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TYM's Injustice 2 Discussion Thread (Harley Quinn & Deadshot Official Announced)

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PSN: ImaGiveItToUBaby
And then forgotten, she had a little surge in her popularity after her appearance in Injustice and that's the reason she was in that movie and forever evil event. Since then she hasn't been seen in any movie or comic. She is not in Suicide squad movie or comic. Such is the life of villainess of D-list Hero.
A girl can dream...jesus

She's on the Flash, tho


Special Forces Sonya Up-player
An option to block with R2 OR the back button, god i hate back blocking. But still keep it in for the people who like that.
Well the whole boint of having back as block is cross-ups, where an overhead hit on the other side so that you have to change the direction you block. Giving people the option to have a block button would stop this and make it a lot easier to block. It has to be one or the other.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
For me, its about having moves and a style that fulfills me.

As far as moves, in MKX - Kotal Kahn's Sun Throw, Jax's Gotcha Grab, and Quan Chi's Ground Rune do it for me. Maybe its the sound.

As far as style, in MKX - Kotal Kahn, Ermac, Triborg, Jax, Jason, and QC match up.

No girl or run-away characters for me, for sure. In Injustice, I played everyone at a casual level - but Grundy was my clear favorite.


-Swamp Thing
-Bekka (new gods)

I'd like to see the original story continued, but discuss the large-scale effects of Superman's reign. Some big cosmic (Darkseid, New Gods) and mystical players (Constantine, Etrigan) are brought into the fold and take notice of Earth's instability after Superman's fall.

Game System
-Keep traits (but make them variations--see below)
-Keep interactables (more than MKX), but make them blockable and more varied/unique.
-Keep wall bounces
-Keep OTG's, but make them more balanced
-Keep stage transitions, but make them more situational with shorter animations.
-Keep the 2 lifebars, it's unique and makes comebacks more difficult
-Tone down dashes a tad. There was no need to walk usually.
-Increased walkspeed OR
-Derease the screen size--not the stage size--but the distance apart characters can stand (edges of visible area). Injustice had HUGE playable screen area and it really exacerbated the slow walk speeds. If the characters are standing closer together the walkspeeds become less of a problem.

-Hone the clash system--maybe have 1 breaker per lifebar OR a single clash where you can regain health. Maybe make some comeback mechanics character-type specific? (ex. power characters clash, trap characters have breakers, etc.)

-Variations--now here's where I think IGAU2 could borrow heavily from MKX. Continue the variation system, but make it "skin-specific" and maybe only applicable to traits? Ex: Green Lantern has his returning trait from IGAU, but the Jon Stewart skin has a trait that makes his zoning better... and the Guy Gardner skin has a trait that gives him harder hitting normals, etc. This could really open up the possibility of the number of skins we get to see and not have 12 just for Batman.
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I'd like: improvement on the clash system instead of taking it out, some kind of tag mode, less keep-away oriented gameplay, character intros similar to MKX, return of the trait system, less broken interactables, return of Green Arrow, and most importantly, improved netplay.


Brainiac, and I want to finally play a NRS game with most characters having a good walk speed, long range pokes, and easy anti airs. As much as I love filthy 50/50s and hard to blockables, I think I'd rather have each characters mixups based on frame traps and footsies. And for the love of God change the grab mechanics to where you're at some sort of advantage after them.


Fabled Villain
I want almost everything from Injustice to return, as I consider it one of the most innovative fighting games ever. However, if I have one request for NRS, it would be to make a viable version of Joker this time around. Please.


What's the point of a random Krypt?
-Meterless Invincible wakeups. I know a lot of people hate on them, but I believe they were amazing.
-I don't mind some of the unblockable interactables, I don't believe the bombs were overpowered. Still, I would preffer if all of them were to be made blockable.
-Keep both stage and screen size, but for the love of god please improve the walkspeeds
-Keep the B3/F3 mechanics, but it would be cool if a few MB specials could wallbounce as well, the way it was seen in some trailers.
-Remove stage transitions, or give us a way to skip right to the end of them
-Keep the single round sistem and the clash, but give a tweak to the later
-Back to block
-4 bars of meter
-Trait system. It would be nice if characters had two traits to choose from, but it is not necessary
-Background bounces
-Please, no run. Although, maybe it would be ok if that were to be Flash's trait.

Now, there is a constant problem in NRS games that bothers me, and that is the completely useless normals or specials that you can find across their games, moves that will never be seen in a tournament or even online because of how useless they are. There are many ways to make moves usefull, even if only for some situations. I hope NRS works on that, I think they have improved on that regard since MK9, but it is still an issue, and I don't want to see that again.


Lex Luthor


Oh, and please, reduce the safe, comable, 50/50s. I don't mind having 50/50 you can combo out of, or having safe 50/50 that don't lead to combo. Or even having one being safe and the other being a launcher, but please, don't make both options launch and be safe.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I would want to see a DC roster with more of a MK9 style engine with godlike netcode. More frame traps/pressure, and less 50-50s that lead to huge damage.


Neutral Skipper

- Toned down and more varied interactables
- Shorter stage transitions
- More obvious visual stuff to differentiate it from MK
- Less braindead herp-derp Green Lantern with a better VA
- Less braindead herp-derp in general
- Smoother movement
- Bigger roster (30-35)
- Non-Crimson Chin Raven with a non-boring playstyle (doubt she'll be on the next game but hey, it's a wishlist)
- Characters: Atrocitus, Katana, Mera, Bleez, Talon, Nekron, Darkseid, Starfire, Professor Zoom, probably a few others I'm forgetting
- DCEU/movie skins (this is practically a guarantee)
- A Sinestro that isn't a complete pussy
- Stages: Oa, Titans Tower
- Better Joker (not trash tier, not boring as hell to play, better VA)
- Simpler character designs
- Keep the Clash system
- Less 50/50 heavy
- No damn MK guest characters (I'd put money on Spawn as a guest, which I'm indifferent towards)
- Based AF CG intro like MK: Deception/Armageddon/DCUO
Niqqa wat.
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Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
A Sinestro that isn't a complete pussy
Sinestro was fine, chump.

How else are you suppose to fear him if not at a distance? Plus is trait stays true to his character and makes you afraid to touch a button dawg.


I'd like skins shared throughout all of the characters. I dislike the fact that some characters are favored more than others with skins. Why does Superman and batman have like 6 plus skins where as other characters have way less. That even applies in MKX though. Other than that I'd say make it more balanced and the characters a little more smooth. Also make the women look more like women lol. Don't give it a run bar though and the tag or 2v2 matches would be a pretty cool add on. I liked the 2v2s on MK9


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Would NRS have access to all the vertigo properties you think?
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