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UMK3 Tournament at ECC-EVO in Stamford, CT May 25-27


I wish Lex, Moe, and Thrower would have gone. Since they aren't top 3 will be Shock, Dominican, and Julian. If Lex, Moe, and Thrower would have come it would have shaken things up quite a bit.


l SuGaR l said:
I wish Lex, Moe, and Thrower would have gone. Since they aren't top 3 will be Shock, Dominican, and Julian. If Lex, Moe, and Thrower would have come it would have shaken things up quite a bit.
yea why arent they going anyway?


Mostly money issues, remember they would have to drive or fly from Chicago to Connecticut. I wish I had the money to fly people out and provide accomodations. I want everyone possible to be present and the big gatherings.

I will most likely not play in the actual tournament, unless people want me to. Only thing I'd take is prize money if in the event I place since the stick is meant for the winner presented by UMK if that's what they choose.


If you place for the stick you can pick which one you want. We have to see what the turnout is for the prize money, I mean, 8 people might show for all we know.


UMK3 at Evo/ECC today in Stamford, Connecticut!

To all the players who are going to support UMK3 today, good luck. Bring your skills, and bring your money!

For anyone who has a 360 and is willing to bring it, we need one more incase the numbers are too high...I know that sounds like a joke but there could be close to 30 players there today if things go right. I'm expecting 12-16 however and in that case one 360 might be bearable.

Tournament will start when 16 players are present, or no later than 6PM, whichever comes first. As more players arrive it'll be possible to plug them into the brackets no problem so long as we don't get beyond the third round.

If enough players decide they want to come back Sunday I will consider staying over, otherwise it's a one shot deal, today only May 26th.

Remember the prize will be a custom X360 UMK3 stick, or prize money from entry fees.

If the turnout is less than 16 players entry fee will be $5, if there's 16 or more, $7, unless everyone is willing to pay $7 regardless. Guaranteed payouts to 1st 2nd and 3rd place.

Check Shock's AIM through the profile system and read the away message for my cell phone in case anyone needs to contact me. Simple text messages with your tag and info will suffice.



They've got about 12 players so far, probably more now. Warm ups are happening as we speak. Hopefully there'll be a great turn out!



The first round of matches looked something like this:

Shock vs Nadir
Dark Virus vs Rushed Down
Guy vs Frankie
Julian vs Mach1

By the time the tourny actually started around 8:20, they had a total of 17 players.

I know that Crazy Dominican, Joe, Kyle and NKI also ended up in the tourny.

Final Outcome
1st: Crazy Dominican
2nd: Mach1
3rd: Shock


Results are in from the EVO UMK3 Tournament

Edit: Videos are up for the whole tournament:


Just Added: You can now download a playlist of all the files in roughly their correct order so you don't have to go through and download them individually!

Click Here to get the playlist! (.asx format playlist)

16 players in the tournament, 22 total in the house for casuals. The turn outs are getting better folks.


1st: Crazy Dominican
2nd: Mach 1
3rd: Shock

4th: FrankieBonez
5th: Joe
6th: DJ Eric

7th: Kyle
7th: cheatinasswinz
9th: Julian
9th: NKI
9th: DarkViru5
9th: Have a Nice Dave
13th: RusheDown
13th: Guy
13th: Illegal Eagle
13th: Matt

Special thanks to Dark Geese for his $5 entry fee donation to UMK3!

Crazy Dominican opted for the prize money.

Mach 1 walked away with the Xbox 360 arcade stick and we were glad to give it to him for the long trip up from Florida!

Thanks to all the contestants. It sounds like a great group came out for the event and a good time was had by all.

This was the best turn out in a long time, thanks to everybody that came out!


Sounds like Shock got footage of all the tourny matches. I'm sure they'll be upped soon.

And DJ Eric got footage of some of the casuals as well.

Because of controller swapping the game had to be restarted a lot so be prepared to see the same 2 levels very often.


Awesome time today, wish more people came down although 17 was sweet. EVO is a sick tournament to everyone who missed it SUCKS FOR YOU! Just being there is cool for any fighter/gamer type people.

Big congrats to MAch 1, he drove up from florida and went home a winner. Good stuff man, wish it were me though I wanted the stick bad, at least I'd use it :p. But hang it on your wall or something dude, its your trophy.

Congrats Dominican on the win. Totally beasted everyone today. Was super impressed. Maybe I should learn to play with a controller a bit more :p .

Good times, nice to meet everyone. Had a blast today. Wish it would go down more often!


Thanks to everyone. This tournament was a huge success. I will try and get some vids up tomorrow.

So everyone knows, first 3 rounds were best of 3, winners finals were best of 5, losers bracket was 1 match takes the win, and finals were best of 7.

Flash photography during UMK3 matches = the ownage.


yea for real, get the vids up asap bro I wanna seeeeeeeeeeeee :)

hope you got home ok lolllll, if you guys only knew about my ill navigation and TV carrying skills haha!


Yeah I was telling Dreemer about Frankie's clean up crew:

"Frankie' clean up crew is amazing. I've never seen a set up get put away so fast. They were about to leave and I asked if they could help me bring the stuff downstairs, his two friends instantly grabbed all my controllers, wrapped up the wires and used the velcro wrap on the stick, folded up the TV wire and knotted it, and put everything in my bag and boxes basically instantly, and then I brought my bag to the parking garage, pulled around front of the building and they were downstairs with the TV and stick box. They knew exactly what items were mine since they helped me set up."

nice playing with you guys. i got my ass kicked today. now im on vacacion so ill be online more..see you later. good tourny shock..well try to bring more people next year...SHANNY get ready casue IM GONNA FUCK YOU UP LOL.


Re: hey

Dj_Eric_DarkSide said:
nice playing with you guys. i got my ass kicked today. now im on vacacion so ill be online more..see you later. good tourny shock..well try to bring more people next year...SHANNY get ready casue IM GONNA FUCK YOU UP LOL.
Totally awesome meeting you and crazy today bro. We should link up and play again sometime, maybe at one of our homes either out by me or by you.


Shock said:
Yeah I was telling Dreemer about Frankie's clean up crew:

"Frankie' clean up crew is amazing. I've never seen a set up get put away so fast. They were about to leave and I asked if they could help me bring the stuff downstairs, his two friends instantly grabbed all my controllers, wrapped up the wires and used the velcro wrap on the stick, folded up the TV wire and knotted it, and put everything in my bag and boxes basically instantly, and then I brought my bag to the parking garage, pulled around front of the building and they were downstairs with the TV and stick box. They knew exactly what items were mine since they helped me set up."

Seriously though, we can tear shit down and put shit up like nothing hehe.