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General/Other - Tremor Tremor General Discussion Thread


Dedicated Broly main
The official changes for Tremor:

  • Tremor - Rock Shower now activates 6 frames later and has 6 more recovery frames
  • Tremor - Rock Drop now activates 6 frames later and has 10 more recovery frames
  • Tremor - Down+FK is now -2 on block (down from +1)
  • Tremor - Down+BK is now -11 on block (down from -8)
  • Tremor - Ground Pulse & Ground Quake will be combo damage scaled after combo when used in an unavoidable off the ground situation
  • Tremor (Crystalline) - Krystal Blast Down Shatter is now -5 on block (down from 0)
FEELS GOOD TO BE ON PC MAN. Tremor is still strung here.


Not entirely sure how but I'm positive I was able to make b3 hit before ex up rock on oki. Doesn't really make sense since ex up rock is basically prepatch up rock, unless he was always able to do this.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Crystal and Aftershock are OK at best. Metallic as of now seems absolutely useless with the lava shower being nerfed.
ya really think metallic has no place now?
i think the uprock nerf has hurt aftershock most,
crystal still has flex for oki, metallic has the restand, aftershocks oki game is pretty much try a dd1 gimmick now or just pressure with a non armor crushing string on wakeup and hope for the best like any other character can do. (outside otgs)

lava still has the same very good pre patch damage & i know with that gold getting nothing and lava shower nerfed metallic might suffer more than aftershock in the neutral but i kinda feel metallic is still alright with its restands/damage


ya really think metallic has no place now?
i think the uprock nerf has hurt aftershock most,
crystal still has flex for oki, metallic has the restand, aftershocks oki game is pretty much try a dd1 gimmick now or just pressure with a non armor crushing string on wakeup and hope for the best like any other character can do. (outside otgs)

lava still has the same very good pre patch damage & i know with that gold getting nothing and lava shower nerfed metallic might suffer more than aftershock in the neutral but i kinda feel metallic is still alright with its restands/damage
The restand dodges the oki part but in my opinion Lava Shower was the biggest asset in using Lava Stance. Being able to restand on an anti air, combo from fullscreen, hitconfirm half-screen away, and also guarantee an unblockable made Metallic much more scarier.

I'm probably just salty they nerfed my variation, but still I don't see Metallic being viable anymore.
Out of morbid curiosity I've spent the past 2 days labbing Sektor. I'm beginning to lean towards the transition.

Crystalline has flex and an armored low launcher but metallic was my preferred variation. Though none of them seem very useful in high level play anymore. None of the Tremor's I've talked to have high hopes for the character.

The Highlander

There can be only one
The main problem is that LOTS of characters got buffed up while tremor was hit harder than we expected. I can't imagine he was many favorable match-ups now. Although I would like to be proven wrong.
Out of morbid curiosity I've spent the past 2 days labbing Sektor. I'm beginning to lean towards the transition.

Crystalline has flex and an armored low launcher but metallic was my preferred variation. Though none of them seem very useful in high level play anymore. None of the Tremor's I've talked to have high hopes for the character.
That totally blows. I had hopes it wouldn't effect him so badly.

Why NRS? Just...why?


I was going to purchase this game since my younger brother had recently obtained a PS4. I had my sights set on Tremor from the moment he was released. I watched countless of videos of him and good players make amazing work of this character, only making me more and more eager to play him. Then comes this forsaken omen of a patch, and ruins all chances of me ever being able to enjoy this character, just because a bunch of spoiled babies rather be spoon fed than lab a seeable mixup that always would end in the same notion. I am extremely salty and disappointed that its come to this, and even more bitter that another character has received a similar move, but with even better usage. If the saying play to win didn't hold any saying now, well that would be crazy.

Helter Skelter

I was going to purchase this game since my younger brother had recently obtained a PS4. I had my sights set on Tremor from the moment he was released. I watched countless of videos of him and good players make amazing work of this character, only making me more and more eager to play him. Then comes this forsaken omen of a patch, and ruins all chances of me ever being able to enjoy this character, just because a bunch of spoiled babies rather be spoon fed than lab a seeable mixup that always would end in the same notion. I am extremely salty and disappointed that its come to this, and even more bitter that another character has received a similar move, but with even better usage. If the saying play to win didn't hold any saying now, well that would be crazy.
You and this community are pathetic.

Don't buy the game, don't play the game, don't even watch the game.

Have you ever considered that you might like him anyway, considering you seemingly haven't even played the character?

This shit is getting out of hand on this site.

So much self entitlement.
He does have a point I still play the character because I just like the way he looks and sounds I never really cared for his placement in the tier list I only cared about him cause I liked him as a character. He is pretty bad ass and you should still give him a go.
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Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
Tremor can still do stuff armor with Normal up rock on wakeup but its super tough. Seems like a 1 frame link.. Ill try to record some combo replays so it can be shown. Super tough to do.


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
Tremor can still do stuff armor with Normal up rock on wakeup but its super tough. Seems like a 1 frame link.. Ill try to record some combo replays so it can be shown. Super tough to do.
Show me

Edit: PM it
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It is once again possible to hit confirm off of Up Rock. You must simply wait for the boulder to either hit the opponent or the ground before you're able to move.
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Here's a video showing off the new hard to block, you have so much time to do whatever you want before EX Up Rock hits. I can see some insane blockstrings off this.

Was EX up rock not able to do this before the hotfix? Will this armor break after a db2 knockdown in the corner? This could be sick

Edit: nevermind Im able to test the ferra torr thing now
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Green Lantern Corps.
Question: What is the current block advantage from uprock, do we get any jails from setting up a meaty non MB uprock?