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Tell me what you like about MK11


bye felicia
all of it, literally all of it. I haven't heard a single thing (since K&M set several records straight) that I don't absolutely adore. Even if the other 20 characters or so are just as in depth as the 6 or 7 we've ween, this is going to be a fucking sweet game.


Jacqui/D'Vorah 2020
I'm really taken by the Krushing Blow and new Meter systems, and honestly, there is a small part of me that wants to try and learn the new amplify system, because it reminds me of DBFZ in a way.


So far from what we've seen I like:

  • The removal of Run
  • The severe toning down of 50/50 mixups
  • The ostensibly footsie-based gameplay that the above two changes may enforce
  • The more vibrant color palette
  • The fact that there are customizations, and they are purely cosmetic
  • The return of MKX-style brutalities
  • The return of Baraka and potentially other classic characters
There are other things I'm on the fence about, but I'm trying to keep an open mind.