerd-dom.
Getting high and watching stuff about the universe and quantum mechanics.
Watching mostly every series on AMC.
Hella sex....LIKE FUCKING HELLA with my old lady :) (no fapping necessary)
Having better hair than 99% of people on this planet. :)
Lol scrub it's Joker8417 lol.
And holy shit, can we be best friends?

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Anime (Check out Anime discussion thread where I mostly talk to myself)
Reading(Just got into it)

Some normal people stuff as well like:
Chillin out, maxin' relaxin' all cool while shootin' some b-ball outside of the school
Drunken deep conversations (Is this a hobby? I do this a lot)
I used to be into parkour until my pk friends and I parted ways and I got out of shape
Collecting stuff(just got into it)


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Aside from gaming I like to read, anything from comic books to metaphysics lol. (Favorite author is H.P. Lovecraft)
I also enjoy playing sports when I get the chance and the people who want to play with me.
I love music, I listen to everything except Country a.k.a. Twang Pop and most Pop music.
I mean I work out, I enjoy it lol
I spend loads of time with my girlfriend, and it cuts into my practice time tremendously. (Not today though...ZATANNA!)
Love watching movies, any and every kind. Some of my favorites are probably cheesy ass B rated horror films lol. Some of the best being Basket Case, Sharknado, Nazis at the Center of the Earth. (THEY ARE GAAAWLIKE!)
I would say talking to you guys on here, but that's more of a pasttime at this point.
I'm a computer, gym and a tattoo buff, and trying to keep my fathers legacy going by doing more martial arts. Wushu is my next endeavor.


I'm a computer, gym and a tattoo buff, and trying to keep my fathers legacy going by doing more martial arts. Wushu is my next endeavor.
I should have added 'Thinking about next tattoo ideas all day' because I really, really do.
Avid hip hop listener, really into music in general
Guitar and bass guitar
Computer music software


They love my Grayson
I'm an amateur boxer in the Bronx, currently 2-1 right now. I do personal training to pay the bills, been an ACSM certified trainer the last 6 years so I guess you can say fitness is what I use to get by. Those two things are really my lifestyle. Playing Injustice is my main hobby and the only thing I got time for. I spend most of my free time with my GF, so I'm pretty much locked from getting involved in anything else lol.