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The hate for the MK community


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think they used to be, not sure about anymore though I think it's debatable. Burnout, Split Second, Blur, NFS, Forza and GT are pretty damn popular on 360/PS.


I think they used to be, not sure about anymore though I think it's debatable. Burnout, Split Second, Blur, NFS, Forza and GT are pretty damn popular on 360/PS.
Try Richard Burns Rally. It's the most hardcore rally game I ever played.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Try Richard Burns Rally. It's the most hardcore rally game I ever played.
That game is last gen right? I think I've heard of it but never played it.

We can't forget of course Mario Kart which is uber fun also for Wii and the award winning Trials for Xbox! I think racing games or car games are very underrated on consoles at times.


That game is last gen right? I think I've heard of it but never played it.

We can't forget of course Mario Kart which is uber fun also for Wii and the award winning Trials for Xbox! I think racing games or car games are very underrated on consoles at times.
I don't know if it is on consoles. I've played it on PC. It's 2004 I believe.
On PS2 I play Evolved Rally. It's one of the best as well in terms of simulation.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I don't know if it is on consoles. I've played it on PC. It's 2004 I believe.
On PS2 I play Evolved Rally. It's one of the best as well in terms of simulation.
Just checked it out online, it says it was made for PS2 and Xbox one besides PC. At least on the games bio and wiki.

I've heard that Sega Rally game isn't bad, I don't know?
Its probably because of the western appeal. I live in vancouver where there are much more asians then white people. when I leave home to play games, they play street fighter, marvel and socal but not MK. also it doesn't help that most white guys would much rather screem there asses off at CoD all day


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Oh yeah, but overall USA will play American games just as much if not more then any foreign game. But if you take Japan for instance, they hate/don't like american games could be MK or Halo lol.


A prop on the stage of life.
Mortal Kombat has been on life support ever since umvc3 came out in my fight club group. We're like 50 members strong and only 4 or 5 people actually play mk. The only reason mk is ever at any gatherings we have is because I will it to be. We have two tournaments coming up. One is a charity tournament with 3 "main" games and I guess a side tourney. The other is vs. another school featuring 5 games. I've been hollering about how mk should be the third game for our charity tournament and one of the 5 against the other school.

I get a myriad of excuses like "other fighting games came out so no one plays it", yet the other school wants to play tekken 6? gtfo plz. Then someone says SCV should be the third game in our charity tourney because "people want to make a name for themselves in it and it has its own website" <- GASP!! I advocated for mk, claiming it has years on it and will attract more attention, plus people fucking love violence, I don't care who you are. Getting excited yet? Here's the conclusion to my advocating of this game.

I receive a text message from the president of the club(I'm the treasurer) saying that SCV beat out mk 9-6....Our club is 50 members and 15 people decided on this. I think they're making a mistake because they fucking said it was a charity tournament. "Mk was at EVO but its still being patched, that could be good or bad"...I have to resort to telling them no one complains about the 4 different versions of sf4 so wtf is the deal. My friend who also advocated mk said he's getting bored of sf and that in our second tourney vs. the other school mk and sfxt need to be in and he doesn't care about the rest. To rub salt on the wound immediately after finding out mk got the boot for one tourney they say we're going to put kofXIII in mk's spot because no one from the other school plays mk.

Now the reason I'm mad is because mk is the game I've been waiting for. I'm trying like hell to support it and get people interested but apparently it has "a wacky presentation that doesn't sell well". Doesn't sell well? HA! The game is less than a year old and people are giving it the boot in favor of a game that NO ONE plays. No one from my group at our meetings has played KoFXIII since the first week it was out. Obviously both schools are going to have practice for the games involved in the tournament so I ask what the fuck is the deal again? If mk was in the tourney they'd PRACTICE for it. Its fucking ridiculous and I got tired of beating around the bush. The other school got stomped in mk by my friend's reptile so they don't want to play anymore. The funny thing is they got stomped by his balrog in AE but no one is saying "we don't want AE in the tourney".

Sorry about my rant guys, I feel like I'm fighting a battle I just can't win. I was so pissed to hear the news about mk. Even more pissed about the excuses for why it shouldn't be considered. The game is still as fresh as AE's latest patch. (even newer I think). I'm annoyed that I have to pick up AE again or sfxt and try to get a slot on one of the teams for the tournament. If I can't make a spot I'm not going. I've spent the majority of my fighting game time on mk, and its a shame that I only have 2 friends out here that can actually give me a challenge.
/end rant.


