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The Ed Boon Twitter Watch Thread

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
last boot could be Sonya her younger skin has black boots but we havent seen them enough to tell.
if not its kenshi or erron black


Cages_Shades from MKO
I kinda feel if sonya was boot 2, Boon would of posted it with the rest of the boots during the Cage family trailer, similiar how he did this with liu, and definetely on this updated one. Did many people catch it was liu's boot before he posted his updated boot image?

Jax hasnt been official revealed yet so it makes sense he didnt put him as boot 5. but sonya was revealed and boot 2 still has a "?".


Tell me, do you bleed?
I kinda feel if sonya was boot 2, Boon would of posted it with the rest of the boots during the Cage family trailer, similiar how he did this with liu, and definetely on this updated one. Did many people catch it was liu's boot before he posted his updated boot image?

Jax hasnt been official revealed yet so it makes sense he didnt put him as boot 5. but sonya was revealed and boot 2 still has a "?".
Good point.

Yes, many of us said that it looked like a shaolin, and some said "Liu Kang".


So Ed Boon made this tweet today...

I don't want to get my hopes up, and I'm sure it's nothing, but what if they decided to do a demo? That would be great (especially if it was this week... but that's even more unlikely).



"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
Isn't that interview with Joe Vargas (Angry Joe) supposed to come out today? I think I remember Joe saying he'd upload it today.


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
Ah, fair do's. I haven't been on that thread yet, well, I have now. But I hadn't before. This is news to me!
Yea they moved it into its own subforum for the ESL league stuff. What I do is always use "new posts" right below the top banner of options to browse the forum. This lets me see the newest posts on threads from the whole site rather than specific sections so I dont miss anything. I dont use anything else, just hit new posts, new posts, new posts.