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Were You Impressed with XBOX One?

Were you impressed with xbox one?

  • Yes!! Definitely a must buy.

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Maybe...I'll make my judgement at e3.

    Votes: 23 21.1%
  • No, PC for Life.

    Votes: 8 7.3%
  • No, PS4 is more impressive.

    Votes: 54 49.5%
  • No, I'll stick with my current gen.

    Votes: 18 16.5%

  • Total voters


cr. HP Master
Totally disagree as far as other capabilities are not necessary. Nintendo had the same philosophy with the Gamecube and we all know how that turned out (last in the generation.) While I agree games are extremely important, in this day and age of social media and interactivity you need to keep up with the trends and keep up with the times. I use the secondary features on my PS3 and even the Vita very often. One of the main reasons I went with PS3 over the 360 many moons ago was because it was Blu-Ray compatible. Who needs a Blu-Ray when your game system can double as one?
I can kind of agree to this seeing as how I also opted for the PS3 for bluray and free online gaming. With that out of the way, besides Bluray and voice recognition what is the Xbox One introducing that the 360 or a simple phone you carry in your pocked can't do? This goes for the PS4 as well.


The demographic MS is aiming for with this console aren't the enthousiastic gamers, instead they focus on the people who are looking for an all in one entertainment system. Alot of people, mainly people from the USA used the X360 alot for watching movies with netflix and such. Games are secondary for MS now, regardless of what they say. The services being advertised are USA centric, meaning people in Europe and Asia could care less about these features or won't even get them. I know in my country the providers won't allow MS to circumvent them or even strike a deal, atleast in the near future it seems very unlikely.

Aside from that i really dislike the once every 24 hour internet connection, kinect mandatory and always on/standby...who cares about privacy, no used games, atleast not the old way. MS wants to regulate the way used games are being bought and sold with their own system which has not been explained yet. A fee for used games. Not backwards compatible(PS4 solution is Gakai).

I did hear a rumor that MS makes every multiplayer game have dedicated servers, i except they do really mean gaming servers and not matchmaking. The online will be very solid but you are depended on them to keep that service running, they can simply pull the plug...though that is a bit of a stretch to use this as a con.

I always liked the controller of xbox, EXCEPT the d-pad. The PS4 controller i found to light and small, too cramped. The new PS4 controller has "fixed" this.

I was never was a Playstation fan, i didn't dislike the consoles(i have a PS3) but i always bought Nintendo and Xbox. Even the games at E3 that MS will announce cannot dissuade me from getting a PS, also tired of paying for XBL when i only use the party chat and play online, that's it.


Totally disagree as far as other capabilities are not necessary. Nintendo had the same philosophy with the Gamecube and we all know how that turned out (last in the generation.) While I agree games are extremely important, in this day and age of social media and interactivity you need to keep up with the trends and keep up with the times. I use the secondary features on my PS3 and even the Vita very often. One of the main reasons I went with PS3 over the 360 many moons ago was because it was Blu-Ray compatible. Who needs a Blu-Ray when your game system can double as one?

As far as this Xbox One is concerned, I will not be touching it with a 10-foot pole (other than to smash the thing I suppose.) This is 24/7 DRM, money grubbing at its finest and I want no part of it. Microsoft has been known for its shady business practices long before yesterday, but if all of this is true (used game fees, etc) then I hope Microsoft leaves the console business. If Sony follows suit with similar changes on PS4, this could....mark my words....lead to a repeat of the video game crash of 1983. PC gaming will see a return to prominence.
I see your point. But the Xbox One is a futile attempt to tap into every possible market while just utilizing the name. Literally 80% of the content at that conference dealt with TV, Cable, Movies, Sports. The other 20% went to games. They are shying away from games which is what got them to where they are today. Too much time is being put into interactivity and entertainment. I see why they are doing it, but that doesn't make it right. They aren't leveling up their abilities as developers. They're mixing together all the niceties we have available to us and jam packing it into a $700 dollar box.


cr. HP Master
MKillBill Let me ask you a question. If Microsoft and Sony do imply some sort of difficulty on playing used games how do you think this will affect the tournament scene in the future? Will we retract to old games and consoles? Or could this possibly eradicate the tournament scene?


Forum General Emeritus
MKillBill Let me ask you a question. If Microsoft and Sony do imply some sort of difficulty on playing used games how do you think this will affect the tournament scene in the future? Will we retract to old games and consoles? Or could this possibly eradicate the tournament scene?
I don't think it will negatively affect the tournament scene, provided that all copies of the games are authentic and are played on the system for which they were bought.

As far as which system would be used going forward, tournaments do not require an online DRM which would obviously favor PS4 at the moment.


Here's my take:

It's a foregone conclusion that games are going to be competitive system to system, with the exception of the WiiU. Nintendo marches to the beat of it's own drum and we just have to deal with the fact that they're still creating "new" systems using last gen technology... that is what it is.

With regards to PS4 vs. Xbox One:

Both systems will be competitive in terms of how the graphics look and the games play. Nothing has changed since the days of the OG Xbox and PS2... they were competitive then, competitive with the PS3/360 and will be with the PS4/Xbox One. To think anything else is naive... so it's time to stop worrying about the games... the games will be there and they will be relatively the same on both systems. It's not like one company is pulling a "Nintendo" here and using last gen tech.

- New Xbox is called "Xbox One"
I think we all get this... "One" as in One console for everything... games, movies, tv, music, media. This is meant to be that all in "One" set top box in your living room that the PS3 promised to be but really didn't quite become. The new media integration so far looks like it will actually do this...if it works as promised.

- New and Improved, "Kinect 2"
Wasn't a big fan of the Kinect, won't be a big fan of the Kinect 2. Good plan on paper, bad execution. I doubt the Kinect 2 will take off just as the K1 didn't really have that big of an impact.

- Connects to your television/cable box
This is the first major movement toward that "One" box for your living room. As long as it actually does make good use of your DVR...or act as a DVR itself, then this is a good idea.

- Seamlessly switch between Games/TV/Music/Movies with a simple voice command.
Nice idea...unnecessary for real gamers. We like to have controllers and that won't stop. Good for the kids who think it's "cool" to talk to their systems and good for the current generation grandparents (people the age of my father) who grew up with Pong and Atari and aren't REALLY dexterous enough to work a gamepad to control a set top box... they'll talk to their systems as well.

- Interact with your TV, such as checking on your fantasy league while watching a sports game.
Another ok feature... for the die hard Madden fan. I won't use it... but I'm sure some will.

- DVR integration
As I said, as long as this WORKS, it's a good idea.

- Able to record gameplay
Similar to using your DVR... might be good if it gets an "instant upload" to youtube or if you can transfer recorded gameplay to your PC for editing/uploading.

- 8 GB DDR3 Ram
Nice... needed for it to be more like a PC, which is obvious what the One is geared at being.

- Blu Ray player
Does Sony know about this?

- Intergration of Skype
I can do this on my PC, my phone, my laptop, my ipod, my PSP, and my Vita... not necessary, but it's nice to have it standard.

- You can instantly resume your saved games
Savestate anyone? Thank goodness someone looked at pc emulators and said... hmmm... that's a good idea!

- Does not support backwords compatibility
My second biggest gripe. I can still play my old PC games on Windows 7... they really should have worked on this and implemented it. 360 games at the bare minimum should be compatible...but I still get it. Different architecture... so it can't play legacy games... still my second biggest gripe... but there's an easy fix... KEEP YOUR 360!(duh)

- Must be connected to Kinect 2 to function
This is annoying and my BIGGEST gripe. If the One is the better system overall, ESPECIALLY for fighting games...then you have to pray you don't break it in while bringing it everywhere for tournaments... ugh...

- Xbox live Gold account will be carried over
As should be standard...

- Cloud Storage
This is cool... as long as its not just limited to Gold accounts.

- 500 GB local storage drive
Very nice amount... upgradable?

- Achievements will be carried over
Again, should be standard...

- Works with SmartGlass
Thanks... I don't use it anyway.

- Approximately 15 exclusives games are in development
Good idea to have games available at launch... it IS a video game system...

- Must be connected online
for certain functionality...

- Is NOT an Always online console
...but you'll miss out on some stuff by not being online...

- Games MUST be installed on your local drive
Just like a PC... remember what I said about the system being more PC like?

- Xbox Live Arcade games will NOT transfer over
Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid....

- Online service still isnt free
Sony will eventually figure this out too... we're gonna pay if asked to. Smart business... we like free things but still, lets not be naive.

-Game Discs will be used to install to the hard drive once, used games allowed...for an "unspecified" fee.
Lets see if this is actually the case with installations. If this is true, then that means you can buy ONE game, install it to your system, then literally LEND the game to a friend/family member, etc... let them pay the "unspecified" fee, which will undoubtedly be smaller, and install it to their system as well. This could be good for tournaments, as it will reduce the cost of purchasing multiple copies of one game...buy one, pay for the multiple installs...(for less than the cost of the full game)... good idea if it works like intended and you don't actually need the disc to start up the game.

My final word:
Many of us have added a PC to your living room. We can watch things like Amazon Prime Instant Video, Netflix and Hulu Plus from them. They're DVD players, Blu-Ray players, music players with things like MP3 players and services like Pandora Radio. They're media hubs as well... you no longer need your "NBC Nightly News" when you can get instant video news updates on your PC. I had a PC in my living room until it needed repairs... and I will be putting it back in... maybe... The Xbox One is geared toward being that very same "ONE" box in your living room... actually if it works as intended.

Am I skeptical that it will work as flawlessly as they say? Of course.
Do I think it's a good idea? Yes, especially since I'm not in the least bit concerned about the quality of games... I KNOW the games will be good... so what else can you offer me? If this works well... as they promise... then this is a great "bonus" package outside of the game system itself.


cr. HP Master
Phil makes good point, but the consoles still aren't as powerful as PC's. PC's evolve rather quickly and will always be a step ahead.


