There was this player today
HuNteN MaStA(yea, I'm calling you out asshole) and he was the definition of a pattern scrubby player. He picked Lao and I picked Subby.
His gameplay was as follows:
Then he picks Smoke (BROKEN MK2 costume of course) and does this:
Smoke Away, Smoke Bomb. Jump in kick with OS throw. OTG bomb. Jump kick throw. Repeat.
HE PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF so I picked Raiden and just wrecked him with simple tactics like B32 teleport d3 teleport throw etc.
Then he picks Reptile and dashes everywhere like an asshole and I couldn't punish him because it *of course* started to lag. He beats me and then starts teabagging and jumping around like an asshole. So I rage quit and avoid him for lacking skill.
Fucking prick.
