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The TYM Ultra-Mega Hitbox Thread

I just received my hitbox today. In general it feels great. I love the design and everything I praticed today and I can do most of the combo I was doing on pad. But I went online and got completely destroyed =\ how long did it take you to adapt to the hitbox and do you feel a better difference in you gameplay and execution. I hope i Will adapt quidkly. Share ure experience:) .


Honestly? I hated it got the first 2 weeks. It took probably 2 more weeks for me to be competent with it. And now I love it.

One thing, the inputs on hitbox come out too fast for online sometimes it seems. Lag and all.

Or you're used to offline timing and have to readjust.


Its my favorite way to play. I still use and enjoy stick, but its much less likely to hit an unintended direction, so I'm more accurate. Like an new controller, it takes a few days to get used to it, but longer to get good with it, imo. I'm still not as good with iaf for example as I was in stick.
I transitioned from pad -> MK Klassic stick -> hitbox. Like Goldfish said, online the inputs are too fast sometimes, but you may have that problem offline too. I spent the first good week of my hitbox in training mode just getting re-adjusted to my characters BnB's. The reversed down/up position on the jump/duck buttons is what got me the most. Just keep at it offline... once you get that muscle memory going for you, going online should be a little better!
Thats awesome, glad you're liking it. I want to get one myself, I just don't have enough money and I really don't think I could adjust to the jump button being down. Just seems crazy to me.
Thats awesome, glad you're liking it. I want to get one myself, I just don't have enough money and I really don't think I could adjust to the jump button being down. Just seems crazy to me.
I adjusted to it by playing a DS emulator with pokemon, and making the directions a/s/d/spacebar for left/down/right/up. It sucked for a while but in a day or two I got used to it, and going to hitbox was no problem.
I adjusted to it by playing a DS emulator with pokemon, and making the directions a/s/d/spacebar for left/down/right/up. It sucked for a while but in a day or two I got used to it, and going to hitbox was no problem.
Thats cool. I wish I could get one but yeah I don't have a ps3 and I don't know if there are xbox ones yet :(


You can also have it modded at most majors. But a word of warning, they're fairly delicate. Mine was broken 3 times by the mod before the guy got it in working order.
If you just cannot get used to the down/up thing you can just open it up and switch the wiring around, 4 little prongs pretty impossible to fuck up. Oddly enough the down/up button positions were what I liked about it most.


Saikyo Student
I'm planning on getting one, and I just wanna ask you guys:

For all of you who currently have Hit Box and used to play on stick, do you find the smaller buttons more comfortable than the average stick's larger buttons? Also, does it help you guys with side dependencies?


Xbl: Johnny2Die
I built my own hitbox a year ago and used the large Sanwa buttons for the whole thing. This fall I bought the official dual modded hitbox. The tiny buttons are hard to get used to, but it comes natural with time. Just like anything else when it's new it's weird.

The weird thing with the tiny buttons is that I'm too fast, I drop stuff because I input too early. The travel time it takes a finger to actually move and hit a button does actually change.

It's all fun though, I like learning new controllers. If there were another new style of controller I would pick it up just to learn something else. Next step: nomad dash cancels with a rockband drum kit!

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Xbl: Johnny2Die
all of my yes
Only if the directions were the drums... Hmmm, maybe just rig the drum kit so two of the drums are left and right and the other two are block and 2? Nah, something has to be the 4 for the dash, it would need at least 5 drum heads. I suppose if one were to go this far, you might as well wire a drum for each of the buttons you could use... I've already put way too much thought into this, I'm done now.
Only if the directions were the drums... Hmmm, maybe just rig the drum kit so two of the drums are left and right and the other two are block and 2? Nah, something has to be the 4 for the dash, it would need at least 5 drum heads. I suppose if one were to go this far, you might as well wire a drum for each of the buttons you could use... I've already put way too much thought into this, I'm done now.
Don't forget the foot pedal brah. Actually the drum kit for guitar hero world type might be better cause it has two extra pads for cymbals lol.


I've been thinking about getting a Hitbox myself for a variety of reasons but the monies just aren't there right now. :'(

What I can tell you about adjusting to a new control method is: don't use it for a couple of hours then go online expecting to dominate. Treat it almost as if you are learning a brand new game. Get your muscle memory updated to the new inputs, play the AI on Easy and increase as things become more comfortable under pressure, THEN go online and pwn ;)