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I could have helped paid for the room man. I gave rapzilla money because I literally had no where else to go. I was originally suppose to stay with FlipinFlava but he didn't answer his phone or the door. I really don't want to look like I never cared or anything. i didnt even want to stay in rapzilla's room because the amount of shit talking that was going on from kevo. It really disgusted me but I had no choice but to stay. If I had the money to pay for a room myself, I would have done it.

Also that video disgusts me so much. I always hated the fact that kabal players aren't really helping each other. AC1984 came up to me and gave me advice when I was having a bad day. He earned my respect after that because he was the first offline kabal player to give me advice like that. The video also gives us image that Kabal players are shit talkers and don't give a shit. Kevo was doing all the talking but if you don't know how AC is, you'd think its equal on shit talking from the video. Shit like this makes me worry about asking to play casuals with people.


That's a shame about ECT, hope that was a one off because at MLG there looked like tons of respect between the competitors.

Damn, one pool with that many good players in it.

And what was the deal with Claude. Was that entrants entering with troll names or did he accidently get added 3 times. Seems weird that it was always a variation of his name.


Cock Master!!
I did not want to name any one person for anything. This isn't about person A or person B, but how when combined all these community members have ruined it for what could be a large part of the east coast.

One guy that I will mention is a guy I don't even know. He came into our room Saturday, randomly, took a shit and shaved. He left all his shavings on the bathroom floor. I caught him on the way out while I was away from the tournament for a second and made sure he didn't steal anything. This also suggests that someone left our hotel door open since only Dan and I had keys.
wtf that really happened LOL wtf

I find this to be rather disgusting too.

Kevo i thought you were a kool dude, but after seeing this you are a fucking douche bag.. thought you should know..

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
I am going to be traveling half way across the world soon with a couple of friends for EVO, and I will not be subjected nor will I allow it to happen to anyone of my friends to any of this nonsense, absolutely noT...
The community will not tolerate any of you good natured lads to be disrespected in any way shape or form. Friendly hype sure, malicious school yard bullying, hell no. Whatever went down at ECT is not the norm, I assure. I'm actually flabbergasted by what I read in OP.


You will BOW to me!
ECT4 was the worst experience I have ever had with the MK community. Before anyone starts to think that this has anything to do with critiquing how ECT4 was ran; that is an extremely minor factor. John and Joe did an amazing job with ECT4 and restructuring from all the issues at ECT3. The two of them deserve a ton of credit and I would be glad to support them in the future.

What I will no longer be supporting is the Mortal Kombat community. A lot of you should be ashamed of yourself and how you represented MK this weekend. While 9.95 was not there this weekend, that should not have slowed us down. Pheerleece knows what he is doing with the stream and was more than prepared. I run the most efficient brackets in terms of time that I have seen in our community. Summoning and Shock (Ultraspec) had all the equipment not only for MK, but all of ECT ready before any of you got there. So how did this go wrong?

The biggest mistake was not getting the full list of people for MK from John right off the bat. All the pools started at once so I was given a list of pools 1 and 2 and told to make adjustments if necessary. People who played in more than one game couldn't be moved so they were not playing two games at once. Some of these pools looked like this right off the bat: Chris G, KTSmith, Zaf, SonicFox, TOS Nerd, KevodaMan. Another pool had ClaudVonStroke in it 3 times (WNBA ClaudVonStroke, ClaudVonStroke, and BRZ ClaudVonStorkinIt)! A lot of edits were necessary, but since I didn't have a list of who was there I had to go by who I knew was around. Thank god I know the community very well; who knows what would have happened if I was some 3rd party member. And to make things even worse, people were showing up even after registration was closed. We went from pools 1 and 2 only being 8 people to pools 7 and 8 having up to 11 people! That's not fair to anyone in pools 7 and 8.

What is also not fair is how Korpse paid $40 to enter the ball room. Why, you might ask? While running pools at ECT4, I received no help from the staff outside Pherleece who was in charge of the stream and making sure that our internet connection could get back online. The reason people are given staff positions are to help run the tournament. When I would ask anyone in a pink shirt to go announce a player's name at the main stage to report to MK, they would look at me with disgust; that I had just sent them on a task that was too good for them. Let me tell you that sitting on commentary does not warrant you a staff position. Watching MLG does not warrant you a staff position. Leaving the ballroom all together for hours does not warrant you a staff position. After pools 5 and 6 had started I had been taken past my breaking point and needed to step away for a while. There were a total of 4 other staff members there. Who ran the show.... Everyone tells me it was Korpse and Relaxedstate! These two amazing people should be given the $40 that other staff members STOLE from them at ECT4.