Oh yeah, but overall USA will play American games just as much if not more then any foreign game. But if you take Japan for instance, they hate/don't like american games could be MK or Halo lol.
Japan doesn't hate non-japanese games. Its more like they hate all non-arcade games. They are very much against console only games. Look at MvC3 and other console exclusive games. Tokido wanted to play MK9 but without competition he has no way to practice/learn.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ok, perhaps "hate" is the wrong word but they definitely don't like or accept USA made games. Just look at Xbox, it's by far the least owned system there, games like MK, Halo, GTA and COD are hardly played or sold well there...

MK was an arcade game so I find that hard to believe, I guess Tokido couldn't convince his fellow peers to drop MVC for a second and play MK? I mean, despite what Japan thinks, majority of the world like/play MK more then MVC3 from what I understand but every region's different I guess.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Japan doesn't hate non-japanese games. Its more like they hate all non-arcade games. They are very much against console only games. Look at MvC3 and other console exclusive games. Tokido wanted to play MK9 but without competition he has no way to practice/learn.
They don't hate them...it's moreso the arcades being a social atmosphere and has the games they can get at home anyway, as well as how their living quarters usually are (Not exactly large).


They don't hate them...it's moreso the arcades being a social atmosphere and has the games they can get at home anyway, as well as how their living quarters usually are (Not exactly large).
yeah its really really small. Like if anybody knows fchamp and how "big" he is (hes pretty small). His width is the size of the bathroom. Like you can sit on the toilet, touch the sink, and touch the door all at the same time.

Its a shame that is the way Japan is. I'm sure if it was different Japan would be be top in every fighting game.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think most regions/games pretty much back up their origin, meaning American games USA players are often the best, Japanese, Japanese etc, etc


I think most regions/games pretty much back up their origin, meaning American games USA players are often the best, Japanese, Japanese etc, etc
StarCraft1/bw/2 = Korea
Tekken = Korea
MvC series = USA
KoF = China/Korea/Mexico

Those are some examples that I could think off the top of my head. It just happens to be that Japanese players tend to be very good in fighting games in general. They might not be the "best" in comparison to numbers but they break down fighting games like science. For instance, most people think tokido and daigo are only good/famous from SF. But little do most people know that these 2 are out of the 5 "fighting game gods" of Japan and have taken tourneys/top8 in many different series.

Honestly its a shame that MK9 doesn't have an arcade port or that Japan is heavily arcade culture. More people playing = more competition and that usually ups the level of play.

Ok, perhaps "hate" is the wrong word but they definitely don't like or accept USA made games. Just look at Xbox, it's by far the least owned system there, games like MK, Halo, GTA and COD are hardly played or sold well there...

MK was an arcade game so I find that hard to believe, I guess Tokido couldn't convince his fellow peers to drop MVC for a second and play MK? I mean, despite what Japan thinks, majority of the world like/play MK more then MVC3 from what I understand but every region's different I guess.

Xbox being the least own system proves nothing. Xbox has shitty hardware. I wouldn't own one unless there is a good exclusive that I like. COD actually sold decently well in Japan.
The PS3 version of Modern Warfare 3 also topped the Japanese chart in its first week on sale. The PS3 version shifted 180,372 copies, while the Xbox 360 version sold around 30,000
Why do you seriously believe a lot of people outside tokido play MvC3 like they play other arcade games? They don't even play MvC3 a lot because there isn't an arcade version. In many interviews, many top level japanese players said they wouldn't play a game unless it was in arcades. Fuudo being one example. Its just the culture over there. MK9 would get a lot more Japanese players if it had an arcade release, and that is the truth.

Also I doubt more people play MK9 more than MvC3, just look at the number of entrants at any tourney, or just look at the stream count and compare the two games. I don't even know why you're bringing this up. Its just irrelevant and off-topic.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'm pretty sure that America would beat Japan in MK9, bring it on. From what little I played from xbox live from Japan, I wasn't impressed...and people from there offline tournaments from videos.

For the games you listed Raging, That's like 5 games only out of what? Hundreds?...COD, Halo, MK, GTA, Tetris to name a few off hand are actually played the most and have the best players in America, Russia or Europe not so much Asia.

There's many other titles too but most are unheard of or just not talked much about that are played well by non-asian countries or usa even...

