Are you not entertained!?
Also I don't like the blue impact animations.
Ah well, a man can dream.Pretty sure Cassie isn't a skin. On one image you can see her customisation slots.
Actually you know what? I like it after reading that. I want to see how they balance all the ex moves around it.Regarding meter management:
GC: We have an offense and a defense meter now. How do you fill those up?
PG: They'll just fill up over time, at a rate that's dependent on what you did. So if it's a move that's really strong, it will fill up slower once you use it, and if it's something that's not as strong then it will fill up quicker. But the idea is to make it so that you play the game and you don't really have to look at it until you need it. We're trying to make it so you can just play and do moves at your own pace, and those are more of the constratints, so you can't spam moves and things like that. But it just fills up over time depending on what you did.
Agreed, that was one of the lazy ways that they did not even TRY to differentiate it from Injustice!I like it so far, I would just prefer if they would change combo damage pts to damage percentage.
We have to wait and see whether or not damage and health are normalized across characters. It could be the case where characters may naturally have slightly different health values based on their defense and damage output, like some other games do. If that’s the case, people would be upset about percentages being different against different characters.Agreed, that was one of the lazy ways that they did not even TRY to differentiate it from Injustice!
Watch better videos. There are plenty of them out there now. Direct captures have the very deep, hard-hitting sounds that NRS is known for. The live stream seemed to have some sounds drowned out or missing, likely due to the setup.Also, I could not hear any sound effect when punches/kicks/etc. connect. I want some oomph there ffs
Ew, how tacky...GIT GUD you NRS scrubs
Hmm, not sure it is an issue of character balance, just the way of expressing damage amount. Whether to use “30%” or “300” is really just an asthetic choice, and the former is far more MK likeWe have to wait and see whether or not damage and health are normalized across characters. It could be the case where characters may naturally have slightly different health values based on their defense and damage output, like some other games do. If that’s the case, people would be upset about percentages being different against different characters.
But if that’s not the case, I agree and would greatly prefer percentage values.
Right, but if health bars are different for each character, they wouldn’t be the same. For example, 300 is 30% of a 1,000 point health bar... 300 is only 27% of a 1,100 point health bar. See what I’m saying? That’s the reason they did that in Injustice 2. Saying 300 is just more consistent.Hmm, not sure it is an issue of character balance, just the way of expressing damage amount. Whether to use “30%” or “300” is really just an asthetic choice, and the former is far more MK like
Why would healthbars for different characters not all be equal?Right, but if health bars are different for each character, they wouldn’t be the same. For example, 300 is 30% of a 1,000 point health bar... 300 is only 27% of a 1,100 point health bar. See what I’m saying? That’s the reason they did that in Injustice 2. Saying 300 is just more consistent.
That being said... have to wait and see if that’s the case with MKX.
Because not all characters are physically equal. In Mortal Kombat, health has always been normalized, but some fighting games balance it differently. Look at Street Fighter, for example:Why would healthbars for different characters not all be equal?
The Krushing Blows are literally half a fucking second longer this is such a dumb casuals meme.
I agree. But whether we like it or not, we need to understand it. I’m just explaining it for people who aren’t used to it. I noticed a lot of people couldn’t wrap their head around that concept with Injustice 2.I prefer equal HP for all characters. Then it's one last thing for NRS to worry about when it comes to balancing.
I would like to see additional Fatal Blows. Multiple x-rays per character was a somewhat common request, for the exact reason you stated. Now with character customization, choosing stuff such as special moves, intros, win poses, etc... they have the perfect system in place to allow people to choose between different Fatal Blows. I really hope they do that, but I know I shouldn’t hold my breath.The only thing I’m really worried about at this point is the fact that X-Rays, oops, I mean “killling blows”, aren’t tied to meter. This means that as long as it doesn’t whiff or isn’t blocked, we’re going to be seeing every character’s X-Ray every match, since there there is no reason not to use it. I imagine that’s going to get real old, real quick.