You're on an Xbox Series S, correct? You can likely get a basic headset for free. That's what I did, picked up a basic Turtle Beach model. It's the Ear Force Recon Chat for Xbox. I either bought it at Best Buy or Shoppers Drug Mart. I think Best Buy.Yeah, it just depends on whether I can find the time, and whether I buy a headset or not. I have a birthday coming up, so I very well might. I think the hard part is that I'm typically on Responsible Parent hours, so the times I'm available might not always match up with the schedule of others.
Also if you ever want to bring back the casual KI hosting let me know, I'd probably be interested in learning the game at some point.
For your schedule, that's true, but you can always put your feelers out and ask people. A lot of us on this site aren't getting any younger, so who knows.
For the Killer Instinct casuals, I've actually thought about it, and it's on my mind. Right now my company is downsizing and I'm tied up in work hell (I'm the guy who has to close a floor and move people out) and timing-wise, this project will begin wrapping out just in time for my wedding. If I do bring them back, it'd likely be the fall at earliest.
Edit: I meant a basic headset for cheap, not for free

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