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UAm I the only one who wants Bo'Rai Cho for DLC?

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Dojo Trainee
In a heartbeat, I'd swap Barf Rum Chug for either Cassie Cringe, Jerky Bogs, Error Blargh -- even Kotal Kan't, any day of the week and twice on the Shabess... And that's coming from someone who doesn't even like the vagrant-looking, fat wino, nor has ever even used him!

>the great race to the bottom


Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
I repeat: I think Bo'Rai Cho is FAR more interesting and creative than yet another edgy colour-coded ninja.

You guys honestly don't like him because he's fat and he pukes? Isn't that as dumb as not liking D'vorah because she's a bug?
Don't waste your breath on this fucking forums man, They don't give a shit that he was Liu Kang and Shujinko's master, Kung Lao's teacher who taught him how to defeat Shang Tsung , Close and most trusted allie to Raiden, anointed as the fucking protector of outworld GOD by the mother fucking elder gods in Armageddon.

But nooooooope, he farts and he pukes. nrs plz delete :babyrage:


Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
Never the less, he never even had the chance to play mkx. He was crap tier from release up until the game died shortly after the last patch. It makes sense that he would be given a decent chance to play the game from the start and gets included in the main roster of mk11, Jacquie is no better than him.


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies

We don't need a walking "fat man farts a lot" joke of a character hanging around. That's some low hanging fruit that should be beneath NRS.

Say whatever you want, but I'd love to see a fighter with his body type that wasn't specifically designed to be a disgusting clown.

The sad part is, I actually really liked his personality and intro quips in MKX. He seemed like a funny, perceptive, and self-assured warrior. But then the match was start and he'd instantly rip a fart and throw up on his opponents boots, all that good character work flushed down the toilet.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
If drunken master wasn't so self contradictory he would have been amazing, but that variation was ass for that reason alone.

You get 10 seconds every time you drink on a game where combos last 9, lightspeed runs, long reaching normals with oh/low mixups, drinking its unsafe, interrupt moves even when you're comboing.

He was incomplete and while the concept was great, imo it was executed poorly, i will always look at Paulo and say "what the hell man, you dropped the ball on this one". That was supposed to be his redemption but he was terrible.

If someday he returns i think DM its the right move, but without all the debuffs shenanigans, there is countless ways of debuffing him without the need of using that gimmick.

1. Just allows him to lose the moves if time runs out without the needing of vulnerability.
2. Add more transitions other than transition into drink, BRC felt incomplete in that regard, couldn't drink while on meditate, couldn't transition into meditate from certain moves like his lvl 1 drunk special throws or from drinking itself.
3. Allows him to keep the buffs until he returns to neutral, so he doesn't lose while doing a special move, throw or string for example.

pretty sure if Bo' Rai Cho had this changes in MKX and if he was redesigned with this in mind in Mk11 he would gain huge lab rats.


proud TERF!
Ok, so, what I understand from this thread is:

1) gore and guts apparently are not disgusting, farts and pukes apparently are;

2) he's fat and no MK character ever should have a different bodytype than ripped bodybuilder.

I'm gonna be snarky here and say that the real immature/bad taste individual here is not the one who likes Bo'Rai Cho, but the one who thinks fatalities are more mature than puke (hint: they're not).

Besides, in MK10 his whole puke thing was more MK-style grossout than a joke. I thought his vomit was in line with the edgy digusting of MK, just like a spine being ripped. Again, Bo'Rai Cho was the drunken master archetype, who's funny but also very wise - except he was done in the amusing, childishly grotesgue MK style. And that's why I loved him.

Cassie Cyrus

Have you ever seen the Rain?
The reasons I hate Bo Rai Cho the most of all MK characters are:

1: Boring and bland design, lets add a fat person and make him puke and fart... If that isn’t insulting I don’t know what is.

2: He’s Ed Boons 3rd favorite character after Scorp and Kenshi... That same Ed Boon discards Rain as joke...

3: With so many options they went with Bo Rai Chow as DLC in MKX...

4: Like I said before, the farts and puke are silly and stupid even in this game. In clayfighter ok, but in MK not so much.

5: They could actually create a very cool character for the role of ancient teacher of material arts, but we got this joke instead...

Give me more Rainbow Ninjas anytime.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Bo Rai 'Cho had his time to shine in MKX and had potential to fight. Since he was DLC in MKX, I don't think that they will bring him back anytime soon. I hope they will make a MK trilogy-like with all the fighters (from Sub Zero till Fujin, literally ALL the fighters) to make everyone happy.


Prince of Edenia
Bo'Rai Cho is a great example of how cool character potential with original archetype can be wasted AF. Being drunken master with cool moveset would definitely work in MK Universe but this...? Puking? Farting? I mean... we are not in kindergarten anymore... Oddly enough, Tyler and Derek consider all his moves as 'awesome' and 'funny'. One more reason to dislike these guys


'ello baby, did you miss me?
But the farting and the puking are his character. Otherwise he's just another drunken master guy.
OK. But then you go and directly contradict yourself by saying:

And he's also far more than the comedy relief. MKX gave him a personality that's also serious.
Sounds like he's now a multi-faceted character who would be just fine without the 3rd-grader appeal...?

You're assuming a lot in your post, like that all MK fans find MK's gore funny (many don't) or that all MK fans love how over the top the gore in MK11 is (many don't) or that all MK fans are amused by the more generic and lazy fatalities (many aren't) so they should be amused by Bo'Rai Cho's lazy fart jokes as well.


Watcher from the sky
meh fatality for men
meh blood for mature
meh puke and fart for children
I love fatality and i am real man with balls, you love bo rai cho and you are 3-old children. I smoke malboro, you smoke cock. My superiority overwhelm me


Real-life ninja. XD
I don't like Bo Rai Cho because he turns everything into a joke.
A sad, unfunny joke.

Stupid moves, stupid fatalities: he kills all the atmospere. :(


Because he was DLC in MKX, he wouldn't be in MK11, as Ed Boon has clearly stated they won't repeat DLC as he doesn't think it's fair for people to buy the same character twice.
IIRC, the exact quote was that a character wouldn't be DLC twice in a row. Meaning more so game-to-game, not just simply DLC characters will never repeat.

Lord Snotty

Lord of the Bletherrealm.
I like the juxtaposition between capable warrior and farting clown. I suspect the 'drunken master' schtick is a performance on Bo's part. As a result he's often underestimated by other kombatants - and players on here as well.


If there ever was one character that needed to be completely erased from the franchise's lore it would be that one. I don't care whose master he was.


proud TERF!
Very well, I have nothing else to add. I find it funny that people think gore is fine but draw the line at puke. I find it funny that people prefer yet another edgy ninja than a character with an unique look and style.

But because this thread is full of bashing a character I like, I don't have anything to add. I have my answer. Am I the only one who wants Bo'Rai Chi for DLC? Yes. Ok, bye.
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