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Were You Impressed with XBOX One?

Were you impressed with xbox one?

  • Yes!! Definitely a must buy.

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Maybe...I'll make my judgement at e3.

    Votes: 23 21.1%
  • No, PC for Life.

    Votes: 8 7.3%
  • No, PS4 is more impressive.

    Votes: 54 49.5%
  • No, I'll stick with my current gen.

    Votes: 18 16.5%

  • Total voters


9.95: sorry not quoting that behemoth of a post

That was a great breakdown of the whole, thing, but again you still provide a valid point, why should my system be relient on an internet connection to work. Also why am I paying for extra things that are either on my PC already or on my current smart TV. The thing here is mone, you should not be forced to pay an additional (undisclosed) fee just to play the game you purchased used. Also, why a full game install eating away space, its a CONSOLE, that in fact is why many flocked to the console market, it user freindly and and the user can simply throw in the disk and bam there in the game. Now I gotta install the game, register the damn thing, sign my EULA to give my soul to the company, and possibly be forced to play onine only. Again they are working close with EA, the company that won the title of worst company for 2 years straight, also they are giving the developers freedom of use over whatevr negative anti-piracy/DRM measure they want.

Though focus is being thrown towards the direction of the more casuel consumer, let us look here, for a non-gamer this system really doens't offer much new. For the gamers the system offers complete headaches.

PLease take no offense I just feel this worst for us the paying customer than it is better for us.

No offense taken... you bring up some good points.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
No offense taken... you bring up some good points.
Why thank you :)

Another point I forgot to make as well, is a good 40% of the US is not either able to achieve a stable net connection, still on dial up, or has no connection at all. Thats a very large portion of possible sales nixed for the sake of using a DRM mechanic. Now we can argue that places like Steam are booming, but it doesn't cost close to $400+ to use or obtain Steam. Your current 360 and PS3 is ready to play games right out the box, perhaps you may need a software update for the system here and there, but there are alternative resources to gain those updates. This new console is solely dependant on a net connection. Now MS sells on a global scale, if they are cutting out 40% of possible US sales think about on the more global scale.

I can't 100% make and assessment on the PS4 and how dependant on a connection it will truly need, but so far Sony seems in way better shape to take on the next gen war.

I think a YouTuber by the name of Boogie said it best: "Sony already won the war, just by showing up and not being assholes"

Now I know I am being highly negative about this topic, I just can't see any true benifit for the customer gamer or casuel alike.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Am I mistaken or didn't they even show real gameplay? That's sketchy if they didn't.
That's all software, though. This was a hardware/os reveal. Software reveals will be at e3.

Personally, I think the system looks great. The controversial points don't seem like a big deal to me, mostly because I'm primarily a PC gamer, so frequent internet connections, installation, and the inability to trade games are already a reality. And honestly, MS isn't trying to compete directly with Sony, they're competing with Apple. The days of the dedicated game consoles are numbered, and those who continue to produce them will adapt or fall.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
They'll be doing away with the silver accounts then?
Its likely they won't do away with something like that, but what I see is an affrodible conrtacted avrient of the system that has you signed to an XBL account or so to speak and a varient that like the current one will give you access to some features, but you have to upgrade either to silver or gold to achieve the extras.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
It'll play used games; there's just no official word on if there'll be a fee to play said used games.
Thats is true there was no word on it, but I knwo have onlin gaming access without a sub. was a huge advantage to SOny during this gen and likely they will stick to it.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Well, if they charge too, I might just go PC/WiiU
Get a PC anyways. Consoles this gen sucked and they're not looking much better next gen. The PS4 may be okay...we'll see. I use my PS3 for nothing but watching netflix/blurays these days but there's no service fee. Can't complain ultimately with that.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
That's one of the many reasons I'm a PC gamer, and also why the "cannot trade" issue doesn't bother me. I'm used to it.
Well the reason I do like Steam though is the sales and that if I say have to wipe my HDD, then I can just re-download all my stuff from there.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
Absolute garbage, far worse than i thought MS could possibly do but hey its MS

Sony will remain king of gamers


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Yep, Steam is DRM. It's just the only GOOD DRM.
Well IMO there is no good DRM, I don't like it at all, but Steam does good on how they do it, you can play offline anytime and its more user friendly. Steam has helped protect many games form piracy, so that developers don't have to push nasty practices liek EA and Ubisoft did.