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Any one else sometimes getting full 13% otg after db1 and db2 at times? I seem to get it more often during db1 than db2 but they occur
Here is some proof

db1 only in Aftershock and variationless, because in Crystalline and Metallic/Lava it is not a hard knockdown. db2 in Lava is also not a hard knockdown.

Any knockdown with huge advantage can give you an unscaled OTG if delayed. db2, db1, and b121 all give full damage. Works the same with other characters.
I really hope it stays like this for all characters.


Zoning Master
Any knockdown with huge advantage can give you an unscaled OTG if delayed. db2, db1, and b121 all give full damage. Works the same with other characters.
True, but I love how NRS is selling the scaled OTG damage as "universal" as though a single person in the whole wide world actually cared about any non-Tremor OTG in the game. LOL.

3% of damage after long combos is insanity and a balance disaster.

Do you still use Metallic, by the way? This variation must be entirely worthless now.


True, but I love how NRS is selling the scaled OTG damage as "universal" as though a single person in the whole wide world actually cared about any non-Tremor OTG in the game. LOL.

3% of damage after long combos is insanity and a balance disaster.

Do you still use Metallic, by the way? This variation must be entirely worthless now.
No, I tried Metallic a little bit right after the XL patch but haven't touched it since.


Need advice from you guys since you guys know in much more depths about the nerfs. I use to main Metallic but it seems you guys are saying he's worthless now. Is Aftershock still a decent character or did the nerfs ruin him as well?


Is there any use for rock drop at all in the neutral anymore? Seems like a free ticket in for the opponent and doesn't track at all if they run in on reaction. With crystalline my zoning basically consists of just 2 or 3 rolling cutters before they're in. What should I be doing different? Or is tremor just not a zoner anymore? This patch has me really confused as to what kind of character tremor is supposed to be now.


kick kick
True, but I love how NRS is selling the scaled OTG damage as "universal" as though a single person in the whole wide world actually cared about any non-Tremor OTG in the game. LOL.

3% of damage after long combos is insanity and a balance disaster.

Do you still use Metallic, by the way? This variation must be entirely worthless now.
KW Goro.
BRC could've also had insane damage if it weren't for the OTG nerf.
Is there any use for rock drop at all in the neutral anymore? Seems like a free ticket in for the opponent and doesn't track at all if they run in on reaction. With crystalline my zoning basically consists of just 2 or 3 rolling cutters before they're in. What should I be doing different? Or is tremor just not a zoner anymore? This patch has me really confused as to what kind of character tremor is supposed to be now.
I main Aftershock and to me it seems still pretty decent, after regular up rock does combo again. You can still use uprock from full screen distance, but if you were used to "spam" it from anywhere or use it in combo then it is very unsafe. In some cases you can even break armor (example Kung Lao's Cyclone: corner setup, up rock into f12). Ex up rock gives you now a 50/50 in corner when you do b3 afterwards it hits first low then overhead and if you delay b3 a bit then it hits overhead low. breaks armor too on setup.
Admittedly I haven't played Tremor much these days, so my skill level with him as dipped. I also can't recall the last time I played against a Reptile, much less a good one.


I wonder if Metallic would be worthwhile, Crystalline wasn't doing me many favors. I almost began to wonder if it was just a bad Match Up; but I won't speak on that just yet. How are others dealing with Reptile and which Variation do you select?


You think you bad? You aint bad.
So I'm still learning about some patches and what not after a 6 month long break from the game and TYM as well.
Characters are getting slapped in the face with stuff. What the hell happened to Tremor so bad?


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
So I'm still learning about some patches and what not after a 6 month long break from the game and TYM as well.
Characters are getting slapped in the face with stuff. What the hell happened to Tremor so bad?
Tremor got a series of nerfs that were like a wtf to look at. Check the thread titled "Now Officially Abysmal - Tremor changes in MKXL" or something like that.

You'll see


For the Shokan since Mk3
Who is easier to use Cyber Sub-Zero or Aftershock Tremor if Tremor can someone give me some non run simple Combos and setups to get me started yes I know there's a thread for combos but I'm lazy lol
Who is easier to use Cyber Sub-Zero or Aftershock Tremor if Tremor can someone give me some non run simple Combos and setups to get me started yes I know there's a thread for combos but I'm lazy lol
From what I've heard and seen, Cyber Sub-Zero is very execution heavy. Tremor is also tricky at the beginning but you will get the hang of him. So I would say Tremor (I main Aftershock).
You can't be lazy if you want to learn Tremor, so I would suggest you go the combo thread and practice, practice, practice. Especially his db2u and db2d can be tedious in comobs for beginners. Also you need to learn the db1dd cancel. it makes every combo safe. Another thing which is also nice to have is the ex db2 run cancel. It gives you an armor and you can proceed into combo. Also 13% OTG is only guaranteed after a small delay in a hard knockdown like db2 (except for lava skin in metallic), f2, 33, and db1 in Aftershock and variationless. Those would be the universal tips for Tremor so far.

What goes for Aftershock, you will use the dd1 while in air a lot as an anti-zoning tool and to keep your opponents at a distance.


For the Shokan since Mk3
You can't be lazy if you want to learn Tremor, so I would suggest you go the combo thread and practice, practice, practice. Especially his db2u and db2d can be tedious in comobs for beginners. Also you need to learn the db1dd cancel. it makes every combo safe. Another thing which is also nice to have is the ex db2 run cancel. It gives you an armor and you can proceed into combo. Also 13% OTG is only guaranteed after a small delay in a hard knockdown like db2 (except for lava skin in metallic), f2, 33, and db1 in Aftershock and variationless. Those would be the universal tips for Tremor so far.

What goes for Aftershock, you will use the dd1 while in air a lot as an anti-zoning tool and to keep your opponents at a distance.
LOL ok thanks


For the Shokan since Mk3
You can't be lazy if you want to learn Tremor, so I would suggest you go the combo thread and practice, practice, practice. Especially his db2u and db2d can be tedious in comobs for beginners. Also you need to learn the db1dd cancel. it makes every combo safe. Another thing which is also nice to have is the ex db2 run cancel. It gives you an armor and you can proceed into combo. Also 13% OTG is only guaranteed after a small delay in a hard knockdown like db2 (except for lava skin in metallic), f2, 33, and db1 in Aftershock and variationless. Those would be the universal tips for Tremor so far.

What goes for Aftershock, you will use the dd1 while in air a lot as an anti-zoning tool and to keep your opponents at a distance.
What's the best use for his DD1?
Is there any downside whatsoever to using the delayed full damage OTG? I haven't been able to find any.
There is no downside to using the otg unless, you delay to much and your opponent can wakeup punish somehow.
Probably the only "downside" will be the next patch/hotfix, where he does not get a guaranteed 13% OTG. I wouldn't care, as long as he doesn't get less than a guaranteed 8% OTG in big damage combos for it.


For the Shokan since Mk3
How good is tremors gold form not really a big fan of his lava form how good would you say is his gold Form as a standalone, what would be his General strategy in that form?


For the Shokan since Mk3
What do you guys do in the Kitana MU? Never been comfortable against her and up rock isn't doing me a ton of favors any more furthering my frustration which is a bad thing to have against her. I've used to have some success with Metallic but it's not enough for me anymore. Been using Aftershock more often in the MU so I can punish reckless fan usage but it's not enough for me against a good player. Any advice?
You really only have to hit her once with uprock, Boulder toss, or his Rolling Rock the second you hit her you run in on her just be careful of her Rising wake up move can't remember what it's called otherwise man just be patient on getting in try to make some reads and then capitalized there is no single Tech that's going to make that much of a breeze