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The TYM Ultra-Mega Hitbox Thread


So where can you buy one? Hitbox website says they are working on the xbox model. Does anyone custom build these?

OR am i going to need to buy a case and put my own together ?


Saikyo Student
According to an email they sent me, they're actually making their own dual mod version by around June-ish.


Saikyo Student
They should be. Here's a snippet from the email they sent me (May 27th)

I am going to have a PS360+ edition Hit Box that does both PS3 and 360 if you're interested. We've actually just started taking pre orders. I'm expecting it to ship in June.
It's a more expensive option because it works for both systems, but it's the only thing I'll have that works on xbox in the near future."


Xbl: Johnny2Die
I've posted this in another thread just to warn people but I'm not sure if people saw it.

The dual mod hitboxes are limited quantity, limited pre-order. Emails were sent to people on their preffered customer list, you need to be on that list in order to have access to preordering them. I don't mean to rain on the parade at all, its just thats why you probably don't see this availible on their website. It isn't even viewable on their site until you sign in with your registered account that they had in their prefered customer list.

I'm not even sure how I got on their list, maybe just by signing up when they first started out? But I got the email about the dual mod hitbox, wanted to share with everyone on here, but then asked Hitbox if these are availible for public purchase, and the answer was no, you need to be on the list.


Saikyo Student
Oh, my bad. I honestly didn't know about this preferred customer thing. I just bugged them with a couple of emails beforehand and that was their reply :p


I've noticed due to my big hands, I've had trouble with pads, so I broke in and bought myself a hitbox, from hitboxarcade. It's the multi-console one. Anyone use this? Any thoughts on it?


King of the Jobbers 2015
It cleans your execution, it let's you do crazy stuff that you can't do on a regular controller/stick and it's way more fun to use. Buuut it took me about 3 weeks to get used to it.


I can't wait for it guys! How easy is setting it up for the xbox360? Do you guys use default controls? And tbh I get used to new things extremely fast. I also think the fact that I used to drum (I did finger drumming too and hand drumming) will help with my rhythm on it , so I'm FRIGGING PUMPED! :D I will keep my main to freddy but I will pick up kabal too (for those non-dlc having dimwits). It will be soooo hard not to spam iagb... hahahaha

EDIT : Also , how long does it take to ship? I ordered it tonight and I live in Ohio. AND I know this is a dumb question but does it have a headset jack? hahaha it doesn't say on the website. I bought this one http://www.hitboxarcade.com/products/hit-box-multi-console
setting it up for the 360? There's no setting up, you just plug and play =)

I use stick but the buttons are on default, and I do perfectly fine.
Well I have a stick for the ps, and the headset jack is weird because (I think) it only works for xbox? So if you're buying a hitbox for your xbox then you should be fine. I've never used a headset/microphone in my life so I don't know anything about it tbh
i use hitbox for ps3, and can't play on a pad now! once you get used to where the up button is you'll be fine. my buttons are :
1 bl 2 4
never have to move my right hand. btw, just cause you have a hitbox doesn't mean you have to play kabal :)


Joker waiting room
i use hitbox for my subzero,execution v high for me :(

seriously though why would you even waste money on a hitbox if you're not gonna play other FG's/kabal


The future of law enforcement.
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Shipping was very quick, if I remember correctly. Setup is very easy, and it works great for Mortal Kombat, though it does take a lot of getting used to. Learning to release the left/right button before pressing the opposite button can be infuriating, and having "up" on the bottom and "down" on the top will most likely throw you off for a while. If you end up using anyone with a circular input, like Kano's ball attacks (does anyone else have inputs like that?), shoot me a message and I can tell you some tricks that make it a lot easier and more consistent.
Shipping was very quick, if I remember correctly. Setup is very easy, and it works great for Mortal Kombat, though it does take a lot of getting used to. Learning to release the left/right button before pressing the opposite button can be infuriating, and having "up" on the bottom and "down" on the top will most likely throw you off for a while. If you end up using anyone with a circular input, like Kano's ball attacks (does anyone else have inputs like that?), shoot me a message and I can tell you some tricks that make it a lot easier and more consistent.
you can open the hitbox up and switch the wires on the up/down buttons, but i'd recommend doing that before you get used to where they are originally.


I love it... i tried the klassic stick but the buttons were too far apart. plus using a whole hand > using a thumb.
Sweet custom graphics! BTW, is that Ermac on the right? Never seen you use him...

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


what about that looks like ermac?
1) it's a cyber
2) it's blue
3) ... are you serious?
1) I meant on the left
2) it's a dark picture
3) I was looking at it on my phone in direct sunlight


Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk