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This is too much... Batman Throw tech combos + more


You think you bad? You aint bad.
With this logic then black adam is fine because he has no wakeup , it doesn't work like that , shit like this is outright broken I don't even know why you're trying to defend this
Batman has no wakeup....
I'm not defending the tech in this thread at all. As I've read people are complaining about batmans trait in general. That's what I have an issue with.
His trait goes away on hit or pushblock.
Why don't we just start a nerf Batman thread.?
That seems to be the issue in here


You think you bad? You aint bad.
This is pretty fucked up. And to people saying Batman is fine, he only is fine when put up with the other mash your face across the controller degenerate characters like Black Adam, Aquaman, Atrocitus, and Superman. Compared to a normal character, Batman is jacked up.
Broski. That can be said against plenty of characters..


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Atrocitus becomes much less of a threat once you're willing to pushblock the hell out of him. Seriously, don't fret using two bars to get rid of Dex Starr. It kinda cripples his offense. lol
People can't pushblock Batman?
The amount of times I've lost trait against good opponents online cause they were smart.. at least it only takes one bar against Batman.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I don't know really. Just seems like the lower tier characters struggle against higher tier characters.
Welcome to the FGC.
So it really can't be said against plenty of characters?

Yes I'm well aware that this character who is probably top 3-5 is very dominant, that's actually the exact point I was making with my posts in this thread.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
This character is fucking (soap bar in my mouth). Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he the only legacy character who wasn't nerfed? At least meaningfully anyways.
Kiiinda. If compared to their Injustice 1 versions, he's the most similar, but I'd argue Aquaman, Adam, and for the most part Superman got as good of a transition as Batman. All that really happened to Batman is he has slightly less combo potential.


kick kick
Kiiinda. If compared to their Injustice 1 versions, he's the most similar, but I'd argue Aquaman, Adam, and for the most part Superman got as good of a transition as Batman. All that really happened to Batman is he has slightly less combo potential.
I also feel like the hitstun on his bats and MB grapple is longer in this game, bats into B3 feels like a very lenient link now.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I also feel like the hitstun on his bats and MB grapple is longer in this game, bats into B3 feels like a very lenient link now.
It feels pretty similar to me, I played him in the first game and B3 was usually my go to. Maybe it's just me but I feel like the hit stun on bats is bigger than the beta version, id have a lot of trouble converting off bats from a distance in the beta but it feels easier in this version.


Batman has no wakeup....
I'm not defending the tech in this thread at all. As I've read people are complaining about batmans trait in general. That's what I have an issue with.
His trait goes away on hit or pushblock.
Why don't we just start a nerf Batman thread.?
That seems to be the issue in here
What ? Slide is still a threat , You have to go out of your way if you wanna block it or punish It. You literally don't have to worry about anything when you knock adam down it's still a wakeup. , his wakeup is ass but it's still a wakeup , unlike black adams where you can pressure him with no threat what so ever. When he's knocked down Stop downplaying your character dude


Batman has no wakeup....
I'm not defending the tech in this thread at all. As I've read people are complaining about batmans trait in general. That's what I have an issue with.
His trait goes away on hit or pushblock.
Why don't we just start a nerf Batman thread.?
That seems to be the issue in here
Also it sure looked like you did , You didn't mention it at all and just defended the character so i got the impression that you were defending it, I think he's fine other than b112 being 0 on block and mb batarangs being + 25. He's fine other than that and obviously removing this shit here.


fear the moobs
This is pretty fucked up. And to people saying Batman is fine, he only is fine when put up with the other mash your face across the controller degenerate characters like Black Adam, Aquaman, Atrocitus, and Superman. Compared to a normal character, Batman is jacked up.
again i play scarecrow probably mid-low tier and i think he's fine. fate on the other hand now that's a problem


fear the moobs
What ? Slide is still a threat , You have to go out of your way if you wanna block it or punish It. You literally don't have to worry about anything when you knock adam down it's still a wakeup. , his wakeup is ass but it's still a wakeup , unlike black adams where you can pressure him with no threat what so ever. When he's knocked down Stop downplaying your character dude
stop downplaying yours


This is my billionth life cycle.
nah, batmans bats pretty much function like they did in injustice 1, its fine, tho this throw tech stuff should go, his bats go away on push block, maybe they should go away on throw techs too? not sure
Amazing how history repeats itself. I'm having deja vu right now to an old mkx quan chi thread where you said something very similar...


My blades will find your heart
Batman has no wakeup....
I'm not defending the tech in this thread at all. As I've read people are complaining about batmans trait in general. That's what I have an issue with.
His trait goes away on hit or pushblock.
Why don't we just start a nerf Batman thread.?
That seems to be the issue in here
Slide is a perfectly fine wakeup. It has good invincibility. Most invincible wakeups in the game are full combo punishable, so I hardly see this as a weakness.


Slide and parry are good wakeups. The problem with batman's trait is not when he is pressuring you, but when he is zoning some characters... he can simply sit there and spam up batarangs bc they have the hitbox of a truck and can hit you ducking from halfscreen away, and if you try to dash in and punish he releases trait and you take a combo into pressure until he builds another bat and goes back to zoning... he builds meter for free against characters that don't have a decent projectile. Coming from a cheetah and scarecrow player, the trait+batarang scenario can be really fucked up if the batman player knows what he is doing, I honestly don't see how pushblock can help in those matchups, and I also can't see that being "fine".


Batman isn't built 100% around his bats though so a bat cooldown nerf wouldn't really gimp him?
This guy's known for only playing characters he considers top tier and dropping them if they touched at all lol.
Slide is a perfectly fine wakeup. It has good invincibility. Most invincible wakeups in the game are full combo punishable, so I hardly see this as a weakness.
Not to mention the threat of slide opens up mb batarang as a wake up for retard levels of plus frames
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There it is...
Batman has no wakeup....
I'm not defending the tech in this thread at all. As I've read people are complaining about batmans trait in general. That's what I have an issue with.
His trait goes away on hit or pushblock.
Why don't we just start a nerf Batman thread.?
That seems to be the issue in here
How does batman have no wakeup?

Doesnt he have two?

If they bait and block slide, mb batarang.

go play joker if you wana see no wakeup