Arcades sadly are pretty much dead in this country now...US I mean, Japan it's very popular right now however.

Xbox is American and sold well or decent everywhere around the world except Japan, so it is a relevant point, they just don't prefer American hardware and software. It doesn't make it "shitty" granted the RROD was retarded, but the console does have solid games and better online play then Wii and PSN, and believe me I'm a huge nintendo supporter...Even if COD sold well in Japan, they must not be very good at it. Every major COD tourney I read about has no Japanese players known for it, it's always American or from Europe.

Worldwide? I'm pretty sure MK9 is played more then MVC3, the sales numbers you do realize MK9 sold more right? I'm not talking tourney numbers, talking played overall in the world...casual, hardcore, average here and there players etc...And unlike Capcom, didn't have to rely on "10 different versions" of the same game for more money or attraction when they could have merely added it via DLC....If you're thinking of MK Extreme Edition btw, Komplete whatever that's different because that's the full game with DLC, costumes etc for those who don't already have it, there's nothing new in it it's more of a bundle pack then having to waste money on the same thing if you already have it just for a few more characters like UMVC3...SSF4 etc, etc the only place MVC is no doubt doing better then MK is Japan, shocker...not really irrelevant, just pointing out regional facts of which countries play which games the most. Your whole "Japanese would play MK9 more if it had an arcade port etc", even if this is true this sounds like an excuse almost for them not getting into MK....truth is they were never into MK and MK originated from an arcade, the first 4 games...so that's why I don't entirely believe that.


I'm pretty sure that America would beat Japan in MK9, bring it on. From what little I played from xbox live from Japan, I wasn't impressed...

For the games you listed Raging, That's like 5 games only out of what? Hundreds?...COD, Halo, MK, GTA, Tetris to name a few off hand are actually played the most and have the best players in America, Russia or Europe not so much Asia.

There's many other titles too but most are unheard of or just not talked much about that are played well by non-asian countries or usa even...

Arcades sadly are pretty much dead in this country now...US I mean, Japan it's very popular right now however.

Xbox is American and sold well or decent everywhere around the world except Japan, so it is a relevant point, they just don't prefer American hardware and software. It doesn't make it "shitty" granted the RROD was retarded, but the console does have solid games and better online play then Wii and PSN, and believe me I'm a huge nintendo supporter...Even if COD sold well in Japan, they must not be very good at it. Every major COD tourney I read about has no Japanese players known for it, it's always American or from Europe.

Worldwide? I'm pretty sure MK9 is played more then MVC3, the sales numbers you do realize MK9 sold more right? I'm not talking tourney numbers, talking played overall in the world...casual, hardcore, average here and there players etc...And unlike Capcom, didn't have to rely on "10 different versions" of the same game for more money or attraction when they could have merely added it via DLC....If you're thinking of MK Extreme Edition btw, Komplete whatever that's different because that's the full game with DLC, costumes etc for those who don't already have it, there's nothing new in it it's more of a bundle pack then having to waste money on the same thing if you already have it just for a few more characters like UMVC3...SSF4 etc, etc the only place MVC is no doubt doing better then MK is Japan, shocker...not really irrelevant, just pointing out regional facts of which countries play which games the most. Your whole "Japanese would play MK9 more if it had an arcade port etc", even if this is true this sounds like an excuse almost for them not getting into MK....truth is they were never into MK and MK originated from an arcade, the first 4 games...so that's why I don't entirely believe that.
I swear you can't read or make coherent arguments.

Wait so you add some point I counter your points and you basically go "no no no thats only a few" and "o they aren't good at it". You said Japan doesn't buy
Ok, perhaps "hate" is the wrong word but they definitely don't like or accept USA made games. Just look at Xbox, it's by far the least owned system there, games like MK, Halo, GTA and COD are hardly played or sold well there...
I retort that statement with showing you the sales of COD. You dismiss that with "o they aren't good at it"... what?

And in the context we're speaking I said fighting games is where Japanese players are good. Japan has always been one of the top countries in terms of fighting games. You bring up your random "online" (rofl sounds familiar) experience against a random. Yet you toally ignore the fact that they have 1) nobody to practice with and 2) no incentive to play with. There are no "hey lets chill at my place and play XYZ game" because the homes are ass small. The main place where people play fighting games are in the arcade and anything not arcade-relevant is not played. Look at MvC3. How many good Japanese players you see play it? But with the limited competition Tokido took a major and is a strong contender. Look at who created a lot of the hidden tech in mvc3 with their considerably small playerbase.