I don't think there are many people who know how hard it is to plan, run, and place top 8 all on a consistent basis. It's fucking stupid hard.

Speaking of stealing; the reason why Pherleece had to step away from the ballroom was due to getting no sleep. The reason for this was due to over a dozen people sleeping in our hotel room in which we paid for. Of the 12 people that were in our hotel room, over half had not paid for the room; most of which had no intent to ever do so the whole weekend. After I was kicked out of my own room which I had paid more for than anyone there I went to sleep in my car. AC1984, Pheerleece, and a few others followed to their cars as well. I'm not sure how it went for others, but once I was in my car it got even worse... MikeMetroid's brother then came down, got in my car and forced me to attempt sleeping in an upright car seat. I spent most of the night sleeping on the parking garage floor.

A similar situation happened in Rapzilla's room. He was forced to spend Saturday night in his car while tons of people claimed his room without paying a cent. Only after forcing people to give him money did he earn his share back. @Danchoke left Saturday night to give his hotel floor spot to someone else after being the man who reserved the whole room and paid more than anyone else! He drove all the way back to up state New York! At least in our room everyone easily paid for the whole weekend Saturday night. Even people like @W1nterWarz offered to pay us for just hanging out in the room for a few hours!

Players at ECT4 were treated like shit. Not because of John and Joe nor the Capcom community (outside Mike's brother). MK players were treating each other with such animosity and disrespect; we should be ashamed.

Ask yourself this: Did you thank Pherleece, Summoning, Shock, Dan, Rapzilla, Storms, John, or Joe for what we did this weekend? Some of you did. Some of you are amazing people; I'm honored to call some of you friends. I've meet some new people at ECT4 that were outstanding guys and girls. But the percentage of assholes were just too high this weekend.

From here on out I will only be hosting private events, helping with the Kombat Network, and hanging out with the WNBA/VSM crew. A select few members of this community have ruined it for me. And once you ruin it for people like Summoning, Shock, and Phil - then you will ruin it for everyone! Without them you have and are NOTHING!

Wow.... Simply wow.... This is pathetic srsly.


missiles are coming
That's a shame about ECT, hope that was a one off because at MLG there looked like tons of respect between the competitors.

Damn, one pool with that many good players in it.

And what was the deal with Claude. Was that entrants entering with troll names or did he accidently get added 3 times. Seems weird that it was always a variation of his name.
The pools were moved around. I feel that the worst pool ended up being Khaotik, Blackula, Soup, Chris G. Frankly, all 4 of them would normally make it out of pools... in winners. Blackula was originally with Eazail and Jer then moved out for whatever reason while I was gone. Aside from that pool (pool 5?), most pools ended up being pretty balanced for all the issues we had going on. A master list before anything starts is a must next time.

Mr. Mileena

Ok, so I'm going to post really quick before I take off for lunch with a friend.

The amount of disrespect shown to Swifttomhanks, and as well as in that AC vs Kevo Video, just leaves me at a loss for words.
For one, we are a small community compared to those of Capcom, and yet we bash on others both PERSONALLY and as an MK9 Competitor. I understand some rivalry is necessary, but even then, sometimes it goes a little too far. Now, when it comes to personally attacking people, then that's another story. From what I saw and read, this feels like a high school situation, people with their groups attacking/singling out people. Grow up guys, seriously, I thought we were like a family (which most of us are), but there are people who show no respect at all. I seriously might even leave myself, what's wrong with some of you?

While watching that video, I completely lost respect for Kevo, and I know he probably doesn't care, but you make our community look bad. Friend, Foe, Stranger, you always have to show respect no matter what, and stop showing off with your pride and your wins, because your wins mean nothing if you can't represent your self as a classy, civilized individual. I'm really disappointed with you

I understand there has to be fueds between westcoast/ eastcoast/ UK, etc, but sometimes it goes too far, and instead of molding your hands into fists, maybe you should open them up with welcoming hands, because at the end of the day, we are all family, and it's time we start acting like we are.


