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Top 50 Xbox Live Leaderboard


Shock said:
I'm starting to see some Kabal players though more and more.
Good. I play as kabal enough on XBLA so people would start to realize there are more good characters to learn about besides robot smoke. lol
Enigma said:
Updated for 11/16.

In other news, I have made the decision to do the sandpaper mod to my 360 d-pad tomorrow. There is no way I can continue like this. The faulty d-pad cost me at least 5 matches tonight.
How did it turn out? Is it any better then it was before?


CorrezZio said:
Enigma said:
Updated for 11/16.

In other news, I have made the decision to do the sandpaper mod to my 360 d-pad tomorrow. There is no way I can continue like this. The faulty d-pad cost me at least 5 matches tonight.
How did it turn out? Is it any better then it was before?
I spent about 40 minutes sanding it down, and let me tell you, it's a lot better. All my freeze moves with Sub-Zero hit about 95% of the time now instead of the 70% it used to be. Before, it used to be impossible to do Sub's forward and behind Ice Showers. Now they can be effectively used.

It didn't hit me until I went back and played with a normal 360 d-pad. Huge, huge difference.

I will probably open it up again next week and do some more sanding on it. But trust me, it makes a clear difference.

Bob Dole

well ive been playing on the stick for about 4 days now, its totaly improved my game. its really funny, playing people who used to wipe my face all over the floor now im returning the favor and taking back my ts that i let them borrow.

my friend said its gonna take some time to geting use to the stick, which im finding myself stumbling over. the hieght in realtion to how im siting the finger placement and so on, thats a furstarting part that i did'nt anticipate on.

i did play that crazy domican, i would have to say he's the most polished player i've played online so far. seem likes he's playing str8 on an arcade machine itself. or he got the best kush.

there are somethings in this game seem differnet then the arcade verison or maybe its been to long but, some things dont happen due to this 1/10 lag online game play.

im still learning again.l


Crazy Domincan is on some kind of DSL so there is always lag against him, I don't think he has lag which I've experience against players on mic who say it's perfect for them. This is a big problem when players are on the borderline, as in they can take advantage of mistakes but aren't the ones setting them up. He is good, but I invited him to NEC7 and he declined.


Not necessarily cable, but at least a good connection. With DSL, especially in places like NYC where there is so much bad wiring left, there's always the chance that lag will be present.

Bob Dole

Shock said:
Crazy Domincan is on some kind of DSL so there is always lag against him, I don't think he has lag which I've experience against players on mic who say it's perfect for them. This is a big problem when players are on the borderline, as in they can take advantage of mistakes but aren't the ones setting them up. He is good, but I invited him to NEC7 and he declined.
yeah, i was'nt taking anything away from him, but, he does pull off some moves that are questionable. i would like to get him on an arcade machine. it is what it is.

im still learning.


He said he can't play on arcade, which I think means he can't use a stick, because he said he'll play on N64 or something. The point I was making is, someone with above average skills would do amazingly well even against great players who always have lag against him.

I was in second place last night btw, I won 2 more matches and went down to 4th.


Negative, I was alone at the top everytime this has happened, and my true skill ranked has gone from 41 to 40 three times after winning a match.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
My rank goes down all the time after winning...I went to 35 last night and played again, won, and went to 38 :evil: No visible movement above me.


And did you TS go down as well? I mean obviously the inter rank point value did, but did the unit number visibly decrease?


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
No that didn't change...the TS rank that I'm at, 35 I think, is pretty sparse...41/40 is a very small % of players so that makes sense.

Bob Dole

yeah, i bounced all over the place in ts. its very up and down. im really not going to place to much in it, for one most of the people in the top 100 dont even play, they need a reset every month to keep it fresh.


Updated for 11/21. Sorry for no updates lately. Pretty hectic around here with Gears of War and the Nintendo Wii.
Bob Dole said:
yeah, i bounced all over the place in ts. its very up and down. im really not going to place to much in it, for one most of the people in the top 100 dont even play, they need a reset every month to keep it fresh.
some of them do, that's why you see the amount of matches they played on Enigma's list. it just means that you arent ranked high enough to play them.

Howcome no one knows your gt yet?

Bob Dole

im not rank high enuff to play them? whats that got to do with anything? i thought it was random who you play anyways. not how high your ranked or low your ranked

Bob Dole

then how come i play crazy domican 3 time in a row, and i was like a ts 24 at the time. then when i had a rating of 35 i played somone who was a ts of 11, how do i know this because the guy sent me a friends request then i look on friends leaderboard and it shows the person ts you just played. are we talking about the same thing here?
Bob Dole said:
then how come i play crazy domican 3 time in a row, and i was like a ts 24 at the time. then when i had a rating of 35 i played somone who was a ts of 11, how do i know this because the guy sent me a friends request then i look on friends leaderboard and it shows the person ts you just played. are we talking about the same thing here?
it's time of day dependent too. why dont you use some logic and figure out why you were just playing him and not someone else.

If Crazy Dominican was the closest ranked person to you on, which im guessing it was probably just him on(out of the top 50) with like some ranked extremely extremely low ranked ppl, then you'd just keep playing vs him.

For the longest time, due to my working schedule i just kept playing nobodies, so recently i just saved my rank match play till the middle of the day during my days off so I can play ranked ppl worth playing.

Again, what is your gamertag?


I was under the impression it finds a player ranked closest to you who is available, so if you're playing people high or low, that's who is on.
Pretty swell system if you ask me, too bad not everybody is online at the same time though. which results in things like a TS 10 fighting a TS 35+ multiple times in a row.

By the way, apart from the ranked matches, am I the only one who finds it pretty weak that Versus Challenger matches can't be joined if the match is underway? Some times it makes even getting in a quick game a chore.