Xbox is a pos hardware wise. It uses HD-DVD (rofl I wonder who won that war between HD-DVD and Bluray), uses bink coding and shitty hardware RROD. Anybody arguing it is a fanboy. I'm not even talking about software, or customer support or games. I'm talking about pure hardware. The only thing Xbox got right is its online service, but even thats sketchy with the amount of accounts actually getting hacked and money stolen from them (just google it/neogaf/gamefaq and fifa gold pack or whatever the fuck they buy with stolen CC).

People bought MK9, but do you seriously think there are that millions of people still playing MK9? Cmon now don't be stupid. MK9 was heavily bought due to the name, but I would bet you 90%+ of the casuals that bought it don't even touch it or trade it in already. Look at Final Round, it isn't beating any of the big games.

Actually I'm done. I've seen your post and I know you're a fanboy and will twist anything to make it sound like MK9 THE BEST GAME EVER. The fact you think a whole country of players that tend to play at the highest level of play is somehow inept to play MK9 is just so mind-fucking.

This is so fucking off-topic that I'm not going to respond to any of this shit. All I said was its unfortunate that Japan couldn't get into MK9 due to not being in arcades because it would up the level of play/competition. And you have to be like "NAW AMERICA THE BEST! I PLAY ONLINE WITH SHITTY NETCODE AND ONLINE INFRASTRUCTURE AND BEAT A JAPANESE! WE THE BEST!"


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ok, I'll try this ONCE with you if you still don't get it the hell with it I'm done.

Piece of advice, pointless, lame insults get you no where....as I've noticed. I can read perfectly well, had A's and 90's in English, thank you very much. Perhaps you however are having trouble comprehending a counter argument. And I didn't bring up the Tokido, you did so who cares? You keep going on and on about that. Tell ya what since you want to bring up random people who are known in the fighting game community, how about Justin Wong? Ask him how he feels about MK9 vs. MVC3...

Now it sounds like you're clearly a biased fanboy yourself if you're going to use that card given your pro Capcom posts, so don't even go there...I see your posts and the MANY arguments you're involved caused with your "anti MK like" posts in the TYM update threads with positive MK facts.

lol I'm posting a logical point, I said "Japan aren't the best in EVERY game" you post "a select few that they are good in" mean while that's not EVERY game...so your point? Yet you say I can't comprehend a statement...that's funny.

What did you show me? You SAID according to you that COD sold well in Japan and they play tons of it, without any evidence so apparently you're just lying now cause I didn't see any links backing your claims.

Uh, HD DVD is good. You act as if there's a "HUGE" difference between Blu Ray and HD, both are good, Blu Ray may be a little better. There difference is very little, but hey that post just proves you're a Pro Sony guy...by all means be one, I really don't care that much about HD though. And who brought that up? I said nothing about HD DVD or any of that lmao...talking games in which I'm pretty sure the console wars went Wii>Xbox>>>>>PSN the first few years with games, sales etc so you're trashing the Xbox? I won't get into a console war with you but just saying...LMAO, dude security Xbox is arguably among the best, PSN got rocked TWICE with hacked accounts, two years in a row in 2010 and last year....wow, and you call me biased? lol

Secondly, you totally took what I said out of context BADLY...lol A. I never said "the whole country plays MK 9 at high level" I said most of the world enjoys and plays MK, especially the USA. Please read more carefully next time. B. I never said millions are still playing it, but if you're trying to say millions are still playing MVC and MK9 is left in the dust I'll just laugh at you right now. But who knows? I don't know and you don't, we don't monitor everyone in the USA now do we? Much less the world...

When did I ever say MK9 "was the best fighting game ever in the world"? Putting words in my mouth...I love how you argue by posting lies about others that were never said to begin with. Coming from a Capom fanboy like yourself, that's utterly hilarious...Yeah, and nobody buys MVC due to "name" lol humor me. At least half the MKC or their older fans were shaky with MK9 due to the 3 MK's and MKDC's reception....which wasn't the best, you act as if the fans all over the world were going to buy it anyway. Very wrong. As a hardcore MK fan myself, I know for a fact that's bullshit...most people I spoke to were like "if MK9 is good, I'll get it but if it doesn't deliver I'm done with MK after MKDC"

I never said america is the best ever, you totally misunderstood what I said. I said based on the REGION of origin of where a games made usually is the same place where their best players COME from...

