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The saltiest you've ever gotten in this game? Salty stories!

For "you found me" I actually did it with Kratos. One thing to understand is tsung always goes for that first hit, if you can get it then you can pretty much spam him to victory. Get the first blow and spam the Bow.


Jesus Fucking Christ
Worst part is you can never explain that to the person, they'll just ignore it and continue to gloat. I get that all the time when I'm learning new players. I get my ass handed to me and they gloat, refuse a rematch, or just shit talk all the way after it. Really annoying.
This is normally true but I actually DID explain it. I told him I play anybody with a three-dot or better connection and that I don't read stats before accepting challenges. I also said the game's poor online feature negates any notion that stats indicate skill level to which he actually replied "gg". So I was salty up until that point. That was a small victory. He was a good player and it's a shame I couldn't represent myself properly but there you have it. Not everybody's a dirtbag online.


For "you found me" I actually did it with Kratos. One thing to understand is tsung always goes for that first hit, if you can get it then you can pretty much spam him to victory. Get the first blow and spam the Bow.
So what exactly is the criteria for that? I've gotten double flawless and fatality, and didn't get the fight.

I've been pretty salty at the CPU lately as well. I'm learning to play stick, so I thought it'd be good to go through the challenge tower before I was anyone else's time online. And of course I get to 251, where you're Shang against Baraka, Sindel and Shao Kahn. It didn't take me as long as the first go, but still a few days (playing a few hours at a time). Also that one where you're Stryker against three Shao Khans.

251, is always the most annoying. Sometimes the CPU just rapes you doing random shit, then other times it doesn't do anything but get punched by you.
That Froggirth that we talked about did that to me. I sent a GG's after about 10 matches and him leaving and he responded. "Not really"
FrogGirth did that? Doesn't sound like him. I mean, he uses Sheeva, I think he expects to lose matches. Unless he was winning most of them. I've never thought of him as a cocky bastard (again, I see him lose mostly).


So after NOT playing for a month, I decided to have a small session again.

Same shit, with dumber people.

- Kung Laos and Raidens EVERYWHERE
- After you beat their sorry asses several times, they beat you once, "teabag", and leave.
- Kung Lao still hasn't been nerfed yet.

And the MK community wonders why they can't be as big as SF in tournaments. Dumbass community behavior with dumbass character balancing.


So after NOT playing for a month, I decided to have a small session again.

Same shit, with dumber people.

- Kung Laos and Raidens EVERYWHERE
- After you beat their sorry asses several times, they beat you once, "teabag", and leave.
- Kung Lao still hasn't been nerfed yet.

And the MK community wonders why they can't be as big as SF in tournaments. Dumbass community behavior with dumbass character balancing.
Online community =/= Offline Community.
As for Kung Lao, deal with it.


It Stinks!
So after NOT playing for a month, I decided to have a small session again.

Same shit, with dumber people.

- Kung Laos and Raidens EVERYWHERE
- After you beat their sorry asses several times, they beat you once, "teabag", and leave.
- Kung Lao still hasn't been nerfed yet.

And the MK community wonders why they can't be as big as SF in tournaments. Dumbass community behavior with dumbass character balancing.
The only one I agree with is the second point, as I was just thinking how salty this actually gets me. I'll beat people numerous times, but they'll win once and just leave after.

I see far more Scorpions than Kung Lao, honestly.

But character balancing? Really? Yun and Fei would like to have a word with you. Sagat also called from vanilla, he says hi.


But character balancing? Really? Yun and Fei would like to have a word with you. Sagat also called from vanilla, he says hi.
Sagat was nerfed, where is Kung Lao's nerf? With the hype around this "behind-the-scenes" patches, this should've been fixed a long time ago.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
This guy, whos within the top 100 leaderboards named JPHGLX I think kept challenging me, and i finally said yes.
W/L: 3000-1000. I thought i was getting a special treat facing this guy.
Turns out I was horribly wrong :/ Kitana vs my Noob
All he did was spam fans.
Then, when I got close, he waited until i was just in range of f32.
He'd hit me with it, do some 5 year old's 30% combo, then continue spamming fans.

And don't bring up a teleslam punish, hed just spam d1 or wakeup cutter.

He then has the nerve to call ME a spammer, pick Reptile, and do nothing but dash, acid balls and spit.

Added him to my ignore list almost immediately. I have no idea how he got himself into the top 100, as he only knew one combo and spammed otherwise >.<


This guy, whos within the top 100 leaderboards named JPHGLX I think kept challenging me, and i finally said yes.
W/L: 3000-1000. I thought i was getting a special treat facing this guy.
Turns out I was horribly wrong :/ Kitana vs my Noob
All he did was spam fans.
Then, when I got close, he waited until i was just in range of f32.
He'd hit me with it, do some 5 year old's 30% combo, then continue spamming fans.

And don't bring up a teleslam punish, hed just spam d1 or wakeup cutter.

He then has the nerve to call ME a spammer, pick Reptile, and do nothing but dash, acid balls and spit.

Added him to my ignore list almost immediately. I have no idea how he got himself into the top 100, as he only knew one combo and spammed otherwise >.<
As I was saying, character balance is pretty damn bad. When scrubs with no strategy can spam moves without punishment (see Raiden), you can't do much else except pick a character that is broken.

I would love to see Sheeva or Styrker win a major tournament.