Phil makes good point, but the consoles still aren't as powerful as PC's. PC's evolve rather quickly and will always be a step ahead.
Of course... that's because PC's are almost always totally customizable and upgradeable. With a game system, what you get under the hood is pretty much what you're stuck with. It's still nice to see that they're using PC architecture with both systems... and I like what the ONE offers outside of gaming. I hope the PS4 offers just as much. I'm getting both... just like I got my doorstop back in December...(WiiU)


Xbox One has to connect to the internet once every 24-hours, isn't that an hassle with tournaments. Only one disc per console basically, again another hassle for tournaments(but also for everyone else)

The cloud can eventually be used to relieve the grunt work from the console to run a game from somewhere else, thus the games will be increasingly more high end which you'll see in things such as graphics. Good idea but again steady connection required.

Good device but not a gamer's device.


cr. HP Master
Of course... that's because PC's are almost always totally customizable and upgradeable. With a game system, what you get under the hood is pretty much what you're stuck with. It's still nice to see that they're using PC architecture with both systems... and I like what the ONE offers outside of gaming. I hope the PS4 offers just as much. I'm getting both... just like I got my doorstop back in December...(WiiU)
100% True. Although, I will probably hold out for awhile. My PC as of now is still more powerful than the next gen console.


Dojo Trainee
Was I impressed not really, will I buy it? Most definitely, simply because I am collector of game consoles, so this and the PS4 are day 1 purchases for me.
I already wasn't interested when there was a severe lack of showing any games for this gaming console...

That and charging to for used games to be played and making you install it on the hard drive is kinda shooting themselves in the foot.
9.95 Phil, I could not agree more with your write-up on the subject. If all the "features" work, this will be an amazing system for all people.
I think the skype integration would be great when streaming online stuff. Makes for some good commentary?


Administrator and Community Engineer
So far this was my impression of the new announcement:

But that is subject to change; the TV stuff is cool, and it's like the "future of the living room" that we'd always envisioned.. Gesture control, voice recognition etc. But first and foremost, it's a gaming console, and they didn't do much to promote that aspect of it.

So thus far: winner -- PS4. But only time will tell.


The Xbox one's hard drive cant be replaced.(although you can use an external hard drive) Seems odd that it's only 500 GBs of storage. That's very low considering all games must be installed.


Shazzy's Senpai
I feel the conference was an hour too long. It seems like they simply wanted to introduce the "new" features it had. Since Kinect and the new TV integration are truly the newest concepts being added, those were really the only two things they talked about. It seems as though the games were shoveled in the last 20 minutes to remind folks it still plays games.

I was impressed by the multitasking though. I have one monitor for both my computer and Xbox and I'm having to constantly switch the video mode from using the Internet to playing games.

I'll leave E3 to show me the games. This announcement was really directed towards a general audience.


But first and foremost, it's a gaming console, and they didn't do much to promote that aspect of it.

So thus far: winner -- PS4. But only time will tell.

To be honest, I still look at it as both systems will be relatively equivalent in terms of how they are as a gaming console. The extras are what will make the systems shine IMO.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
9.95: sorry not quoting that behemoth of a post

That was a great breakdown of the whole, thing, but again you still provide a valid point, why should my system be relient on an internet connection to work. Also why am I paying for extra things that are either on my PC already or on my current smart TV. The thing here is mone, you should not be forced to pay an additional (undisclosed) fee just to play the game you purchased used. Also, why a full game install eating away space, its a CONSOLE, that in fact is why many flocked to the console market, it user freindly and and the user can simply throw in the disk and bam there in the game. Now I gotta install the game, register the damn thing, sign my EULA to give my soul to the company, and possibly be forced to play onine only. Again they are working close with EA, the company that won the title of worst company for 2 years straight, also they are giving the developers freedom of use over whatevr negative anti-piracy/DRM measure they want.

Though focus is being thrown towards the direction of the more casuel consumer, let us look here, for a non-gamer this system really doens't offer much new. For the gamers the system offers complete headaches.

PLease take no offense I just feel this worst for us the paying customer than it is better for us.


Noob Saibot
Am I mistaken or didn't they even show real gameplay? That's sketchy if they didn't. I only saw the "trailers" and wasn't impressed.

I'm more hyped for PS4 this time around.


9.95: sorry not quoting that behemoth of a post

That was a great breakdown of the whole, thing, but again you still provide a valid point, why should my system be relient on an internet connection to work. Also why am I paying for extra things that are either on my PC already or on my current smart TV. The thing here is mone, you should not be forced to pay an additional (undisclosed) fee just to play the game you purchased used. Also, why a full game install eating away space, its a CONSOLE, that in fact is why many flocked to the console market, it user freindly and and the user can simply throw in the disk and bam there in the game. Now I gotta install the game, register the damn thing, sign my EULA to give my soul to the company, and possibly be forced to play onine only. Again they are working close with EA, the company that won the title of worst company for 2 years straight, also they are giving the developers freedom of use over whatevr negative anti-piracy/DRM measure they want.

Though focus is being thrown towards the direction of the more casuel consumer, let us look here, for a non-gamer this system really doens't offer much new. For the gamers the system offers complete headaches.

PLease take no offense I just feel this worst for us the paying customer than it is better for us.

No offense taken... you bring up some good points.