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I don't get how people are traveling to tournaments with zero-dollars in their pockets. Why would you even go for that? How is that even fun for you? IF you can't afford it, stay the fuck home.
^^^The Truth^^^

I will say this, while the last 4 pools had more people than the first 4 pools, not everyone who was added late was a late registration. We actually were missing some names. There were people who came to me and showed me the emails they received that showed they registered, but somehow their names were not on the list that Andrew was given. So I ended up adding them to the later pools before they started hence why pools 5-8 had pools of 10 people instead of 8 or 9. And actually, we still ended up missing one person which we deeply apologized for. SHOCK made sure that individual was compensated for said error. As Andrew mentioned, if we had all the names at once as Andrew had requested, a lot of the bracket issues could have been completely avoided.


Back-dash Adam
wow i had no idea you had such a stressful weekend, i just hope i didn't contribute to any of your stress, sorry if i did

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
If you are one of the people SwiftTomHanks is referring too, fucking man up and do whats right. Also, Andrew, i will say you gotta put your foot down and sometimes being the asshole is a necessary thing. It sucks but you work hard for what you earn in life, no one has the right to take it away. That being said, while I dont really know you, people I consider family to me talk very highly of you and the time I did spent around you was quite enjoyable. All i know is that you are a very valuable resource to this community so regardless of what you do or decided, please dont leave us completely. :) <3

Shame on all you, you've embarrassed not just the players and people repping MK at ECT4 but all the players and people repping MK anywhere. Disgusting.


MLG Tournament Director
I've run into this before, and once you see it/go through it once, you never allow it to happen to yourself again. It is all a planning issue, really. Make sure you know who your roommates are, whoever is the 'leader' of the room can't be a softy, you need to agree on whatever the limit for the number of people in the room should be. I would suggest no more than six (two to each bed + two floor spots). The biggest thing is to also be careful if you have a TV in the room, this will cause people to want to come into your room and play. Word spreads, suddenly your room is the popular one, and it becomes difficult to kick people out. Again, all of this is solved by, basically, being a bit of a jerk and not letting people you don't want into your room in the first place.

There will be freeloaders at every event, the key is to make yourself not vulnerable to them.

Also, it should be obvious, but EVERYONE IN THE ROOM NEEDS TO PAY UP FRONT. No IOUs (unless the guy is like a blood brother, I guess). It always baffles me how after every tournament there are cases where people crashed for free in a room and the host didn't think to ask for the money upfront.

HGTV DrFlash44

Quan Cheese!!!
Aw man I'm gonna miss you SwiftTomHanks but now I completely understand. I had to leave early, but the only thing that I saw and was disgusted at was the laziness of most of the staff members. The whole community will miss you a lot.


Dojo Trainee
I really wanted to help Mike get to ECT, and the stipulation was that his brother had to be with him since Mike is under 18. That to me made a lot of sense; his brother was a nice guy as far as I knew up till this point. And really all his brother was doing was just being protective of Mike. He was mad that Mike didn't get a bed spot, so I gave Mike mine. But then as I got up apparently another guy took it. Mike's brother gave him the air mattress (which I brought there) and came down to the parking lot.

He did all of this for Mike, which shows that he is a great brother. But it was at my expense which pisses me off.

Sounds like "prison rules" were in full effect. You either needed to fashion a shank out of a toothbrush handle, or start up a clique in order to survive. In all seriousness, I commend your hospitality, but you should have either called hotel security to remove all the riffraff or as your last resort the POELICE--especially since any damage to the room would have been charged to you.


Andrew, I will talk to you further, on the phone about a lot of this stuff.

Suffice it to say, those of you who took advantage of Andrew, AJ and Dan(as some of you have done in the past), all any of them have to do is let me know who you are, and you may as well not bother to show up to events because unless they are compensated, I simply won't enter you into the bracket... and if you doubt that this will happen... talk to John, Joe, and Big E. and see if they don't support me on this.... you'll get your ass laughed out of NJ and Philly.

With regards to putting people on blast by calling them out for abhorrent behavior... I say do it. People were there, they saw it... it's no secret. I hope they call you out for your behavior and I hope you're man enough to step up to the plate and take responsibility for yourself.

With regards to MK Players treating each other disrespectfully, and animosity. This is the MK community going through growing pains. This happens ALL THE TIME in other communities and fighting games. In the last 5 years, MK was this happy go lucky group of players all playing UMK3 and supporting it and everyone was cool and we were all friends... there was never really any smack talk amongst the group and players, save for two who are no longer around. The MK community is growing and developing...something that other, more mature(meaning existence, not maturity level of the players) communities have... we're developing true rivalries, true smack talk, genuine dislike for other players, etc. Believe it or not, this is the NORM for any competitive community. Nothing drives a person to get better more than the motivation to beat their rival, embarrass someone who talked smack to or about them, etc. I'm not saying that disrespect and animosity are GOOD things, but what they are, are signs that the MK community is maturing, developing, and is going to stick around for quite some time.

