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The hate for the MK community


learn how to make blocking working correctly cause you cant ever get it right.
2 Question: How's the blocking not working correctly in MK9 and Don't know the situation between MKF30 and the MK community.......so can you enlighten me on that.


im not going to troll mk, im just going to call him out when he tries to lie, and he is 100 making excuses that arent true about his distance from VSM.

certain moves leave your character blocking to long, let someone who actually cares about the game, give further details, im far retired from anything midway/ Not Really Serious makes from this point on.


Playing: Injustice, Persona, Blazblue, and MK
That feeling when both communities of your two favorite FG's of all time hate each other...
That feeling when they are both just as bad and childish as the other

This thread disturbs me. And I thought SRK and Eventhubs was the only places to find threads/flame wars like these.

There really is no such thing as the perfect FG scene.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
2 Question: How's the blocking not working correctly in MK9 and Don't know the situation between MKF30 and the MK community.......so can you enlighten me on that.
You're asking the wrong person ^ read your IM please...because he'll just feed you bs about me. And don't believe him on distance, I can google map quest proof for you to back my claim, he has no idea where I live but thinks he does. Don't listen to him or your I.Q. will decrease...

P.S. lol there's nothing wrong with block, games been out for nearly a year and not one thread on block malfunctions...


the special effects
Just gonna say that MLG is a bad move for MK

However, this may come from my bias due to years from CAL play and various PC gaming leagues that were far more organized and professional.


Why do you care so much?

People don't go to tournaments, so what? It's not like he said he was better than everyone. You're not actually "calling anyone out", you're just being rude and making things personal, the thread isn't about MKF30.


actually it is, its people like mkf30 that infect this community, ask around for people who have been around since mkd and they will all tell ya, he has be banned from almost every mk site at one point.


Why do you care so much?

People don't go to tournaments, so what? It's not like he said he was better than everyone. You're not actually "calling anyone out", you're just being rude and making things personal, the thread isn't about MKF30.
Is this post direct toward me and if it is why are you bashing me for a simple question that i ask???


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Is this post direct toward me and if it is why are you bashing me for a simple question that i ask???
I'm pretty sure he was referring to MK9's post, no worries man :)

Why do you care so much?

People don't go to tournaments, so what? It's not like he said he was better than everyone. You're not actually "calling anyone out", you're just being rude and making things personal, the thread isn't about MKF30.
Thank you, exactly, the guy only posts to start shit with me. He's been doing it for years now just because he doesn't like me and me handing him his ass in previous MKs....so he'll try to talk shit about me not attending every offline event, (even though he doesn't) gotta love the hypocrisy there right?

it's people like him who troll and infect the community with drama. I've done way more for MK then he's ever done, if you read his posts all he does is shit on it and bash Ed every game...and troll(as you've noticed yourself). That's all he does.

Red, I'll be blunt here without "flaming you". You ask me, I really don't care that much as you do and you only post whenever you see something I post you don't like, piece of advice. Get over it and stop stalking me like some kind of weirdo...One reason I left MKU because of you, yet what do you do..you follow me here? I rest my case...uhh you've also been banned from various MK sites as well, relevance? Except, unlike you I've been banned for firm opinions half the time(like MKO among other sites) and not an actual legit reasons. I thought I put you on ignore, what the hell? BTW, you don't speak for the entire MKC so please stop with that nonsense. I really don't care who "loves me" or "hates me" so keep on posting how "this guy hates me, that guy" I highly doubt anyone cares.


I'm pretty sure he was referring to MK9's post, no worries man :)

Thank you, exactly, the guy only posts to start shit with me. He's been doing it for years now just because he doesn't like me and me handing him his ass in previous MKs....so he'll try to talk shit about me not attending every offline event, (even though he doesn't) gotta love the hypocrisy there right?

it's people like him who troll and infect the community with drama. I've done way more for MK then he's ever done, if you read his posts all he does is shit on it and bash Ed every game...and troll(as you've noticed yourself). That's all he does.

Red, I'll be blunt here without "flaming you". You ask me, I really don't care that much as you do and you only post whenever you see something I post you don't like, piece of advice. Get over it and stop stalking me like some kind of weirdo...One reason I left MKU because of you, yet what do you do..you follow me here? I rest my case...uhh you've also been banned from various MK sites as well, relevance? Except, unlike you I've been banned for firm opinions half the time(like MKO among other sites) and not an actual legit reasons. I thought I put you on ignore, what the hell? BTW, you don't speak for the entire MKC so please stop with that nonsense. I really don't care who "loves me" or "hates me" so keep on posting how "this guy hates me, that guy" I highly doubt anyone cares.


LOL I dont even play the game and i have been to more mk9 tourns than you, plus I still visit the guys at VSM, i was there last week, where were you, name one tourn you have been too ever?? and no the gamestop release was not a tourn. keep doing what you do best, play online and claim you have the best character.


