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A spaceman
It is the thing. What good is a strong punch when you can't land a hit? What good does that do? You keep repeating yourself he gets strong when he gets mad, but Wonder Woman can easily finish him quickly. Superman can survive in space, he can survive a Supernova, and he was cut By Wonder Woman Tiara. Her sword can split atoms. She can easily kill Hulk when ever she wants. Please come back with actual feats.
I told you earlier Hulk has defeated Thor! AN ACTUAL GOD! Again her speed doesn't mean anything. Hulk is also fast. Your not gonna kill the Hulk with a couple of blows. It's gonna take a very, very, very, very, very ,very, *2 years later* very, very, very, very, very long time to even stop the Hulk.
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lm Tweakk

Quicksilver is slow. Jay Garrick can bop him anyday. And doomsday can't beat thanos, rune king Thor or Ultron, or Thane. Soo c'mon son
Doomsday is unbeatable , in the long run. You bop him once he will come back immune to whatever you bopped him with , he is broken as shit honestly.


Kono Dio Da
I told you earlier Hulk has defeated Thor! AN ACTUAL GOD! Again her speed doesn't mean anything. Hulk is also fast. Your not gonna kill the Hulk with a couple of blows. It's gonna take a very, very, very, very, very ,very, *2 years later* very, very, very, very, very long time to even stop the Hulk.
Wonder Woman has fought Gods as well. Hulk is not as fast as Wonder Woman. What are you not understanding about that simple concept? And it wouldn't take that many blows to stop the Hulk. Stop hyping him up


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I told you earlier Hulk has defeated Thor! AN ACTUAL GOD! Again her speed doesn't mean anything. Hulk is also fast. Your not gonna kill the Hulk with a couple of blows. It's gonna take a very, very, very, very, very ,very, *2 years later* very, very, very, very, very long time to even stop the Hulk.
Thor is a norse god, they are different from the usual tense of "god" as an omnipotent being. Thor (barring maybe rune-king) is only upper-mid by DC standards. He can still be knocked out and killed by anything around Herald level and above. Hulk isn't doing anything without a head, or while being punted into the center of Jupiter which is then obliterated, or being thunder-clapped into giblets.


Kono Dio Da
Doomsday is unbeatable , in the long run. You bop him once he will come back immune to whatever you bopped him with , he is broken as shit honestly.
Rune King Thor will beat Doomsday, but he won't get strength equivalent to his. Ultron can't be destroyed. Thanos with the Infinity gauntlet, can will doomsday out of existence, and he can't die. Thane can simply trap doomsday, in a state where he is dead and alive at the same time.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
@TheBoyBlunder @kivatt and any other WoWo upplayer!
Hulk is basically The Marvel equivalent of Doomsday.
Let's see how Dirty Diana fairs agasnt Doomsday shall we...
Except no, DD is exponentially more powerful than Hulk would be one nanosecond into the fight, or even 5 years into the fight. Its not even a remotely accurate comparison.
Please lobotomize yourself for your insolence (though by the look of your feeble argument you've already received some form of head trauma).


Kono Dio Da
Then why has he been the face of DC for years. Have you actually read any Supes graphic novels? You're dead to me now btw.

I believe the most powerful DC hero is Flash, then probably Kyle Rayner.
Kyle Rayner as Ion is the hands down strongest. But without The Flash's except for Jay Garrick are the strongest. But Wally is the best of them.

It's like people talk about the characters without actually reading their comics.

lm Tweakk

Oh and how could I forget Amazo. He already absorbed the entire justice leagues powers , and all of them couldn't take him down. THE WERE FUCKED. They are lucky he went soft. If your even debating superman vs. blank. , you should know amazo would come in ruin that person


It's funny how these debates always happen and no one really looks at the fact Marvel out beats DC story wise any day of the week. Marvel Now is destroying New 52 by a long shot. Not even just that, their cinematic universe also crushes DC by far. DC needs to step it up tbh. They have all these powerful characters but nothing good actually going for them. The only way DC would actually body Marvel is if DC allowed Marvel to write the characters in and have them beat them up, but do you really think that would happen? IIRC they did a versus book awhile back and Marvel actually won that fight and even released ads confirming so but had to get rid of them due to legal issues.

lm Tweakk

Kyle Rayner as Ion is the hands down strongest. But without The Flash's except for Jay Garrick are the strongest. But Wally is the best of them.