You act as if I said America is the best in EVERY game in the world, ever made...god damn dude, clam the hell down...


Ok, I'll try this ONCE with you if you still don't get it the hell with it I'm done.

Piece of advice, pointless, lame insults get you no where....as I've noticed. I can read perfectly well, had A's and 90's in English, thank you very much. Perhaps you however are having trouble comprehending a counter argument. And I didn't bring up the Tokido, you did so who cares? You keep going on and on about that. Tell ya what since you want to bring up random people who are known in the fighting game community, how about Justin Wong? Ask him how he feels about MK9 vs. MVC3...

Now it sounds like you're clearly a biased fanboy yourself if you're going to use that card given your pro Capcom posts, so don't even go there...I see your posts and the MANY arguments you're involved caused with your "anti MK like" posts in the TYM update threads with positive MK facts.

lol I'm posting a logical point, I said "Japan aren't the best in EVERY game" you post "a select few that they are good in" mean while that's not EVERY game...so your point? Yet you say I can't comprehend a statement...that's funny.

What did you show me? You SAID according to you that COD sold well in Japan and they play tons of it, without any evidence so apparently you're just lying now cause I didn't see any links backing your claims.

Uh, HD DVD is good. You act as if there's a "HUGE" difference between Blu Ray and HD, both are good, Blu Ray may be a little better. There difference is very little, but hey that post just proves you're a Pro Sony guy...by all means be one, I really don't care that much about HD though. And who brought that up? I said nothing about HD DVD or any of that lmao...talking games in which I'm pretty sure the console wars went Wii>Xbox>>>>>PSN the first few years with games, sales etc so you're trashing the Xbox? I won't get into a console war with you but just saying...LMAO, dude security Xbox is arguably among the best, PSN got rocked TWICE with hacked accounts, two years in a row in 2010 and last year....wow, and you call me biased? lol

Secondly, you totally took what I said out of context BADLY...lol A. I never said "the whole country plays MK 9 at high level" I said most of the world enjoys and plays MK, especially the USA. Please read more carefully next time. B. I never said millions are still playing it, but if you're trying to say millions are still playing MVC and MK9 is left in the dust I'll just laugh at you right now. But who knows? I don't know and you don't, we don't monitor everyone in the USA now do we? Much less the world...

When did I ever say MK9 "was the best fighting game ever in the world"? Putting words in my mouth...I love how you argue by posting lies about others that were never said to begin with. Coming from a Capom fanboy like yourself, that's utterly hilarious...Yeah, and nobody buys MVC due to "name" lol humor me. At least half the MKC or their older fans were shaky with MK9 due to the 3 MK's and MKDC's reception....which wasn't the best, you act as if the fans all over the world were going to buy it anyway. Very wrong. As a hardcore MK fan myself, I know for a fact that's bullshit...most people I spoke to were like "if MK9 is good, I'll get it but if it doesn't deliver I'm done with MK after MKDC"

I never said america is the best ever, you totally misunderstood what I said. I said based on the REGION of origin of where a games made usually is the same place where their best players COME from...

You act as if I said America is the best in EVERY game in the world, ever made...god damn dude, clam the hell down...
I've never said best. That alone nullifies most of your "argument" rofl.

You used your "online" experience as an example of Japanese level of play. Do I need to point out the level of retardation in this example?

HD-Dvd is horrible. It holds considerably less data and in turn Xbox is forced to use bink coding. Bink coding is horrible. How hard is that to grasp?

I don't need to link any source for MW3 sales. Just google it.
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mw3 japan sales

You do realize with the PSN hack, no cc info was actually stolen and used? Yeah because stealing encryted and hashed info is so "useful". Also I said hardware. Holy shit can you fucking read? I said nothing about games/software/customer support. Holy fucking shit you dumbfuck. You want me to shit on PS3? PSN has shitty internet services, has shitty MS lag in games, 2usb ports, fucking random ass "Grace Chen Time" PSN update and their whole hack incident was stupid because the way they fucking handled it.