A prop on the stage of life.
/thread derailment. This isn't about mkf or his tournament issues, this is about the mk community being looked down upon by the big boys of the (competitive) FGC's out there. Like hell...take your shit to the PM's. You'll avoid getting banned AND you'll save us from pages of dick measuring.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Okay guys MK9 and MKF30 You've both said your peace. If you want to continue please take it to PM so you don't turn this thread into Red vs MKF. It was my bad for commenting on it, but let's not continue it in this thread.


i hate breakers too. shoulda left them in Killer Instinct.

Dont want to be combo'd? USE THE BLOCK BUTTON! :)
I like them. You have to change up your plan if your opponent has enough meter to break vs if they don't. You also get to play games to force them to break to remove the threat of their xray and be more offensive. A game where one mistake means you're dead isn't very fun, breakers give you the potential to come back, they force you to think more about your game plan.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I hated the breakers in 3D MK's, they always went off by accident....

Block button I agree works fine, just using is wisely helps a lot lol. I have no issues with the block button, and I think they finally did the breakers well. No free OTG's off them, not accidentally going off every few seconds. It may happen here and there in MK9 but not often thankfully lol.
Why you think it was a bad for MLG to pick up MK???
I'm used to PC leagues, but MLG was always a huge joke. Also leagues like that can kill off games. For one they end up in locked formats after a while pulling and seeding players off invites and other horseshit and idiocy. This is problematic for newer players and people who are lesser known. They are also often set-up to favor house names and certain players.

You also pin the fate of your game in the hands of a third party that doesn't really care. These organizations are famous for bouncing to whatever the flavor of the moment is, when that happens it can kill games very quickly.

Lastly as for fighting games, they aren't ideal. A certain amount of professional behavior is required. And for a community that's known for off color jokes, sexism, loud behavior, and screaming and yelling that's not a good thing. It sucks the soul out of it. You're basically asking for soccer hooligans to act like golf fans.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Curious, what do people benefit from "these leagues" ? Is it like an actual job where you get paid to play?
Curious, what do people benefit from "these leagues" ? Is it like an actual job where you get paid to play?
No, not really. It's best to look at the PC model, which is where you can actually make a lot of money.

You'll have payouts for these events, and PC games have had payouts for over 30k for first place in some case. So the people that get invited can do rather well. Typically though it's sponsored players that make a livable wage. Some games had players making six figures a year, others had people taking home well over that in prizes.

The thing is, only a tiny minority are in that situation. And it creates a self perpetuating problem where the leagues only want the best players in them to be showcased because that helps the leagues make money.

In PC games that creates serious havoc in 1v1 games. For a long time the swapping between Quake, Unreal Tournament, and even LOL Painkiller had people playing games they didn't like and bouncing back and forth. And really divided people up. And a lot of the teams with sponsorships picking up and dropping people left and right as games changed.

It generally works out really well for a few people for a limited amount of time and then savages the player base and screws over everyone else.

There is a reason a lot of people in the FGC are against them. Most people don't feel it would be the smartest decision long term. I know a lot of "not the main game" type games that got killed because of them. There is a reason only Quake survived the PC 1v1 wars, and esports was part of it. In the end only the most popular game has the ability to survive, the rest all die off as esports bounces from game to game.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
That's pretty lame then lol, it's like PC have priority over consoles even though there's probably more better games and mainstream on consoles these days...WOW is pretty old news by now but whatever lol.

Hmm, I see so in other words it's more practical to get a gig with professional PC gaming and leagues as oppose to individual consoles like Xbox, Wii, PS etc? Damn...30 k is good, these tourneys for fighters, fps's etc are usually far less like couple hundred bucks to maybe a few thousand, seems small in comparison. Evo is probably one of the exceptions though but that's only once a year...

I wish there was more events all over the country and for all genres, not just "what's popular" know what I mean? Example, I'm pretty good in Dr. Mario(although little rusty due to MK for a year lol) and Mario Baseball, Split Second, few other titles but there's just no scene or events for games like this. Even sports games are here and there, it seems right now all about PC games and some tourney events for some console games. Whatever.
PC has priority because there are harder games on it and you can push the limits a lot farther. Control limitations simply prevent a game as complex as Starcraft from working on a console. Ditto for FPS games. Furthermore there is more money in PC games. Where people spend thousands of dollars a year upgrading their PC rather than a one and done console model.

Simply put from the amount of skill involved in game and the ability to monitize it the PC shits all over consoles and makes them look like amature hour.

Some PC gamers have had six figure salaries on top of clearing 30k for first place wins, and that's been the case since the early 2000s.

And while that seems good, it's a minority and has damaged other games in those genres.

You can't put the genie back in the bottle on the PC, but you don't have to let it out for consoles.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Harder games? Ehh, I think that's relative honestly. Definitely more story based and RPG games. Two friends of mine are PC gamers, they constantly update me...it's annoying at times but I'll try a SC or WOW, just not my thing. I need constant action, fighting, racing, sports something...FPS's are definitely the best on PC's, although for consoles while Halo is good, I still give props to Goldeneye for starting it and paving the way of FPS's on consoles from the N64.

Obviously certain genres on PC's aren't superior to consoles such as fighters, sports titles, racing games. COD is on literally everything now from handhelds to PC but started on PC obviously.