As I was saying, character balance is pretty damn bad. When scrubs with no strategy can spam moves without punishment (see Raiden), you can't do much else except pick a character that is broken.

I would love to see Sheeva or Styrker win a major tournament.
I actually think Character Balance is good. Theres only a few that have negative matchups all through the list. Other than that its anyone's game. That's why at EVO there were 8 separate characters in the top 8 instead of all Kung Laos and Raidens.


It Stinks!
As I was saying, character balance is pretty damn bad. When scrubs with no strategy can spam moves without punishment (see Raiden), you can't do much else except pick a character that is broken.

I would love to see Sheeva or Styrker win a major tournament.
Honestly, aside from Raiden's teleport, you can punish pretty much all of his special moves.

I would love to see Stryker win a major tournament as well, but then again, when have you seen a Hakan win in SSF4AE? Character balance in MK isn't that bad. I never feel helpless as Stryker, but goddamn, to keep it on topic, I'll get salty as fuck when someone randomly beats out my supposed wake up attack.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I'm usually not salty. I tend to feel bad when I lose (who doesn't?), but never rage about it....unless the causes of my loss are factors out of my control (lag). Today, I lost three times because my connection is really crappy for some reason.

First, I fight a Raiden who does the usual scrubby teleport + grab tactic. In this particular fight, I could not evade this at all. Like, I couldn't jump over or away from him when he teleported. It always got me. Doesn't help that the grab break in this game is so unreliable. I recall fighting a Raiden the other day that did the exact same things as every other Raiden. Only that time....there was almost no lag! My god, it was so....different. So easy. >_>;

Second fight was against a good Kung Lao. Okay, this loss wasn't entirely attributed to my connection, but I could have definitely done better without the lag; he was legitimately good. Always kind of annoying to lose to Kung Lao though....

Third fight was against a Kano and Johnny Cage. Okay, here, the lag was dreadful. Like....really, really bad. It was IMPOSSIBLE to juggle, and I couldn't even use Shake or Kenshi's reflect on reaction to a projectile. Like, it wouldn't work at all. The input delay was incredible. It was also the most boring match I've ever had. The other guy was just turtling the entire time, while I was running away since I couldn't do shit in that lag. Despite him having the advantage with Kano and Johnny Cage, it was still fairly close, but he sent me a message claiming that to be the worst match he's had all day, which I agree on.


I actually think Character Balance is good. Theres only a few that have negative matchups all through the list. Other than that its anyone's game. That's why at EVO there were 8 separate characters in the top 8 instead of all Kung Laos and Raidens.
Those 8 characters were the same 8 character we have seen since MK9's launch. It was like MK9 was released a day before EVO started. I'm still not impressed.

Wake me up when I see Sektor, Baraka, Kano, Styker, or Sheeva win EVO.


Aquaman is dead lel
Those 8 characters were the same 8 character we have seen since MK9's launch. It was like MK9 was released a day before EVO started. I'm still not impressed.

Wake me up when I see Sektor, Baraka, Kano, Styker, or Sheeva win EVO.
Call me when you see Dan, Hakan or THawk winning EVO.


Call me when you see Dan, Hakan or THawk winning EVO.
So what you are basically admitting is MK is on the same level as SF, only not as popular in tournament. Thank you for proving my original point.

Funny how you mentioned LESS characters then me.
I find MK to be one the most balanced fighters in recent memory. Kung Lao, Reptile, and other top tier characters do have a leg up on the competition but they are far from impossible to deal with.


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
The saltiest I have gotten playing this game was yesterday at a local tournament and not for the reasons you might expect either.

I won the tournament but I was pissed. Why, you ask? Because the 18 - 19 year old kid that beat me at a tourny 2 weeks ago was there and the little bitch decided not to enter at the last second.

Here's a recap of what went down.

- 2 weeks ago I lose in grand finals to the kid's Kang
- During those 2 weeks leading up to yesterday's tourny, I hit the lab HARD. I made my execution better, I learned the best ways to punish his character mistakes, I went in and learned how to use his character so I could see what his weakness were, and really just preparing over all.
- Friday night are causals at Cal Poly. He was there and we had a After we set up started having a few sets which he won a majority of because I had to use a pad instead of my stick, which I was cool with.
- Saturday Morning is the Tourny. I get to the location early to start setting up for the Tournaments that day ( I am one of the T.O's) . About 15 minutes after I get there the other T.O arrives as well as the Kid that beat me and we start helping get the rest of our equipment in. While doing this he makes some cocky smart ass remarks, the one that stood out was "I hope your prepared"
- After getting everything setup, people start getting in some causals before the tourny began. Well he wanted to play me in a few matches so I obliged. Today, though, I had my stick.....
- I only used my main (reptile) when he wanted to fight him. I used Kang, Raiden, Sub, and Noob the rest of the times. Well he didnt win a match against my reptile and had a hard time with my secondary fighters as well. He used Lao, Cage, Kang, and Cyrax.
- He only gave my Kang trouble with his cyrax. so after he won a couple matches as cyrax he wanted to try him against reptile. well we played 2 matches in which he lost and that was the end of causals.
- Then as role call for the tourny begins everyone notices that the kd that WON the last tourny was not entered. He said I'm not entering because " I can't beat him today so I'm not entering"

I was PISSED, I mean he fucking won the last tourny and he was going to be entering in this tourny before casuals and then he Bitched out.