Guys, running tournaments at Majors is no walk in the park. SOME of you see it and SOME of you get it. Others... well, they think that everything just magically appears and all is well...and take for granted the time, energy, effort and MONEY that people VOLUNTEER to do this stuff. It's a totally thankless job where any issue becomes the TO's or TD's responsibility and where everything else is taken for granted.

You know how MC's always say, "Don't forget to tip your wait staff"? Well, keep in mind that the TO's are YOUR wait staff. They make sure that you get the best possible experience you can get, given the situation they're in. Sometimes(most times) there are things that are totally beyond their control(bracket issues, player lists, internet connection) that you should THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS that the person doing it is capable of thinking on the fly and rectifying situations by working around these kind of roadblocks.

I tip my hat to you, SwiftTomHanks and congratulate you and pherleece for getting it done, and getting it done right amidst all the chaos. I know what you went through, I've been there before and will be there to do battle with you guys again(should you choose to come back...and I sincerely hope you do).


Mid Tier
That sucks man, glad to hear the Canadian players were representing like we do. I haven't been to a tourny that I've had a bad experience. I've always been blown away by how awesome everyone is at these things. Especially at Final Round and Northwest Majors. Toryuken was just fuckin god like, but it was in canada.

Hopefully we get to meet down the road sometime man, Snips and Lion talk very highly of you, Im kinda glad I didn't go to this tourny, I would probably be like fuck it all too. Because regardless of if your a nice guy are not, People don't need to act like pieces of shit, or take advantage of anyone, in anyway.

You can't say, well Swift Tom is too nice, Fuck that, some people are just nice guys, why would he want to change that, the people that are the pieces of shit need to take a look in the mirror, but they never will, until they are put on blast. I agree with pig in that we need to out these people if they won't man up and fuckin apologize and chip in for what they took for free.

Thats about all I have to say about that, Stay Awesome STH,

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Woah Woah I just want to say right now that in that video i had no idea what was going on and mean nothing against ac. That guy is awesome, and i thought it was quite clear that he was a better player than me and I wasnt actually going to body him in tournament. i came in and didnt kno what exactly what was going on, but people were just like you are going to body ac right and im like sure whatever. That video looks like things are wa different than what they seemed to be when i got there.


This is unbelievably fucked up to hear. I was originally supposed to run MK9 at ECT4 but due to poor planning on my part financially it would have been difficult, I would have done it still for Phil because he's my boy, but thankfully Swift Tom Hanks stepped up and saved my ass by taking over, for which il always be grateful. You know it takes a special kind of person to run a tournament. It is thankless work. It is grueling, everyone shouting in your ear all the time, constantly trying to juggle 300 things at once in an atmosphere of chaos. And people like Swift who do it, do it for one reason, to serve the community they love. To hear that he was so badly mistreated by the very people he was there to serve is absolutely infuriating and unacceptable.
Im really sorry Andrew.


This is unbelievably fucked up to hear. I was originally supposed to run MK9 at ECT4 but due to poor planning on my part financially it would have been difficult, I would have done it still for Phil because he's my boy, but thankfully Swift Tom Hanks stepped up and saved my ass by taking over, for which il always be grateful. You know it takes a special kind of person to run a tournament. It is thankless work. It is grueling, everyone shouting in your ear all the time, constantly trying to juggle 300 things at once in an atmosphere of chaos. And people like Swift who do it, do it for one reason, to serve the community they love. To hear that he was so badly mistreated by the very people he was there to serve is absolutely infuriating and unacceptable.
Im really sorry Andrew.
Like I said, all Andrew, AJ, and Dan have to do is get me names of those who took advantage of their generosity in their rooms and unless they compensate them for the room, good luck getting into a bracket at a NE major...

Keep in mind that these people took advantage of someone doing ME a HUGE favor by running MK at ECT4 while I couldn't be there... it's one thing to take advantage of me... but it's another to take advantage of someone I care about... that makes me angry.

HGTV DrFlash44

Quan Cheese!!!
I'll be leaving the MK community as well. After hearing constant downplaying of people's abilities because of their character and seeing Rapzilla leave HIS room to sleep in his car, I don't want to take part in this. I also got fucked over in my pool big time because people showed up 5 hours after the tournament started haha :p


Bone and Metal
I don't know if I should be glad or not that I didn't attend this. I will say however, that if anyone tried to take refuge in MY room that I bought with MY money, they can go find a damn gutter to sleep in if they don't want to pay me anything. If they didn't like it, tough shit it's my fucking room not their's.

Andrew, I'm gonna miss seeing you dude, even if I did only see you twice now. I completely understand your feelings. I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors, because after showing kindness to a random asshole on the internet like me and driving me to casuals you deserve better than to be taken advantage of by a bunch of random dickheads off the street. Give Ketchup a noogie for me if you see him, him and his bro are cool as shit.


Monster Island Tournaments
Im realizing that the secret tech for surviving tournies is to get your own room and don't tell anyone where it is.

Also, don't answer the door because random capcom kids go around knocking on any door and will take your shit over.

