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The Official MKXL Complain/Rant Thread


Meta saltmine
Please take his text and prove your point then instead of posting uninformative one-liners.
He said:
- no pressure
- bad zoning
- no standing resets
- no 50/50
He never said about 50/50 being safe, providing 33% or something. Moreover, having both standing resets and 50/50 doesn't mean you can loop them (think 20 sec and you'll see how it's possible). But he didn't even mentioned having them both.

There is nothing wrong with having some of those unless it's everything at once (which creates stuff like vortexes).
So yeah, just assumptions from you.

Then there is actual MKX roster where a lot of characters have most of those options...

And yeah, I don't see a reason to play JC right now too, but maybe I'll be proven wrong in the future. I really hope I will.


Mid Tier
My one complaint is all the people complaining about Kitana,

Just don't play her if she doesn't have what you are looking for,

That and poopoo online, I love everything else about this MK, it is like, the Best MK I have ever played. I love it.


Characters loyalist :)
Online is a nightmare. I can't do simple BnB or run combo. Everything is 1 sec too slow than offline.


For me they did. He's nothing like he was in MK9. For others he might be fine but without that MK9 dash & 123 dash njp combo plus his invis mind games, I find no use for him in MKX.
As a Reptile main I understand what your saying and I felt the same way at first too.

However, after committing myself to him I do think that overall he is a better character. The Elbow Dash was indeed somewhat nerfed but it does have more range now :)

He has more options this time around and I've gotten over the disappointment of the difference from MK9.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Kung Jin is broken as fuck and everyone is yelling about sub and cassie just to downplay him so they can mash the crap out of the facerolling 40% combos that even a gorilla can do from that safe aquaman crap mixup so they can win tourneys.
Kung Jins tooks are highly punishable.
Divekick is death on block or whiff, ex bo spin is -17....
The netcode. Fucking hell, I don't even bother with it most of the time because when I do it either takes me twenty minutes to find a game or doesn't even connect to the chat rooms at all. How am I meant to learn match-ups if I can't play people?

That's the main one I have. Only other one I have is The Krypt. Fuck The Krypt.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Surpriese how no one has complained about the execution requirement to get 1 frame links in this game:
Scorpion flame aura int standing 2 is a 1 frame link, i get tears messages about those.
Special forces sonya 11, drone cancel 1 is a 1 frame link.

I'm pretty sure there is more.


Last Bastion of Arcades
Trying to get hotshot Johnny Cage in this netcode is basically the worst thing ever. I want the stupid costumes but having to get 10 wins in laggy barely playable online against randoms with one health bar is herpes.
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