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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 General Discussion


PSN: Skkra
Is anyone going to be on tonight? I may be playing from 8:30 - 10:30 PM EST. I havent played in 2 weeks due to life being busy, but I'd like to set up a small private room with 3-4 people tops. I won't play private rooms bigger than that, you have to wait too long to play.
Is anyone going to be on tonight? I may be playing from 8:30 - 10:30 PM EST. I havent played in 2 weeks due to life being busy, but I'd like to set up a small private room with 3-4 people tops. I won't play private rooms bigger than that, you have to wait too long to play.
Damn, I'm not going to be able to make it. :(


PSN: Skkra
Damn, I'm not going to be able to make it. :(
No worries. I didn't make it either. Lately I get to play roughly 2-3 hours a week, so it's hard to find me on just randomly.

You mentioned in your video thread that you need to learn how to deal with Lili better... I wrote this a while back... if you want to hop in practice, this is a good primer for her so you know what to look for:


PSN: Skkra
Have any of you guys sought out jimmy675 to fight his Hwoarang yet? :D

I should hopefully finally be on this weekend. I'd love to say I'm off on Friday and will be sitting around drinking beer and playing Tekken, but alas, I work in retail and black friday is our biggest day of the year, so I'll be sitting in my office monitoring servers starting at 4 AM. :mad:
Have any of you guys sought out jimmy675 to fight his Hwoarang yet? :D

I should hopefully finally be on this weekend. I'd love to say I'm off on Friday and will be sitting around drinking beer and playing Tekken, but alas, I work in retail and black friday is our biggest day of the year, so I'll be sitting in my office monitoring servers starting at 4 AM. :mad:
I haven't because I don't play ranked lol. Though, I have seen Speedkicks hwoarang. He's only 16 I believe and he's pretty good.

Also good to hear you'll be availible this weekend, and unfortunate about black friday. :(
Anyone on XBL, I need training partners. Think I've leveled up all I can on my own. Next step; MU experience. Add me if ur interested. GT: GnG Crimson.

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PSN: Skkra
Is Black Friday over yet? Man, I'm tired.

Not sure if I'll be on tonight, but I'll definitely finally get some games in tomorrow!... it's been 2 weeks, pretty psyched hahaha.


PSN: Skkra
Looks like I'll be getting out here around 3:00 PM EST. I may be able to hop on once I walk home from the office... if anyone has Skkra on their list, keep an eye out around 3:30 or 4:00 PM today... I might actually get to play! Fancy that!


PSN: Skkra

I just officially received the promotion I've been gunning for for the past year. F YEAH.

That means I'll be stopping at the bar with a buddy or two on the way home from the office and throwing back some celebratory shots. Soooo I'd say I'll probably be on closer to 4:00 PM EST. So if I catch any of you on, just know you'll be fighting Drunken Skkra. This could mean I get steamrolled, but it can also mean I just go on nonstop risky insane aggressive rushdowns hahahaha.
Looks like I'll be getting out here around 3:00 PM EST. I may be able to hop on once I walk home from the office... if anyone has Skkra on their list, keep an eye out around 3:30 or 4:00 PM today... I might actually get to play! Fancy that!
I'll see if I can make it, I should be available at that time (that's like 1pm Central time right?) :D

I just officially received the promotion I've been gunning for for the past year. F YEAH.

That means I'll be stopping at the bar with a buddy or two on the way home from the office and throwing back some celebratory shots. Soooo I'd say I'll probably be on closer to 4:00 PM EST. So if I catch any of you on, just know you'll be fighting Drunken Skkra. This could mean I get steamrolled, but it can also mean I just go on nonstop risky insane aggressive rushdowns hahahaha.
Awesome, good shit man, congrats! Also, if you get on I would suggest you use Lei Wulong....dat drunken fist.


PSN: Skkra
Awesome, good shit man, congrats! Also, if you get on I would suggest you use Lei Wulong....dat drunken fist.
hahahaha thanks... also not sure if you were joking or not, but Central is only 1 hour behind eastern, so 4 PM EST is 3 PM Central.

Also, Drunken Lili may be my most dangerous character... she doesn't do very well played riskily, but when I just don't give a shit... look out!!! =P