I'm guessing it's something to make hit confirm a little easier. I like it but I can totally see why it would annoy some.Am I the only one bothered slightly by the flash of blue light every time you hit an opponent? It wasnt there in the previous games and it looks very injustice-y
Do you think I've played the game? No, I haven't. But you're aware that there's a ton of gameplay out there at this point and the NRS employees have explained that. Before making complaints, try to actually look at what's available out there already, which is a TON of gameplay.How should i have known that? I didn`t play the game.
And you are overreacting a bit. I would like to have an option to change the HUD very much, yes. It looks odd, the shape, the color, it bothers me, i don`t like it.
Watched gameplay reveal show, haven`t seen them mention it there. And i don`t really want to see too much of this game yet, because i would rather play the game myself and not develop fatigue even before it comes out.Do you think I've played the game? No, I haven't. But you're aware that there's a ton of gameplay out there at this point and the NRS employees have explained that. Before making complaints, try to actually look at what's available out there already, which is a TON of gameplay.
Dumb threads, complaints, shit post, trolling all over the place. All that could have been avoided for the most part if this thread were used, stickied.this thread need to be sticked asap
The walk speed is slow? Have you not been watching a damn thing? Also they don't want you to use dash as movement, they want you to walk, they have said it multiple times.I only have a few complaints so far but the game looks amazing and I can't wait for april.
1. I don't like the Fatal Blow mechanic you shouldnt get it 6 seconds later on whiff or block.
2.The walk speed is too slow but I hope they adjus that come launch.
3.Dashing has too much recovery frames and useless.
4.Meter shouldn't build itself.
5.The last and most glaring offense in this game is......WHERE THE HELL IS ERMAC!!!!!![]()
Dashing should always be an option in fighting games though. Even in SF where walking is preferred with great walk speeds(and great normals for those who have slower ones) dashing is still really useful not for offense but defense as well. The game does look a little slow and awkward but I don’t think it has anything to do with the walk speed. I just can’t quite put my finger on it..The walk speed is slow? Have you not been watching a damn thing? Also they don't want you to use dash as movement, they want you to walk, they have said it multiple times.
I disagree. Obviously we won't have a concrete opinion, but it's still worth sharing a first impression if we don't have a better option.So far I generally like everything I’ve seen. Anyone complaining about mechanics should hold off until you’ve gotten your hands on the game. Anything new or changed is going to seem wonky until you’ve had a chance to play with it.
Walkspeed is not slow at all, it is actually great. Dashs are also not as bad as people are saying, for some characters they are still the fastest way to close the distance despite all walkspeeds being extremely good. Some others don’t have great dashes but have big normals that can be used to close the gap fast in neutral.I only have a few complaints so far but the game looks amazing and I can't wait for april.
1. I don't like the Fatal Blow mechanic you shouldnt get it 6 seconds later on whiff or block.
2.The walk speed is too slow but I hope they adjus that come launch.
3.Dashing has too much recovery frames and useless.
4.Meter shouldn't build itself.
5.The last and most glaring offense in this game is......WHERE THE HELL IS ERMAC!!!!!![]()
If you don't enjoy pre-complaining, I'll advice you to stay way from forum threads which have the following title:I know I have created complaint threads before but I do wanna say * ahem* * ahhhem*
WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING WHEN THE GAME ISNT EVEN OUT YET AND YOU DID NOT EVEN PLAY THE GAME!!! * cough cough cough yea that's all I wanna say..in this thread.
They want us to walk?So you mean they are open to making adjustments with anything else but this tweak would be a big no-no?Id imagine if this becomes a issue come launch and enough people ask for adjustments they'd make it happen. I mean they've done it in the past.The walk speed is slow? Have you not been watching a damn thing? Also they don't want you to use dash as movement, they want you to walk, they have said it multiple times.
Ahh, if it makes it to launch dont worry, they will wait long ass time, playerbase will wither down and they will patch it when there's a big tournament happening in a short time.They want us to walk?So you mean they are open to making adjustments with anything else but this tweak would be a big no-no?Id imagine if this becomes a issue come launch and enough people ask for adjustments they'd make it happen. I mean they've done it in the past.