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TYM's Injustice 2 Discussion Thread (Harley Quinn & Deadshot Official Announced)

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Filthy Casual
Want to see:

  • Shoryuken-strength AA for most/all characters
  • Some sort of decent footsie tool. A longer range kick with high priority which does not combo and is not cancellable perhaps. Something.
  • Traits
  • Back to Block
  • Stage transitions just like IGAU
  • Tag Team
  • Nobody
  • Grundy
  • Bleez!

Don't want to see:

  • Run mechanic
  • Insane mobility like MKX
  • Stamina meter
  • Stupid ass characters like Shazam
  • Safe mixups into full combos
  • Easily fuzzyable overhead/low mixups. If you're going to do mixups this way, make them come out at very near the same speed
  • A ton of gaps in strings
  • Option selects
  • Phantom hitboxes
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Wish list (not including characters)

No Stage Transitions
No Clash (happy for a replacement, but clashes sucked hard)
MKx style interactables
No TAG Mode
Normal Rounds with Positional Reset
Keep Wall Bounce
Add Variations
TONS of skins

Now that the online works add to it.
Add tournament mode to online play (single / double elimination brackets, kinda like KoTH)
Work out a way to know who quits 1st and punish them harshly with leader point losses, even if it hit the occasional accidental disconnect, still worth it)
SFV style online waiting room in Practise Mode, but improved by allowing you to set a timer before it starts to look for next player.
SFV style match archive system for play back.

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
So it's quite probable that NRS' next game will be a sequel to Injustic: Gods Among Us.

What gameplay mechanics would you like to see return from IGAU into the sequel and what do you want to never be seen again?

For me I would like to see the return of traits because they were an interesting aspect that made every character feel unique, I would just like them all to have some use.

I never want to see unblockable interactables, the thought of it makes me taste a bit of sick in my mouth.

The Concesus:
Returning interactables but this time blockable
Game based on rounds rther than one large bar.
Large areas.
A variation of the clash system.
Possibly some sort of assist/tag mode or aspect.
Please discuss :)
Quite probable NRS's next game will be injustice 2? No it's happening, sir.

I'd like to see:

Interactables back, just blockable and not do 20% each

Rounds rather than 2 lifebars

Same clash system.


Back and down for blocking and bring back the shenanigans of cross ups.

Solomon Grundy

Static shock

Gorilla grodd


*More characters
*50/50s that aren't safe
*50/50s that have high risk/medium reward
*zoning that is not to strong but strong enough
*zoning that is not insanely +
*R2 blocking for better mobility
*Faster walk speed
*run mechanic for grapplers to have a chance against zoners
*no huge tier difference
*traits w/ two variations each
*strong anti airs (stop jumping scrubs)
*no insane + on block attacks
*better/improved GGPO net code

Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
Armored MBF3/MBB3 and wall bounces

The return of KILLER FROST
She was in injustice only because of they wanted a female character and had Frost's scrapped moveset. Frost was supposed to be DLC for Mortal kombat (2011). Killer frost on her own isn't popular enough to get a spot on roster.


All too easy...
You guys are insane. A run mechanic and block button? No thank you Id rather not have Injustices neutral game completely ruined too.
I hope Injustice keeps all the same base mexhanics as the first and takes NOTHING from MKX. No variations either Id rather just have each individual character to be completelt flushed out and balanced. MKX is already an awkward mix of Injustice and MK9, lets not not also make Injustice 2 an awkward mix of MKX and Injustice and just make it straight up Injustice 2.
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I would like NRS to make closer to MKX but:
- with pushblocks costing 1 bar of meter again
- less rushdown oriented in general
- with traits back but they could combine that with variation system
For example they can have two variants of each character like it was in IGAU (normal/regime) but this time it is more like a variation. So unlike MKX every character will only have 2 variations, each having a unique trait.
I like that, along with unique some unique normals and one or two different specials. Also, would you be able to use any costume you wanted with each variant. To me that's kinda a deal breaker.

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
1 bar push block
4 bars of meter
Background bounce combos that every character can do now but easier for some.
Slightly faster walk speed.
Various forms of play styles can be viable not just rush down.
Block able interactables
No Fun blockables
Harley Quinn is at least upper mid tier at worst
NRS throwing pot bonuses into the community
Beast Boy
Only 1 guest character.

Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
Popular enough to be in assault on Arkham.
And then forgotten, she had a little surge in her popularity after her appearance in Injustice and that's the reason she was in that movie and forever evil event. Since then she hasn't been seen in any movie or comic. She is not in Suicide squad movie or comic. Such is the life of villainess of D-list Hero.
And then forgotten, she had a little surge in her popularity after her appearance in Injustice and that's the reason she was in that movie and forever evil event. Since then she hasn't been seen in any movie or comic. She is not in Suicide squad movie or comic. Such is the life of villainess of D-list Hero.
Still sexy tho.


All too easy...
Also bring back Bane but make his trait flex parries like Gief in SFV that also makes him pump up a venom level at the same time, then at level 3 venom he gets unlimited flex parries if he keeps pressing trait (rather than venom giving him armor on every special). Damage boost still intact. Even better if they could make him visually get bigger each time he juices up in addition to the green veins

@Decay may need your influence on this one
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