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This is too much... Batman Throw tech combos + more


Injustice 1 was a different beast altogether, though; other than a few similar mechanics and legacy characters, they play almost nothing alike. Batman was strong in that game, definitely, but he shits on so many characters in this game, it's not even funny.

His trait allows him to punish any gap in the game, no matter how small, since he can release it while blocking. No remotely-negative move goes unpunished when he has a bat out. If you have any gap or are more than -2 (depending in spacing) he can then get a mindless, consequence-free full-combo punish. Now we see he even gets it off a throw tech.

And sure, let's say that's fine. But here's the issue; he always has access to a bat. When he calls bats, not only do they not go away, but he starts recharging his next set of bats while his current set is still out! Imagine if, once called, Dexstar just hung out until Atro expended all of his charges; if Atro never used any of Dexstar's moves, Dexstar would just be there, ready and waiting. And while out, Atro was already recharging his next use of Dexstar. Would that be considered unfair? Because that's how Batman's trait currently works.

I'm sorry, but I have to vehemently disagree; nothing about that is "fine".
That's exactly my point. His trait would be fine if it were something he had to build or earn, not something he just constantly has.


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
Get rid of this asap.

Never agreed to the Sinestro pushblock bug and sure as hell not agree to having this.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
TYM does a lot of complaining because a character has something strong about them.
Batman also has his bad sides as well as other characters. :/
There's only two characters I feel need tweaking and those two are:
Atro and Black Adam. And they just need simple tweaks


TYM does a lot of complaining because a character has something strong about them.
Batman also has his bad sides as well as other characters. :/
There's only two characters I feel need tweaking and those two are:
Atro and Black Adam. And they just need simple tweaks
Atrocitus becomes much less of a threat once you're willing to pushblock the hell out of him. Seriously, don't fret using two bars to get rid of Dex Starr. It kinda cripples his offense. lol


I think this has to go , and also removing the pushback from b112 and making it -5 (eitther could work) would be ideal imo maybe ex batarangs being less plus but that isn't necessary
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TYM does a lot of complaining because a character has something strong about them.
Batman also has his bad sides as well as other characters. :/
There's only two characters I feel need tweaking and those two are:
Atro and Black Adam. And they just need simple tweaks
With this logic then black adam is fine because he has no wakeup , it doesn't work like that , shit like this is outright broken I don't even know why you're trying to defend this


My blades will find your heart
TYM does a lot of complaining because a character has something strong about them.
Batman also has his bad sides as well as other characters. :/
There's only two characters I feel need tweaking and those two are:
Atro and Black Adam. And they just need simple tweaks
What's the point of a throw tech being in the game if you can combo off of them? That goes against FG logic, in no other FG does that happen. This isn't just a batman issue. Fate and Darkseid i'm pretty sure can do this too. It needs to go universally, no excuse for it.

Also Batman probably has the least weaknesses in the entire game. With bats being out as frequently as they are any so called weakness becomes completely covered. His trait is straight up broke imo.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
What's the point of a throw tech being in the game if you can combo off of them? That goes against FG logic, in no other FG does that happen. This isn't just a batman issue. Fate and Darkseid i'm pretty sure can do this too. It needs to go universally, no excuse for it.

Also Batman probably has the least weaknesses in the entire game. With bats being out as frequently as they are any so called weakness becomes completely covered. His trait is straight up broke imo.
Can't Darkseid combo off his throw with demon thingie?

Nerf Deadshot


Dojo Trainee
Shazam had the ability to full combo off of breaking holds, until it was patched early on in IGAU1.
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fear the moobs
Darkseid also doesn't have constant access to his trait, can't use it to punish any gap, can't just throw it out to make anything he does safe without setting it up first, and so on.
bruh why are we comparing darkseid's trait to batman's? like cus batman's trait gives him htb, safe 50/50 set ups? like bruuuuh
Yes, but we don't know if he can combo after a throw tech. Nothing wrong with being able to combo off of a throw, but after a tech, that's where shit gets dumb.
this i really don't get. like yeah i'm an idiot and i don't tech throws but you could literally just say i'm gonna block and the worst you eat is 12%. with darkseids trait set up you already have to guess a 50/50 now you have to guess grab too? yeah i play like an idiot but for me this doesn't change how i fight batman at all

maaaaan y'all hate on batman waaay too much and that's coming from a scarecrow player, and some of the nerfs y'all are asking for is just like bruh stahp. the man is fine, obviously take this tech throw thing out the game if it wasn't intended and if it was i'm 100% fine with it. lots of characters have been doing this in nrs games at least with batman you have the option to eat the grab:D


bruh why are we comparing darkseid's trait to batman's? like cus batman's trait gives him htb, safe 50/50 set ups? like bruuuuh

this i really don't get. like yeah i'm an idiot and i don't tech throws but you could literally just say i'm gonna block and the worst you eat is 12%. with darkseids trait set up you already have to guess a 50/50 now you have to guess grab too? yeah i play like an idiot but for me this doesn't change how i fight batman at all

maaaaan y'all hate on batman waaay too much and that's coming from a scarecrow player, and some of the nerfs y'all are asking for is just like bruh stahp. the man is fine, obviously take this tech throw thing out the game if it wasn't intended and if it was i'm 100% fine with it. lots of characters have been doing this in nrs games at least with batman you have the option to eat the grab:D
Good thing the exploding Parademon causes absolutely ridiculous scaling. Does Batman's trait? No. How often is Batman's trait readily available compared to Darkseid's? How useful is Batman's trait outside of setups? Need I go on?

Deleted member 5032

bruh why are we comparing darkseid's trait to batman's? like cus batman's trait gives him htb, safe 50/50 set ups? like bruuuuh
Someone else made the comparison; I was pointing out how misguided such a comparison was.


fear the moobs
Good thing the exploding Parademon causes absolutely ridiculous scaling. Does Batman's trait? No. How often is Batman's trait readily available compared to Darkseid's? How useful is Batman's trait outside of setups? Need I go on?
the htb is doing 39 on cheatah. the plus on block 50/50 is doing 40 on superman, both 1 bar corner. that's pretty good imo. like i get that batma's trait is really good defensively but offensively, i don't think so no. darkseid's is really good offensively though, waaay better than bats. and on the topic of people saying batman always has trait... think of traitless batman for a second. i don't really play him but against the people i fight against his spacing seems really bad and he gets zoned out and he's pressure is meh, darkseid without trait is still very good. same with captain cold and cyborg and everyone else we're comparing to bats. half of this character is his trait

i think he's fine but he'll probably get nerfed regardless and i won't really care cus scarecrow will get buffed

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
This is pretty fucked up. And to people saying Batman is fine, he only is fine when put up with the other mash your face across the controller degenerate characters like Black Adam, Aquaman, Atrocitus, and Superman. Compared to a normal character, Batman is jacked up.