I'm not a capcom fanboy, I trash capcom games when I see it. MvC3 is a crappy competitive game, but then again all good fighting games died like a decade ago. You want me to shit on capcom? SF4 was a stepback in competitive fighting game, MvC3 is only a fun casual game and a very entertaining game to watch, capcom fighting jam was shit, EX series was shit, Lost Planet was a bad game, DMC looks like shit, Dmc2 was shit, most of the resident evil off-series were shit, asura wrath looks like shit. Capcom DLC plans are mostly shit. Are you happy? You can quote me on any of the things I just said. So much for a "fanboy". I'll tell you how much of a "capcom fanboy" I am. I don't post ever on the SRK forums because I think SRK forums have more retards than TYM.


Just so you can put this out for the record
I think MK9 is a better game than SF4 series. I just prefer SF style gameplay. OMG preference = fanboy.

last edit

I said this before, this is offtopic. Atleast stay relevant to the topic. My argument was that if Japanese players enter the scene, competition and skill cap would be raised. It would remove a lot of the MK9 hate. I don't see why you are so against this idea.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So I see you're getting desperate with name calling? Grow up dude seriously..I'm willing to debate with you without petty insults, can you?
So with your last post, you admit you "hate" MK 9? Why hate it to begin with? Then you say you like MK9 better then MVC/SF4...ok. This is what I never understood about your posts, everytime there was a positive article about MK9, you'd be one of the few to shit on it for like no reason...then people attack you for it, then you argue with them and overall tend to flip flop with it. As for that idea, I'm not against that idea, I'm all for the game getting more support my dispute was with something you said earlier hinting that Japanese were the best at fighting games. My point was, yes they're good at majority just not all of them. MK being one of them. That's all I said.
Actually, you're Wrong. The PSN hacks that took place in 2011, did indeed put their security at major risk, people's personal info and CC info WERE indeed stolen...so I don't know what you're reading but a ton of people had their personal info stolen. I know you like Sony but come on...seriously? It was all over the fucking news..anyone who doesn't ride Sony's dick can easily see this.
BTW, who gives a shit if MK wasn't the best at Final Round, it's still there that's all that matters...irrelevant post. Also, just to step on this quick. I'm no more an "MK fanboy" then you are a "SF Fanboy" I have SF games, played them, have other consoles besides Xbox. In fact I'm a Nintendo at heart supporter bigtime. You over exaggerate with that whole "OMG" shit...
Actually, no let me explain more what I mean... if you claim something "is fact" then you better post facts backing it up, you saying "COD sold well in Japan" is just you saying so, without facts means little. COD sold well overall worldwide that's common knowledge, but Japan is not the best selling spot for the game.
Actually, yes you did say "best" your quote. You said I said MK 9 was the best game "ever", when I never said that...here I'll prove it..
I know you're a fanboy and will twist anything to make it sound like MK9 THE BEST GAME EVER. The fact you think a whole country of players that tend to play at the highest level of play is somehow inept to play MK9 is just so mind-fucking.
The evidence speaks for itself...
Ok, from MY experience online playing people from Japan in MK9 I wasn't impressed, however that being said I will be fair and not just judge from that....how many "great Japanese" MK players are there made a name for themselves at offline tourneys? One guy? lol I rest my case. You have this mentality that "all Japanese players are the best at fighters, nobody else is"
HD DVD isn't horrible, is it the best? Not at all but you're just posting out of bias here, how about the fact that people can easily mod on PSN and have multiple names if one gets banned easily from the same console? Or the fact that they steal Nintendo and Xbox's ideas? or how about the ridiculously priced PS3 the first year? lol I can go on but seriously, no need for me to go there because I can post a shit ton of elements wrong with PS3 and how Sony manages their shit....
Ok, I just googled the info myself and Japan has extremely less sales of COD compared to the rest of the world...thus backing my initial statement.


