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UPDATED Top 5 MKX Players - Based off Results & Opinion. King delivers the boot

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
I am taking no jabs passively, I'll be as clear as possible.

I'll respond point by point:
1. Absolutely not, in no way am I MM anyone in this game let alone a 3-7 shinnok MU let alone the best shinnok player w my mid tier garbage. I wouldn't dare expect a someone to MM me in mk9 or inj in a 7-3 either . I have nothing to prove, all I can do in this game is try my best my main and hope for as much luck as possible during a match and In a bracket.

You single handedly were responsible for me leaving a Skype call group because of months and months or arrogant, Pretentious, insulting comments topped of w shitting on my esl accomplishment, the only tourney I've had time for to prep for and the one that made sense to, especially when it came to me labbing @A F0xy Grampa succeeding and then began to shit on me him and Russia .

it was best for me to leave the call before I responded how I should have. I don't take lip from someone I've treated as a friend for a long time and supported. As for passive jabs that's not in me,
I throw them loud and proud when I have an issue w someone so ask any question and I'll be as direct as possible
This entire thread is a passive jab that is trying to discredit me, all because you are angry. And again, YOU don't think ESL is a big accomplishment and you never have. You are only saying that now because you want to look like a victim. You left the Skype call group because you were mad about me throwing your shit back at you. You were trying to tell everyone in the call that they were bad because you are bad and then (oops) I won a major. Telling people they suck because you are insecure is a really shitty thing to do, especially to people who are supposed to be your friends. Nobody in the call supports your bullshit, and i'm the only one that is able to speak up about it.


Not Good Enough
You can kiss my pale white ass with this shit. I can't respect a player who isn't confident enough in himself to rise to an occasion like this.
This quote had me rolling. I think FT5 is perfect though. If KING and WoundCowboy already agreed to it, then let it rock. I'm so looking forward to the MM

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
This entire thread is a passive jab that is trying to discredit me, all because you are angry. And again, YOU don't think ESL is a big accomplishment and you never have. You are only saying that now because you want to look like a victim. You left the Skype call group because you were mad about me throwing your shit back at you. You were trying to tell everyone in the call that they were bad because you are bad and then (oops) I won a major. Telling people they suck because you are insecure is a really shitty thing to do, especially to people who are supposed to be your friends. Nobody in the call supports your bullshit, and i'm the only one that is able to speak up about it.
. Edit nvm
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Waiting for Havik
This is starting to sound personal, maybe y'all should talk this out privately.
So when King and Wound talk shit to each other is hype but when Pig gets called is "too personal, should be private"? He should has it coming everytime he talks shit to others, sadly nobody want (for some weird reason) to tell him the truth. I guess some are plain dick riders and others just want to avoid issues with a passive agressive guy.


Official Master of Salt
No, it doesn't. If these secret top tier players are consistently losing to the actual top tier guys at their local tournaments, it indicates that there is a skill gap.
Guess you haven't heard of aixy, who double eliminated foxy in tournament. How many Americans have done that?
Surely you've heard about Madzin's 6-0 over foxy too? Again, how many yanks have pulled that off?
Maybe look at the percentage of brits that made up EVO entrants compared to American, then look at the percentage of brits that made up top 8 compared to American. That comparison should tell you something.

You know nothing of Europe, so leave it out.

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
So when does ESL season 2 start?
Also I kinda take offense to being labeled a 'yank'. Kinda as bad as '[ban incoming]'. To me at least....

I'll just be over there in the corner....crying.
P.S. At least our weed is better...
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The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
Guess you haven't heard of aixy, who double eliminated foxy in tournament. How many Americans have done that?
Surely you've heard about Madzin's 6-0 over foxy too? Again, how many yanks have pulled that off?
Maybe look at the percentage of brits that made up EVO entrants compared to American, then look at the percentage of brits that made up top 8 compared to American. That comparison should tell you something.

You know nothing of Europe, so leave it out.
Wow I'm an American, but that was a good reply, bangerrang Tortoise



Data Collecting
its not surprising people get worked up losing or winning thousands and thousands of dollars is a big deal and so is being the best in the world at something. I'm actually surprised it's not a lot worse then it is.


gotta take it to make it
That's way harder then going to lets say TCW for example, mopping your pool of no names then beating a decent player who isn't Yomi/Sonic to make top 8
Slayer in round 1 winner's
Slayer in winner's
Top 8 at TCW
mopping your pool
Kinetic Orochi


SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
I just cant. It's 43 pages of pure excellence so far and more on the way. I feel like I should start some shit now just to add to the hilarity. I will humbly refrain from such action.

I need a respirator...


Pew pew pew
Lol. Keep telling it to your widows, you know I'm one of the few that don't give a shit about being out of your circle.
Yeah I'm sure that's why you came here to bring up his name and talk crap

Because you don't give a shit

Because that's how it works when you don't give a shit about something, you talk about it
Guess you haven't heard of aixy, who double eliminated foxy in tournament. How many Americans have done that?
Surely you've heard about Madzin's 6-0 over foxy too? Again, how many yanks have pulled that off?
Maybe look at the percentage of brits that made up EVO entrants compared to American, then look at the percentage of brits that made up top 8 compared to American. That comparison should tell you something.

You know nothing of Europe, so leave it out.
This comparison is so off, but it gets repeated continually. Listen: if we sent YOMI to every European event, there'd be a ton of YOMI in your too 8's and if we sent Sonic with them foxy would have a whole lot more second/third place trophies. Like the absolute best went to EVO from Europe. You honestly believe if SF and DJT went to Europe those tourneys there would have had the same outcome?

And by the top 8 standings at EVO those Europeans did rather well. I was even happy to see one half of K&M up there and wanted him to make it to the end, but this continual "woe is us, we gets no respekt" is tired man. Like I said earlier, when you play Americans, just win. And no one can say shit, except Europe when they say "Hold that".


Pew pew pew
This comparison is so off, but it gets repeated continually. Listen: if we sent YOMI to every European event, there'd be a ton of YOMI in your too 8's and if we sent Sonic with them foxy would have a whole lot more second/third place trophies. Like the absolute best went to EVO from Europe. You honestly believe if SF and DJT went to Europe those tourneys there would have had the same outcome?

And by the top 8 standings at EVO those Europeans did rather well. I was even happy to see one half of K&M up there and wanted him to make it to the end, but this continual "woe is us, we gets no respekt" is tired man. Like I said earlier, when you play Americans, just win. And no one can say shit, except Europe when they say "Hold that".
Your argument is the thing that's so off because it doesn't make any sense in relation to what SneakyTortoise was arguing with Wound about. They were talking about the skill gap in European competition, strictly among Europeans.
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