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Tom Brady's and REO's Early Injustice: GAU Tier List


Joker waiting room
And you shouldn't even if this is his only decent low reach he has.

Lighting charge and his upercut are unsafe. Flash can't even punish BA's normal divekick unless you take the risk to air upercut him in close range.
Flash's AA suck.
Are you really complaining about flash being low tier because in your opinion -4 is punishable and he has no AAs?

No, F2 can't be blocked on reaction. F22 is one of the best advancing strings and it's a frametrap after which the opponent can only backdash to avoid the guaranteed D1D2 you get. F21 is one of the best advancing overheads too and leads to huge combos.

Just because you don't have success with him outside of online doesn't mean flash is low tier.

and boohoo, his trait is not braindead.

Uh huh, your second arguement was flash not being able to punish a divekick that's -4 when done correctly...


Get staffed bro
I'm pretty sure I haven't played a single Cyborg since I got this game. I guess that'll change as people start to tier whore it up.


Revenant Jade
Maybe it's because you don't understand the character, but I'm pretty sure she's mediocre. I asked you what was so good about her before and you never answered me. Normally people down play characters they use because they want to pretend they're low tier heroes, but I'm not even using Harley and I'm saying she sucks. I actually DID use her too, for a while. So I understand her problems, this isn't just stuff I'm pulling out of nowhere or just because I played a Harley.

You kan say what you want about MK but in MK I never felt like I kouldn't win with Sektor.
Someone quit Injustice and was using Harley Quinn. He got zoned hard. Hard to get in and she felt like the Baraka of the game as he played Baraka in MK and gone through the fire of being outzoned. He didn't want to go through that again like he did in MK so he quit. Shame. He really liked the character and was doing crazy stuff with her but then it probably reminds us of Baraka's mixups that get figured out like gimmicks.

Glad to see you pointed her weaknesses out and that he wasn't the only one when he told me. :)

Harley Quinn needs BUFFS! Her trait is terrible.
Joker needs BUFFS!
Bane needs something.
Catwoman decent.
Why aren't Batman villains badass tier in this game? It makes me not want to buy this.
So let me get this straight - Ares is considered low mid already WITH his reset, and they're STILL going to patch that out? Fuck, that is retarded. Leave Ares' reset! I'm already getting blown up for it half the time as it is. At least leave it as an option.

All I can hope for is that NRS tries to patch his reset like they "patched" Cyrax's. Haha.
I really hope they don't take out that reset but on the plus side the possibility of it being taken away has actually forced me to learn and take advantage of his other abilities. Although I still use the resets I've learned to rely on them less to win. Not that I'm any good with him but I am learning.


Goro Lives 
Oh honey...she can wreck you on the ground too...
I know, I've been watching some of your match videos.

But you referred to characters like Cyborg, Superman, Black Adam, Sinestro as annoying and the rest as ok. Precisely because the former prevent Hawkgirl from flying and maneuvering in the air freely, the latter have to wait for her to come back down.


cr. HP Master
Some of you want this game to be good so bad you can't admit that it has a lot of problems. This game is fucked. It is not balanced at all. Stages are a mess and we're not even a month in. Are we going to start banning stages if someone wants to use a certain character? Open your eyes.

Tom Brady, you can list which characters won MLG and EVO, but what about the other countless tournaments? Especially early on in the games life. It was versatile, which is where we are now with Injustice. People are winning with gimmicks right now. Let the game flush out a few months and see how it really is.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
After reading a few pages I can see why some people are against tier list so early. People confuse opinion with fact, get but hurt and resort to petty insults. I think the list is fairly spot on in the context of how long Injustice has been out.
Reactions: SLy


I recently talked to Tom Brady and REO, two testers and high level Injustice: GAU players, on Skype. I asked them to opine about a tier list after a month of the game’s release. The following is their tier list. The characters are listed in alphabetical order within each tier.

S+ Cyborg (block infinite combo)
S Aquaman, Batman, Black Adam, Deathstroke, Superman
A+ Doomsday, Green Lantern, Killer Frost, Nightwing, Solomon Grundy, Wonder Woman
A Catwoman, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Raven, Sinestro, The Flash
B Ares, Joker, Shazam
C Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor
D Bane, Lobo
For the most part I agree with this.

The cyborg placement is kind of a cop out. Where would you place him without the inf?

Im not sold on hawkgirl at all. I'd move her down

I dont think Ares is that bad either id move him a step up

I'd move frost up a tier

Theres some other stuff I would nitpick at but I think this is a reasonable list.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I know, I've been watching some of your match videos.

But you referred to characters like Cyborg, Superman, Black Adam, Sinestro as annoying and the rest as ok. Precisely because the former prevent Hawkgirl from flying and maneuvering in the air freely, the latter have to wait for her to come back down.
Ohhhh yes...yes you are correct my friend. ;)


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
I'll summarize this list for everyone:

Can you consistently land a combo that leads to over 35%, usually involving wall/ground bounce... If you cannot, you suck.

Look at the bottom characters. Different styles, same problem. Poor offense with even worse damage.


Not the Milkman.
People are too heavily under the assumption that B tier = trash tier. In a balanced game, a bottom 10 would STILL be tournament viable, despite being in, well the bottom 10. Especially in a game with a roster this small, even characters we think are lower on the end of the tier spectrum are only down there by a minuscule amount.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
I recently talked to Tom Brady and REO, two testers and high level Injustice: GAU players, on Skype. I asked them to opine about a tier list after a month of the game’s release. The following is their tier list. The characters are listed in alphabetical order within each tier.

S+ Cyborg (block infinite combo)
S Aquaman, Batman, Black Adam, Deathstroke, Superman
A+ Doomsday, Green Lantern, Killer Frost, Nightwing, Solomon Grundy, Wonder Woman
A Catwoman, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Raven, Sinestro, The Flash
B Ares, Joker, Shazam
C Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor
D Bane, Lobo
As far as the game stands currently, I 100% agree with this tier list. I actually played a very good Hawkgirl yesterday and realize she's actually pretty good. And as an Ares main, I completely agree with his placement. Tom Brady REO m2dave


I'll summarize this list for everyone:

Can you consistently land a combo that leads to over 35%, usually involving wall/ground bounce... If you cannot, you suck.

Look at the bottom characters. Different styles, same problem. Poor offense with even worse damage.
Deathstroke has low combo damage and he's still high up.


False Information Police Officer
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NetherRealm Studios
Can't wait for the post-UFGT tier list where we see some of these mid tier chars go to S+

Also to everyone saying the game is unbalanced, yes I agree. Zoning is a plus, if you don't have it, you're at a disadvantage. Many of the best zoning chars also have the best tools upclose. Getting "in" on zoners often means you are now at an even or disadvantage playing field.


Last Bastion of Arcades
I'll summarize this list for everyone:

Can you consistently land a combo that leads to over 35%, usually involving wall/ground bounce... If you cannot, you suck.

Look at the bottom characters. Different styles, same problem. Poor offense with even worse damage.
That's completely incorrect. Lobo has a 50% bnb and can get 35-45 off most touches including his 50-50s and I just posted a video of a 33% anti-air. Bane's basic combo without spending any venom is 30% and goes up to a ridiculous amount (45%) with Venom. Harley has a 38% normal BnB meterless that gains another 10% unscaled damage (48%) for one bar.

The issue is not their damage, in fact without trait Superman has lower damage than any of them. (Although with trait he goes up to 48% for a bar) The issue is how hard they have to work to get that initial hit. All three can be completely zoned out, and Lobo and Bane have a hard time without a hard knockdown even trying to get a mixup.