So I see you're getting desperate with name calling? Grow up dude seriously..I'm willing to debate with you without petty insults, can you?
So with your last post, you admit you "hate" MK 9? Why hate it to begin with? Then you say you like MK9 better then MVC/SF4...ok. This is what I never understood about your posts, everytime there was a positive article about MK9, you'd be one of the few to shit on it for like no reason...then people attack you for it, then you argue with them and overall tend to flip flop with it. As for that idea, I'm not against that idea, I'm all for the game getting more support my dispute was with something you said earlier hinting that Japanese were the best at fighting games. My point was, yes they're good at majority just not all of them. MK being one of them. That's all I said.
Actually, you're Wrong. The PSN hacks that took place in 2011, did indeed put their security at major risk, people's personal info and CC info WERE indeed stolen...so I don't know what you're reading but a ton of people had their personal info stolen. I know you like Sony but come on...seriously? It was all over the fucking news..anyone who doesn't ride Sony's dick can easily see this.
BTW, who gives a shit if MK wasn't the best at Final Round, it's still there that's all that matters...irrelevant post. Also, just to step on this quick. I'm no more an "MK fanboy" then you are a "SF Fanboy" I have SF games, played them, have other consoles besides Xbox. In fact I'm a Nintendo at heart supporter bigtime. You over exaggerate with that whole "OMG" shit...
Actually, no let me explain more what I mean... if you claim something "is fact" then you better post facts backing it up, you saying "COD sold well in Japan" is just you saying so, without facts means little. COD sold well overall worldwide that's common knowledge, but Japan is not the best selling spot for the game.
Actually, yes you did say "best" your quote. You said I said MK 9 was the best game "ever", when I never said that...here I'll prove it..
The evidence speaks for itself...
Ok, from MY experience online playing people from Japan in MK9 I wasn't impressed, however that being said I will be fair and not just judge from that....how many "great Japanese" MK players are there made a name for themselves at offline tourneys? One guy? lol I rest my case. You have this mentality that "all Japanese players are the best at fighters, nobody else is"
HD DVD isn't horrible, is it the best? Not at all but you're just posting out of bias here, how about the fact that people can easily mod on PSN and have multiple names if one gets banned easily from the same console? Or the fact that they steal Nintendo and Xbox's ideas? or how about the ridiculously priced PS3 the first year? lol I can go on but seriously, no need for me to go there because I can post a shit ton of elements wrong with PS3 and how Sony manages their shit....
Ok, I just googled the info myself and Japan has extremely less sales of COD compared to the rest of the world...thus backing my initial statement.
....omg you really do want to stay offtopic don't you?

Where do I say I hate MK9? please find it. I just don't enjoy playing it compared to other fighters. (o god thats hating)

In the case of PSN. Do you know what encrypted and hash means? They can steal all the information they want but it would be next to useless because its encrypted and hashed. There has not even been a full blown up of people's cc used for the PSN incident unlike the xbox incident.
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=xbox fifa hack
and so on.
I'm not even saying PSN handled it well, because they didn't. It was a clusterfuck. Getting hacked isn't that big of a surprise, nobody isn't unhackable. Anon hacked psn, DOD, FBI, and countless security firms. It is the aftermath that is important.

Are you fucking kidding me? I said I have never said best in regards to the Japanese being the best. You even "quote" me saying something I didn't. Then you go look for the word best and you're like "HERP DERP I FOUND THE WORD BEST!"

And are you really fucking surprise that Japan has considerable less sales then the rest of the world? SHOCKING FUCKING NEWS. Japan isn't even bigger than California. HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

I'm done, you're on ignore. You continue want to go off-topic, use wackass arguments and just label people as fanboys. I point out xbox has garbage hardware, and then you go point out random xyz console. I didn't even bring up the PS3, you did. Matter of fact you brought up the xbox as well. Its like if I shit on one console I must "love" the other consoles. holy fucking shit that logic.

But I'm truly done, you're a tool, a fanboy, and whatever obscenity you want to place here. Its no surprise that a lot of hardcore MK fans even avoid you.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Just a sidenote, RROD is considerably less prevalent compared to the earlier times.
Just a sidenote, RROD is considerably less prevalent compared to the earlier times.
Indeed. Also the PS3 has YLOD which is a pain and there is the matter of slot loading disk players being crap and breaking down easier. In the end though the PS3 and the 360 are both game consoles. IE, poorly made mass sold pieces of crap. If you were interested in built proof gaming hardware you'd be on a PC. Ever since the PS1 era there hasn't been a single console that didn't have quality control issues. Oh well, this is what happens.

Uh, HD DVD is good. You act as if there's a "HUGE" difference between Blu Ray and HD, both are good, Blu Ray may be a little better. There difference is very little,
This is patently false. Blu-ray's extra space enabled uncompressed audio. Now this may not matter to you, but if you have a high end receiver and quality speakers there is a large upgrade in audio to be had here if the studio wanted it. Of course, if you were just running them through an HDTV using the TV speakers or some crappy Best Buy bought sound system this isn't going to matter. But in terms of actual audio with a proper system, yeah it does.

For the life of me I've never understood why people go out and buy a 50 inch TV, hang it on the wall and then use the built in speakers or funnel it through some crap brand like BOSE.