It's like people talk about the characters without actually reading their comics.
Wally? The best flash? You are sorely mistaken my friend. He tapped fully into the speed force one time and it CONSUMED HIM. It took all of the justice league to pull him back. Good ol' Barry Allen can fully control the speed force. Barry Allen is undisputed the best flash.

lm Tweakk

It's funny how these debates always happen and no one really looks at the fact Marvel out beats DC story wise any day of the week. Marvel Now is destroying New 52 by a long shot. Not even just that, their cinematic universe also crushes DC by far. DC needs to step it up tbh. They have all these powerful characters but nothing good actually going for them. The only way DC would actually body Marvel is if DC allowed Marvel to write the characters in and have them beat them up, but do you really think that would happen? IIRC they did a versus book awhile back and Marvel actually won that fight and even released ads confirming so but had to get rid of them due to legal issues.
Actual character backgrounds , dc demolishes Marvel . Compare Batmans backstory to anyone besides wolverine and its clear who is more in depth. Wolverine is there most in depth character.


Kono Dio Da
It's funny how these debates always happen and no one really looks at the fact Marvel out beats DC story wise any day of the week. Marvel Now is destroying New 52 by a long shot. Not even just that, their cinematic universe also crushes DC by far. DC needs to step it up tbh. They have all these powerful characters but nothing good actually going for them. The only way DC would actually body Marvel is if DC allowed Marvel to write the characters in and have them beat them up, but do you really think that would happen? IIRC they did a versus book awhile back and Marvel actually won that fight and even released ads confirming so but had to get rid of them due to legal issues.
Actually no. Not all of the Marvel books are good, same with DC. They both have really good stories, and they both have really bad ones, and just okay ones. Marvel isn''t destroying them story wise. And recently they have both had pretty Sub-par events, with the only good Marvel one recently being Infinity. So they are about even on that one. And Image shits on them any day of the week.


Kono Dio Da
Wally? The best flash? You are sorely mistaken my friend. He tapped fully into the speed force one time and it CONSUMED HIM. It took all of the justice league to pull him back. Good ol' Barry Allen can fully control the speed force. Barry Allen is undisputed the best flash.
No you are sorely mistaken. Wally is the best Flash, he has full mastery of the speed force, and can go in and out of it, as well as tap it as he pleaes. He also as ran a speeds faster than Barry has, and has better feats than him. Barry was dead for 20+ years, and Wally has shitted on him in every single way. And you are talking about a Justice League, tv show wally which wasn't even the real Wally West. Come with some comic feats/


I'm reading 14 different Marvel titles right now and haven't been bored once. Read a couple New 52 titles and dropped after 6 issues. Even DC has dropped titles after a few issues. Both of these companies are one in the same. They have great stories to tell and borrow/steal so much from one another. Image steals from both. The only thing interesting to me from Image is Invincible.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I'm reading 14 different Marvel titles right now and haven't been bored once. Read a couple New 52 titles and dropped after 6 issues. Even DC has dropped titles after a few issues. Both of these companies are one in the same. They have great stories to tell and borrow/steal so much from one another. Image steals from both. The only thing interesting to me from Image is Invincible.
New 52 is pretty terrible so far. The flash comics were okay...

But read into Crisis on Infinite Earths, Killing Joke, Flashpoint, etc... and you'll find theres actually some pretty nice stuff for DC as well.
White martian arc was killer, Aquaman showing why he is actually OP as all hell.


New 52 is pretty terrible so far. The flash comics were okay...

But read into Crisis on Infinite Earths, Killing Joke, Flashpoint, etc... and you'll find theres actually some pretty nice stuff for DC as well.
White martian arc was killer, Aquaman showing why he is actually OP as all hell.
Haha, I've read those books, man. I'm not saying they're bad at all, I like DC. I'm talking current Marvel/DC.