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UMK3/MKT/UMK3:TE Match Videos and Links


UMK3 match videos are going up from..SUMMER JAM 2011. Bifuteki uploaded them to his donth8dre channel in 6 chunks without any labels with who was in the matches and you can't possibly search for them so they have no more than about 10 hits a piece. So, I asked him if I could download them, cut them up and reupload them with players IDed. They are going up on http://www.youtube.com/theultimatemk . Grand Finals, Loser Finals, and Winners Finals with me, AC1984 and No Doubt are now up and clearly labeled. Sorry the vids are a little bit blurry but that's how the original copies came out for some reason. I cut off the black borders, synced the audio and resized them to aspect ratio.


Some matches between Marvin and me. Unfortunately we had much delay in these.

and two old singles



Seems like a juggernauts hack's stuff. Look the positions at the shadows with respect to the characters , too!

Note: Cheats of infinite life p1 and p2, infinite time and scorpions' lair stage are activated

Edit: Seems like a buggy rom :confused:



teaser of the new combo vid from our friend from Colombia - Ninjagrinder (Manuela ^^), teaming up with european ass-kicker - ded_ (aka. "go to hell, american players!" ^^)


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
wuz it laggy? I wanaa seee jugg vs miss spin ft. 10. DO IT PPSHHHHH
REO said it was great on his end, on my end it looked nothing like the video, really choppy lag on my end, so weird. Don't have that with anyone else, but at least there was minimal delay. It kinda looks slow watching it on the video though.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
It was actually on the fp a few days ago of someone babying their opponent while blocking. So upon testing, I figured it out. It's pretty simple, surprised not many have found it before now including myself. You just hold block before the round starts. More specifically, you have to start holding block before the cut to the black screen for the round. So much easier to get a baby this way. Because your opponent doesn't know you're not blocking since you start out blocking. Of course, now that it's getting more known, it will stop working. I haven't tested if you can block again in different ways. I just assumed if you let go of block and block again, it will not work.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
PLEASE record more. How the fuck are you so good at this game? I wanna know!!! Fuck! SOOO godlike man.
I'm okay, I wouldn't say godlike. REO is just rusty, he hardly ever plays UMK3 anymore. But I got good just by playing online a lot. Which is funny because I bitch more about online than most people, lol.


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
In that thread someone said how to do it, and you don't need to test anything, just do what's in the video lol
I'm okay, I wouldn't say godlike. REO is just rusty, he hardly ever plays UMK3 anymore. But I got good just by playing online a lot. Which is funny because I bitch more about online than most people, lol.
If your just okay then i'm complete utter SHIT at this game, lol. You wanna play some games on XBL sometime? You gotta level me up!