Damn Andrew, so sorry to hear that man. Your such a good asset to the community. I know how you feel though. At WB Ashley paid for that hotel room by herself and a lot of people stayed in there. I know a couple people such as yourself I said can stay in for free cuz uve done so much for me in the past so it was all good. But Ashley PS3 cord and controller was stolen at that event unfortunately :(. It sucks that you just cant trust people out there and always have to keep a close eye on your stuff.

Andrew your so nice man, next time just speak up. Don't let people take advantage of you. What happened to you pisses me off honestly. I wish i was there, i would of said something. Dont leave the community man. WNBA is evolving. Lets keep this shit going.

Kevo I have no idea what was going on but disrespecting a fellow WNBA player like that is appaling. Maybe your recent success has gotten to your head I dont know. But I hope to see you in my pool at the next event.


Cock Master!!
I think the worst part of it all is that probably most of the human trash are unknown people so we won't find out who they are.
you would be surprised at how many well known top 8 finishers in the Kommunity do this to me ALL THE FUCKING TIME.. which is why i wasnt planning on going to ect4 but Andrew and Stroms got me hyped to go.. i had fun overall.


you would be surprised at how many well known top 8 finishers in the Kommunity do this to me ALL THE FUCKING TIME.. which is why i wasnt planning on going to ect4 but Andrew and Stroms got me hyped to go.. i had fun overall.
Man your a great Sindel player. I always have to work to beat you. Your not free man trust me. Also, I cant wait to drive down to play casuals with you and Curbo.


The pools were moved around. I feel that the worst pool ended up being Khaotik, Blackula, Soup, Chris G. Frankly, all 4 of them would normally make it out of pools... in winners. Blackula was originally with Eazail and Jer then moved out for whatever reason while I was gone. Aside from that pool (pool 5?), most pools ended up being pretty balanced for all the issues we had going on. A master list before anything starts is a must next time.

The more I read this thread, the angrier it makes me.

Okay the stuff with the pools, that was a joke...BUT that could just be human error or inexperience. But all the other stuff. I can't believe how much you had to compromise for a lot of arseholes and you have my deepest sympathies. Plus stuff dissapearing. That's fucked up. Some people have no class and I mean none. It sounds like ECT was the polar opposite to MLG which is a huge shame.

The one good thing is, someone mentioned that the MK community is inherintly good because I see a LOT of people rallying to your plight.

We're inherently good as a community, but I agree with Pig Of The Hut, I believe there should be naming and shaming. Kevo should be first on the list, guy looks like a bully. Death is right, success has gone to his head. His attitude belongs in the Capcom community, not here.

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat
Man there are some people in this community who are good if not great at this game and have piss attitudes, im sure thats in every community though.

Everyone isn't going to get along, that's just not going to happen. Mad props to KevoDaMaN at ECT and all of this other tourneys. If you want to ride on him because he lost to SonicFoxx a 13 yr old, then that's your problem. There's a reason why both of those players where in GFs and you weren't. Kevo might not have the best of attitudes, and if you can't get along with people like that AVOID THEM.

I've gone to a few tournaments and haven't really planned that much, I kinda just go with the flow and hope for someone to let me sleep on the floor, but I will pay and have no problem paying.

People just need to be responsible and just realize that we are all there for the same fucking reason. TO SUPPORT MORTAL KOMBAT.


Revenant Jade
The reason for this was due to over a dozen people sleeping in our hotel room in which we paid for. Of the 12 people that were in our hotel room, over half had not paid for the room; most of which had no intent to ever do so the whole weekend. After I was kicked out of my own room which I had paid more for than anyone there I went to sleep in my car. AC1984, Pheerleece, and a few others followed to their cars as well. I'm not sure how it went for others, but once I was in my car it got even worse... MikeMetroid's brother then came down, got in my car and forced me to attempt sleeping in an upright car seat. I spent most of the night sleeping on the parking garage floor.
That sounds f*cking disgusting. I don't tolerate sh*t like that. If they were all passed out and there was no room for you, I would put on a lighter to set off the fire alarm to evacuate everyone out of that room, wet or dry, that is MY room! Or I would've made a huge entire scene to get everyone the f*** out of your room. You should never let anyone take advantage of you like that ever, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
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