Man... I still couldn't believe that shit. Seriously... Who the fuck just wanders around a hotel listening for video games and then has the AUDACITY to knock on the door and ask if you can join.... If I ever go to another Mk tournament I'm getting a room at a hotel that isn't where the tournament is being played.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

The whole reason I didn't come to ECT was because I knew I wouldn't be able to afford the trip, and even though the saintly @Dancock saved my ass by spotting me some floor at NEC & Winter Brawl, I didn't want to have to be that guy again and end up floating a whole weekend on the kindness of those already strapped for room and cash, but holy hell...at least it was planned out far in advance and the fellas were onboard...this is just outright exploitation. Some terrible shit, Andrew :(. Especially given the people like you, Rap, AC & now Soup of all people :(. The polarity between everything that went down between ECT & MLG is scary, but it's also something to build off of for the future that everyone on the ground floor of keeping these shows glued together and awesome can learn from and keep people from getting screwed again. I have every intention of coming to Summer Jam, so if you guys - be it Pherleece, Phil, Shock, Summoning, Andrew if by some miraculous twist of fate you could be talked into coming out for it - whoever's in charge needs serious, dependable help, be it for setting up, keeping things organized, keeping track of everybody and getting their details to make sure no one ends up having to be in two places at once, etc...I'll be more than happy to extend my services with a smile. It's gonna be critical after EVO that every show is on point, on fire, and as solidly delivered as possible to keep things going in the positive, SMART STUFF direction that MK seems to be heading, so whatever I can do to insure it when it's back in my neck of the woods, I'll be more than glad to do.

Also, anyone who puts the screws to SwiftTomHanks just plain sucks.
Best Scotsman to walk the earth since William Wallace.

Im realizing that the secret tech for surviving tournies is to get your own room and don't tell anyone where it is.

Also, don't answer the door because random capcom kids go around knocking on any door and will take your shit over.

I plan on doing the same thing. My lady's most likely coming with, so it'll just be us, save possibly a couple of delicious people that could be crashing with me.

Remember Winter Brawl? The random drunk guys who came stumbling in and passed out in front of the door, and no one had a fucking clue who they were?
Yeah, no. I'm all for helping my peoples if peoples need help, but I'm not getting overrun.


Man... I still couldn't believe that shit. Seriously... Who the fuck just wanders around a hotel listening for video games and then has the AUDACITY to knock on the door and ask if you can join.... If I ever go to another Mk tournament I'm getting a room at a hotel that isn't where the tournament is being played.
AJ, give me names bro... all I need are the names of those you know took advantage...


Thanks Rey the great for making this video even tho I asked you not to. That whole thing was supposed to be a joke between me and Kevo but it turned out to be real I guess. I always try to stay away from stuff like that and I cant believe I got myself into this shit....Great games to every one at ECT4....peace.

P.S. Rey, be nice enough to take this video down.


Monster Island Tournaments
AJ, give me names bro... all I need are the names of those you know took advantage...
No names are needed because I got the money for the room. After leaving my room at 5am I got up at 9 am to make sure I'd get back to the room before anyone would be up to leave.


Cold day in hell...
SwiftTomHanks You are a more kind man than I. Before I slept in my car after paying for a room every last person in there (that didn't pay) would have been thrown out of there. I've only met you once at Civil War but you're a cool guy. Sucks to have dickheads running off great players and great members of our community. It's one thing to ask in advance to crash on someone's floor, it's another altogether to wreck the experience of a tournament for them. MKC... Grow the fuck up.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator

I'm so sorry for my brother's stupidity. I will tell him about how much of a piece of shit he was to my friends. I am also sorry that I couldn't do much with brackets, but I know for a fact I did not deny a single thing of help that was asked from other staff. I remember calling out names and going up to the main stage as much as needed. Every other couple of minutes I would ask if anyone in the crew needed help. Setting things up and helping Pherleece with the stream. I am sorry that I did not seem to be that much help but I WILL make it up to you.

AlSO: In the Kevo video, I was talking about how I played on Sp00ky. Kevo is an asshole. I myself got in arguments with him over the weekend.


The Ignore Button Is Free
I find this to be rather disgusting too.

Idk what exactly happened, but the feud was very huge. All I remember is AC1984 Telling kevo he sucks for losing to Sonic Fox, and that's when kevo went off. I was one of tthe few people who tried to end the feud, but they kept screaming at each other and whatnot. After everything was over, AC came up to mme and said he was just trolling and didn't mean everything he said. I believe AC, he doesn't seem like the type of person tto cause drama like that. He also said kevo was troling ttoo, but idk, I got the impressiong that kevo really meant everything he said.

When it comes to paying people back, that shit should be done, no questions asked. Someone drove me to ECT, and I paid them back for the gas Money. Someone paid for me to play at ECT, I paid them back. I spent the night in a hotel and someone will be getting paid back thru PayPal. If someone is that humble enough to go out of their way for you, the least you can do is return tthe fucking favor.

Some many people came up to me and apologized because my 1st tourny experience was ruined in a sense. At 1st, I was wondering why some many people where doing that, as I was not aware of the many negative situations going on. But after reading all of this, I understand why they apologized.

Idk what to say man, honestly. All I can do is give thanks for STH and others who were nothing But humble to me all weekend. I hope everything works out for the best for STH and I'm sorry it had to go this far.

This shit is wack...
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